Rainmantime crazy, pos, my fault?


Epochal Historian
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1100455090creedo299">

Rainman time crazy, my fault

Rainman time crazy, my fault?

Is Rainamntime crazy, in this forum, as he could not adjust to five or more sections of virtual space as proposed within this TTI forum?

Is this, could this be my fault, or does Rain,mantime simply like, desire music?
Oh Yeah. I am certain that I am krazy. In fact, I like it. As long as people think I am crazy, they won't expect too much of me. Makes for an easy life.

Almost bought a new Toyota Tacoma today. But I think the deal went south when I started to tell the salesman "Oh, I am an excellent driver! My father always lets me drive in the driveway."

Sorry...I have to go to K-Mart right now. Underwear sale, ya know. :D

Krazee or not, Creedo, if you liked that Switchfoot CD, I would highly recommend you pick up "Futures" from Jimmy Eat World.

RainmanTweak Crazy? The Poll!

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1100480187RainmanTime">

RainmanTweak Crazy? The Poll
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />(5) They actually let Rainman outside without a football helmet on?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />(4) Oh yes, I have noticed that strange behavior he has where...
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />(3) Just because he calls his car Rainvet doesn't make him crazy. Eccentric, yes. Crazy, no!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />(2) I know I will get flamed for saying this, but I really think he is a pretty nice guy who just gets carried away at times.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />(1) Rumor has it that Rainman has the cure to cancer, but is waiting until it can be given away to all afflicted.
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Vote away, citizens of TimeTravelInstitutyopolis!

Just because I have conservative tendencies does not automatically mean I am going to try to cheat or rig the vote! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

I'm RMT, and I approved this poll!
This is not ego, however ability.

There is a clear sign of overactive ego, and you exhibit it all too often, Creedo: The inability to make fun of yourself. You take yourself so seriously, and always think you know things that other people do not.

Lighten up a bit, huh Dan? You are just as much an American Idiot as I am...you just don't want to face that little bit of truth!

Maybe your project for today should be telling NASA how they are all screwed up with this X-43 scramjet technology. I am sure they are awaiting your analysis with baited breath! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Did you ever get my PM that i sent you a while back, it wasn't to long ago, only about a bizillion years ago or such like...etc etc (hint) etc.

I wanted to hear your thoughts on it, as i respect your opinion more than most here in this forum. But i never got a reply. I wouldnt mind it if you PM'd me back sometime about it. You've probably forgotten what it was about now anyway.

Give me a PM though, don't reply here.

Kind regards,
Mr OllyB
Oh yeah...I almost forgot to include the pictures for my all-time idol!


Buy Barney!

Few people know that Barney is a Master Qabalist. Don't mess with him, since he can turn your worldline upside-down and inside-out!

It is distinctly possible that Barney is the Anitchrist, not Bush! Did you know his name adds up to 666!?

Forinstance' Ray should tell CAT who post here, ((that he loves her))?

You see, Creedo, you DO have extremely lucid moments! However, in saying this I am afraid you are also showing the limitations of your RV abilities. For if you had such abilities, you would know that I have told her this more than once!

This shows in your Johnny Eats World song, which is tremendously ego driven.

You see, Creeds, this is where you always go wrong: Passing judgment on something you know nothing about. It is obvious you have not heard much, if any, of the new Jimmy Eat World CD.

You remember the last time you did this? You passed judgment on some lyrics from the Switchfoot CD I told you about. And then, when I sent you the CD, you found out you were wrong, and the music is very positive and uplifting, indeed!

This time, you are on your own. I would recommend you get the CD and listen to all the music on it before you pass judgment on it as being "ego music".

Re: RainmanTweak Crazy? The Poll!


So far, it looks like the votes are saying I'm crazy. Fair enough... I am willing to live by the will of the people. Unfortunately, if the votes say that *I* am crazy, I can't help but think this does not bode well for our friend Creedo! :D
