Rainman history note:


Epochal Historian
Rainman history note:

Please note and I am surprised at this, "If I get the meaning of what Rainman is saying", then he is saying at this time, in reference to small business enterprises going into space, that if you can make your own spaceship, then by all means go ahead and do this?

In Jacques Valie's book Return To Magonia, there are many accounts, as well as in other UFO e.t. publications, of many accounts with said aliens, appearing in little crafts on this world, in order to get the items that they need.

In the ability to replicate some of these little ships, it may be with a little effort, that some of the simulate to UFO models could actually be reproduced.

You do this at your own risk.However at this point in time, if RMT is government affiliated, them giving us or whoever the go ahead to produce their own version of a spaceship, regardless of what that spaceship design might be?
"If I get the meaning of what Rainman is saying", then he is saying at this time, in reference to small business enterprises going into space, that if you can make your own spaceship, then by all means go ahead and do this?
Yes, this is exactly what I am saying. It is the same spirit of entrepreneurship that lead to US dominance in aviation.

However at this point in time, if RMT is government affiliated, them giving us or whoever the go ahead to produce their own version of a spaceship, regardless of what that spaceship design might be?
Now this is just plain silly! Being that I am a certified FAA Designated Engineering Representative, I would NEVER agree to this. While private companies are indeed being encouraged to design spacecraft, that does NOT mean that there will no government airworthiness certification! In fact, just the opposite is currently the case. As a result of Burt Rutan's success with SpaceShipOne, the FAA is already developing new FARs and design guidance rules that will be applied to civilian spacecraft certification.

Your above supposition, Creedo, reinforces just how little you understand the safety and certification aspects of the aerospace industry. It is HIGHLY regulated, and for good reason.

DOH! Just mistakenly crash landed my nuclear fission powered unmanned space ship in Moscow! My bad. I'll help pay for the fallout cleanup.
I know about your X-permits and an annual.

It's in the FARAIM.

It is govs deathgrip on people, that only they are the sole purveyor of supplying spacecraft, that I'm trying to get at.

I'm not dating you, so please do not make me up as being dumb?

Edit note, here is the correct title of the book on Valle > Tandem, 1975. [Tandem 0-4266-157397] 1975. (Paperback) Good. Some spine and cover wear and creasing. In PASSPORT TO MAGONIA, Jacques Vallee argues that the recent appearances of UFOs, their landings, and the many. first-hand accounts of the characteristics and behaviour of their occupants, can be likened to the myths and legends from all ages and from al over the world which feature supernatural beings - angels, devils,. elves or giants, according to local folklore of belief. He sets out in this book "to build a bridge between two clusters of rumours, observations and reports: on the one hand, the claims of men and women who are. alive today and state they have observed such beings; and, on the other, the large body of similar data that has come to us through tradition". A scan of the cover is available . . ISBN: 0-4266-157397. Paperback. Good. . U.F.O's and Alien Contacts.

Seller Inventory #: 178248
ISBN: 04266157397
Publisher: Tandem
Date published: 1975
Format: Paperback //

Creedo subnotes edits> What I'm trying to show is that lots of differing aliens,. from all over, have visited Earth.

This is said as in many differing styles of spacecraft, that some, just barely seemed to make it here.

If aliens can get their ships here, and some of these ships, aren't the best in the world, then Earthbased man kind, should be able to do the same, however going in the opposite direction?
Rainman time and his friend Sigmund have snuck back in here and can only be described as dangerous Japanese Animea, or bad cartoons.

Rainman is both socially ignorant, breaks into private mails at TTI and reads them, threatens people and is probably behind allot of other negative activities here at TTI.

Sigmund degrades people, says nasty comments to people that are offthread.

These two people, in their own right, are very similar to villains held in a Japanese monster movie, with wild purple hair, threatening comments, plans to take over the world, as well as other qualities.

It if probably only a matter of time, before the MPOs will have to be notified about more of their antics.

I dare say there is no or little hope, for any of them being redeemable, as nice people, who know how to be nice to people on for merit's sake?
Creedo, sweet-heart- I may bust your chops for your inane and unintellible ramblings, but I'd lay down my life for your right to post every little insane thought you ever had.
but I'd lay down my life for your right to post every little insane thought you ever had.
And in all reality of what you do, and who you serve... that is EXACTLY what you are doing, Lt. Siegmund! And I applaud it.
