
double post sorry
Also was logged in on upstairs comp so it posted as that username sorry I couldnt find the password etc for the old username but apparently when I log in here it remembered the old username
Re: namnaiR

okay...I've seen a lot of people making stuff up here...I was just wondering...you don't believe that Einstein (the poster) is just making stuff up, right? I mean, do you believe his story, do you believe that he believes what he's written here?
Re: namnaiR

Asking Chronos (and whoever else you might be):
do you believe that he believes what he's written here?
Yes, I believe that Einstein believes that what he is doing is real and beneficial. As far as how I feel about that, trial and error experimentation is a very good thing. However, my own personal opinion is that he now needs to "kick it up a notch" and add better forms of instrumentation to quantify position, rates, and accelerations within his experiments. But that's just me. I will always want to see better, more accurate measurement data. It helps in the analysis and potential quantification (modeling) of any "real" effect.
don't believe that Einstein (the poster) is just making stuff up, right?
I think you need to be more specific in what you are referring to before I can answer your question.

If you are asking if Einstein is in the same league as the pitiful hoaxers on this board... not even close! Einstein is doing real scientific experimentation. How he explains his observations is totally different than someone who comes on here with NO evidence and just says "Hey dudes, I am from the future... why dontcha ask me some questions 'n stuff?"

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