RainmanTime Betters Titor. Earthquake Prediction.


Super Moderator
I would like to announce that I am now a more credible source of future events that John Titor, since I KNEW that we would have an earthquake in California today... and I predicted it as one can clearly investigate on their own.

According to THIS news story the quake hit at 12:18PM Pacific Daylight Time.

And now I would like to point out the Time of when I made the following TTI post to MEM:


The Time of this post says 1:55PM, and I do believe that the server for TTI is located in Florida, and thus on Eastern Daylight Time. This would make the adjusted time of my post in Pacific Daylight Time = 10:55AM. And that is exactly the Time I wrote this here in California, as I had just gotten home from a 10AM breakfast date.

Stay tuned for my next California earthquake prediction. There is another, bigger one coming between now and 1 June. Mark my words.

hats off to you RMT!I actually read that post earlier.
Oh wow, Rains, really impressed.

Rains, don't forget to mail me your Power Ranger collection, if I mail down handling and postage, as we agreed.
don't be narcing on the power rangers, although their abundant use of racial stereotypes is now quite laughable.
"Stay tuned for my next California earthquake prediction. There is another, bigger one coming between now and 1 June. Mark my words."

I'll bet there are at least two this week > 5 near Sumatra.
Oh wow, Rains, really impressed.

Rains, don't forget to mail me your Power Ranger collection, if I mail down handling and postage, as we agreed.
The question for you Creeds, is this: Which earthquake prediction do you want to hear about first, my SoCal prediction or my prediction for your area of the Pacific Northwest? There's gonna be a few more "fireworks" with one than the other.

Choose yer poison!
So what do you mean by "fireworks" and what about the PNW?
I'll give you a clue a la MEM-speak:


If Mt. Rainier blows its lid first, that could relieve pressure at the Yellowstone caldera. But more people would be affected in and around the SEA area. From:


"When Mount Rainier erupts it will have very devastating results. With Rainier being the largest volcano in the Cascades and located near large cities there is great potential for destruction."

Rainmantime's next prediction: I predict that Rainier will blow before Yellowstone. Perhaps as early as the end of this year. But more likely sometime next year.

anyone else think that RMT is a member of a top secrect terrorist orgranization who only converses with the top authroities and he recently got control of an earthquake making machine?
I really wanna know from other members on this board....what's with all the hate on RMT?I personally dig the views of him and may others on this board. Creedo I dig your views. So why is errbody givin RMT such a hard time. What if he's right? I don't think Yellowstone is gonna blow but another could.

RMT FOR PREZ-Lord knows anybody could do better than Bush.LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
i'm not downing on him, i think he's a great guy, anyone with such a fine kitchen (i belive you had your kitcen re-done rmt?) can't be all that bad. I was just allueding to the fact some one or someones *coughShadow-Governmentcough* could be making these things to happen, then they step up and start trust funds for people and then siphon out teh interest....didn't they have plans for an earthquake machine a while back (60's-70's?) or am I jsut thinking of an old Bond movie?
So why is errbody givin RMT such a hard time.
Because I can take it without getting all that worked up about it (unlike others, who shall remain nameless, who go whining to the MOP whenever someone calls them wacky).

RMT FOR PREZ-Lord knows anybody could do better than Bush
Engineers make terrible presidents (as proven by Jimmy Carter). Reason is we analyze based on science (not politics) and make informed decisions, rather than ones based on emotion. But thanks for the nod. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Shangra asked> I really wanna know from other members on this board....what's with all the hate on RMT?I personally dig the views of him and may others on this board. Creedo I dig your views. So why is errbody givin RMT such a hard time. What if he's right? I don't think Yellowstone is gonna blow but another could.

Creedo answers> There was intimation, by some device, that RMT was also privy to a 60's satellite experiment effects.

How the spirit complexes invest, is that they sometimes walk in, as a part of a matrices, to existing persons.

I've noted these items, about RMT.

He is socially knowable, however lack conscious in some areas.

Seems to know the Star Wars series, of events, quite well. But has trouble augmenting them.

Needs a super-mother figure, such as a spaceship shaped as a woman's tit?

I feel that this man needs tied up to a post, where he can be given a bath.Then groomed, have his feet checked and then be given both instruction and let to romp in an open daisy filled field.*This line, was humor.

Lately on other posting boards, they have been talking of both ancient giants and Sasquatches.

If there was a Chewbacca, for real.This being, as set in the Star Wars series, what would have happened if some of the Skywalker line, would have married, say into Chewbacca's family line?

RMT is a mysterious creature, that should practice wearing a ladie's nightly to work, if for only a day.

I feel that this would give certain veracity to psychoanalyst's statements, of wimen being able to see through men's transparencies?