Heye eyecare,
Ok, here is a link to the exact thread.
Don't worry about a thing. It is all clearly bunk. There are so many red flags waving in that initial post that it is hilarious.
Red flag #1 - "Quantum Anomaly" which is nowhere defined with respect to any kind of scientific measurements. As one poster to this thread pointed out, using "quantum" in any BS you wish to spew on the internet makes it sound more plausible. By adding "anomaly" to it you will REALLY reel-in the half-wit conspiracy junkies! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Red flag #2 - The author (one Sorcha Fall) is in the business of selling books. Whatever means (regardless of ethics) that one can use to draw people to buy their books, the more books that person will sell!
Red flag #3 - The "Russian Scientific Reports" cited in this article are never cited by specifics, nor is there any link provided to an established, reputable scientific organization (in Russia or anywhere else).
Red flag #4 - The author who wrote the referenced article entitled "The Earth's Wobble Has Paused" (Michael Mandeville) clearly has no scientific training, education, or background. Yet he writes an awful lot of "New Age" articles that portend gloom and doom, as well as a new spiritual awakening.
HERE is his resume, and when you go to page 2 you will see that his education has been exclusively limited to "politics" and "management" topics. No hard science whatsoever. Yet he makes some pretty bold claims about "science and technology". Here, have a read:
four years shipboard U.S. Navy Electronics Technician; Renewable Energy Consultant for the State of California and argicultural cooperatives; independent scientific research in the nature of matter and methods to transmute radioactive elements; completion of four years of major historical research to validate the abilities of "psychic" individuals to reliably predict the future and read past events; discovery of the percepts of "vortex tectonics" to explain how Earth's plate tectonics is driven by centrifugal force, Chandler's Wobble, and the gavitational vectors of the Moon and Sun; discovery of several correlations and preliminary proofs of vortex tectonics; detailed exploration of how and why meditative practices develop healing powers and psychic abilities.
I guess this is supposed to make me say "oooohhhh....ahhhhh... wow, I should believe him!" NOT! :D
Red flag #5 - The author states the following "This most novel events comes at a time when one of the World’s greatest Scientists, Professor James Lovelock..." I don't really recall seeing his name up there with guys like Stephen Hawking, John Archibald Wheeler, David Deutsch, Richard Feynman (deceased) or any others in a long list of VERY esteemed scientists. I think a lot of mainstream scientists ignore Lovelock.
Red Flag #6 - Tendency to interweave religious precepts and prophecy into what is allegedly a scientific report. "Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." [Book of Thomas, Saying 3]
That is enough red flags for me to have a littel chuckle and then move on. There is no appreciable science to speak of in this article. It is fluff, intended to coerce you to buy their books!