

Chrono Cadet
I have a question for you. I was visiting that GLP site and needless to say, there are obviously some "unique" folks there. Any how a thread I took note of was one dealing with the wobble of the earth and that it had ceased. I know this has nothing to do with time travel and the mods are more than welcome to move this to the correct place, but I was not sure how often you visited the science part of this site, so I posted this here. So here is my question. Is this something to take note of, or is it just part of the natural cycle of the earth to stop wobbling every now and then? I am asking you because you are affiliated with other science departments at your institution. I suppose it just concerned me a little because supposedly it is fact and came from some south pole outlook or something. Just curious about the whole thing, and wondering what the big deal was?
the planet wobbles all the time! Just usually not as much. the wobble is from the super heated nickel and iron spinning thousands of miles an hour a thousand miles below our feet in the planets core/mantle basically anything under the crust.

It gives us our em field which protects us from being radiated by the sun. Which is a good thing. It is my understanding the planet has a natural vibration or wobble so it is likely we have returned to this state from a more excited wobble caused by that indian earthquake.
Heye eyecare!

I was visiting that GLP site and needless to say, there are obviously some "unique" folks there.
Yes. That is certainly a politically correct way of stating it!

Any how a thread I took note of was one dealing with the wobble of the earth and that it had ceased.
Perhaps you can point me to the thread, or copy the relevant bits here? The reason is I would need to precisely understand what "wobble" they are talking about. I can think of two different things that this might be referring to right off the bat:

1) The precession ("wobble") of the earth's axis in space. As Ren points out, this does not stop.
2) The Schumann Resonance, which is not really a "wobble" at all, but rather a standing-wave vibration.

So help me figure out a scientific description of what they are talking about and I might be able to comment.

So here is my question. Is this something to take note of, or is it just part of the natural cycle of the earth to stop wobbling every now and then?
Until I understand exactly what they are talking about, here is my suggestion: If something like this shows up on GLP and there is insufficient scientific backing information that comes along with it, I would not worry about it at all. There's lots of folks who want to predict gloom and doom on the internet. And these folks will latch onto any little thing they can get their hands on, even if they don't understand any of the science (if there is any) behind it.

Take care,
Heye eyecare,

Ok, here is a link to the exact thread.
Don't worry about a thing. It is all clearly bunk. There are so many red flags waving in that initial post that it is hilarious.

Red flag #1 - "Quantum Anomaly" which is nowhere defined with respect to any kind of scientific measurements. As one poster to this thread pointed out, using "quantum" in any BS you wish to spew on the internet makes it sound more plausible. By adding "anomaly" to it you will REALLY reel-in the half-wit conspiracy junkies! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Red flag #2 - The author (one Sorcha Fall) is in the business of selling books. Whatever means (regardless of ethics) that one can use to draw people to buy their books, the more books that person will sell!

Red flag #3 - The "Russian Scientific Reports" cited in this article are never cited by specifics, nor is there any link provided to an established, reputable scientific organization (in Russia or anywhere else).

Red flag #4 - The author who wrote the referenced article entitled "The Earth's Wobble Has Paused" (Michael Mandeville) clearly has no scientific training, education, or background. Yet he writes an awful lot of "New Age" articles that portend gloom and doom, as well as a new spiritual awakening. HERE is his resume, and when you go to page 2 you will see that his education has been exclusively limited to "politics" and "management" topics. No hard science whatsoever. Yet he makes some pretty bold claims about "science and technology". Here, have a read:

four years shipboard U.S. Navy Electronics Technician; Renewable Energy Consultant for the State of California and argicultural cooperatives; independent scientific research in the nature of matter and methods to transmute radioactive elements; completion of four years of major historical research to validate the abilities of "psychic" individuals to reliably predict the future and read past events; discovery of the percepts of "vortex tectonics" to explain how Earth's plate tectonics is driven by centrifugal force, Chandler's Wobble, and the gavitational vectors of the Moon and Sun; discovery of several correlations and preliminary proofs of vortex tectonics; detailed exploration of how and why meditative practices develop healing powers and psychic abilities.

I guess this is supposed to make me say "oooohhhh....ahhhhh... wow, I should believe him!" NOT! :D

Red flag #5 - The author states the following "This most novel events comes at a time when one of the World’s greatest Scientists, Professor James Lovelock..." I don't really recall seeing his name up there with guys like Stephen Hawking, John Archibald Wheeler, David Deutsch, Richard Feynman (deceased) or any others in a long list of VERY esteemed scientists. I think a lot of mainstream scientists ignore Lovelock.

Red Flag #6 - Tendency to interweave religious precepts and prophecy into what is allegedly a scientific report. "Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." [Book of Thomas, Saying 3]

That is enough red flags for me to have a littel chuckle and then move on. There is no appreciable science to speak of in this article. It is fluff, intended to coerce you to buy their books!

That article is a scream.
Its most humorous when you get to the sixth paragraph that begins with "Icecaps will disappear and, without their reflectivity to bounce the Sun's rays back into space."

If you click on the link to the original article and then click on the text of that paragraph you go to a review of a sci-fi book and comparing it to some other commentary by James Lovelock.

Here's the quote in its full context:

Sheckley, who died a few weeks ago, was a sci-fi satirist and his tale was merely meant as a joke, albeit a pointed one. Yet I found images of those startled colonists continually popping into mind on reading James Lovelock's latest diagnosis of the state of planet Earth.

Just like those sci-fi settlers, humanity is about to get the elbow, it seems. Carbon dioxide is being pumped into the atmosphere at such rates that a point of no return, 'a tipping point', will be reached in a decade or so and global temperatures will abruptly soar. And that will be that, says Lovelock.

Icecaps will disappear and, without their reflectivity to bounce the Sun's rays back into space, temperatures will rise even faster. Methane and carbon dioxide, currently trapped in frozen tundra, will then be released, leading to further warming. Dozens of other feedback cycles will be disrupted. Our planet will burn like a crisp and, along with it, civilisation. Humanity, returned to its former ape-man status, will be lucky to hang on, grunting in the odd, deep cave. 'The world is fighting back,' says Lovelock. 'Like the Norns in Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, we are at the end of our tether, and the rope, whose weaves define our fate, is about to break
The site the original article came from (not GLP) has a disclaimer that says all the articles are for entertainment only.
The site the original article came from (not GLP) has a disclaimer that says all the articles are for entertainment only.
Good find, bogz. Of course, we all know it is entertaining to scare the bajeezus out of ignorant people who don't know any better! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif That is what makes the story of JT so endearing to the people who fell for it.

Information is powerful. More powerful than energy, especially if it is not treated with discretion.
