Temporal Novice
Please contact me in private if you did not receive my message. [email protected]
Please contact me in private if you did not receive my message.
A younger me will begin communicating on this web site approximately one year after the date of this message. I claim to have returned to that time from a distant future point. You had then asked me to follow the rules of your test by delivering a package one year prior. I am here to deliver that package. Please provide me your email address and I will attach an encrypted file to the email. The younger me you encounter will supply the encryption key to reveal the contents of that message. You will discover this to be the correct response to your test.
A year is a long time for you to wait, but this was your idea. Please do not tell the younger me that you received this message, the email, or its attachment.
I apologize, but I cannot state who I am or what my user name will be.
These were my conditions, not yours.