
Please contact me in private if you did not receive my message.

It seems our latest OETW (attempted) hoaxer wants to try a new scheme. Here is what I received via PM:


A younger me will begin communicating on this web site approximately one year after the date of this message. I claim to have returned to that time from a distant future point. You had then asked me to follow the rules of your test by delivering a package one year prior. I am here to deliver that package. Please provide me your email address and I will attach an encrypted file to the email. The younger me you encounter will supply the encryption key to reveal the contents of that message. You will discover this to be the correct response to your test.

A year is a long time for you to wait, but this was your idea. Please do not tell the younger me that you received this message, the email, or its attachment.

I apologize, but I cannot state who I am or what my user name will be.

First of all, I don't do stuff like this "in private". Secondly, I would never, EVER set out any sort of "rule" for proving time travel which would allow encrypted data. Thirdly, I would NEVER specify that such a package be delivered to my EMAIL address (that is like asking for a virus infection! Sorry, I am not that stupid). I would always (and have always) directed wanna-be TTers to post their proof (as a pre-dated message) right here in this forum.

My guess as to who is behind this latest (lame) attempt is our recent self-proclaimed TTer Mr. Brendon Stutter...


when he gave the wrong "excuse" for why he could not meet my challenge (i.e. I came up with a reply that obviated his excuse), he became suddenly silent. Likely, he had to go away for awhile and think up this latest attempt to hoax me. Hence, the above private mail. But unfortunately, he did not think deeply enough. I have already identified several ways to bust this latest hoax attempt...with this open reply in the forum being the first step in one way.

Let's see if he continues the hoax... he will look pretty silly if he does. :D

Yup...we get a few time traveler claims. In Rainman's post he refered to "OETW. That acronym signifies "Once Every Two Weeks" - the average time between new time travel claims here.
"First of all, I don't do stuff like this "in private". Secondly, I would never, EVER set out any sort of "rule" for proving time travel which would allow encrypted data. Thirdly, I would NEVER specify that such a package be delivered to my EMAIL address (that is like asking for a virus infection! Sorry, I am not that stupid). I would always (and have always) directed wanna-be TTers to post their proof (as a pre-dated message) right here in this forum."

These were my conditions, not yours. I had argued that delivering the response to your yet-to-be-asked question would result in the influence of the original question, rendering the answer worthless. How then would you like me to give you the second answer? If you tell me this isn't so, because your test question has already been predetermined, please note that this is attempt number two. We've already answered the first question six months from now. In one year you will not be convinced by the delivery of the same answer twice.

"My guess as to who is behind this latest (lame) attempt is our recent self-proclaimed TTer Mr. Brendon Stutter."

Not correct.
These were my conditions, not yours.

You seem to have a desire to proove your OETW case to us and you then want to set the standard by which we judge your case. A bit self-serving, isn't it?

So why don't you just ask Rainman what it is that he needs from you to proove your case and be done with it?

Or much more easily accomplished, why don't you just give us the headline for the first article on page B-1 of the Los Angeles Times for April 1st, 2008? It shouldn't be difficult for you. After all, you did read this post a year from now and have had plenty of time to prepare.