Questions for Timeline 39


Chrono Cadet
I have a couple of questions that I hope to be considered answerable. First, is CKD a disease that is spread by a virus, or is it caused only by the consumption of animals and their by products which have the disease? In other words, is being a vegan, a person who does not eat any meat, eggs, or dairy products safe? Do cattle need to eat bone meal or other products from their dead to get the disease or can they get it from other infected cattle? I was surprised in my research to find that domestic cats, cougars, and several species of birds have been identified with the disease, in addition to the commonly known species of hooven animals.

In the situation that John described, what are the best foods to stockpile in 2008? What are the best foods if one loses their stockpile?

Post 2008 is the government ignoring idividuals and concentrating their efforts on threatening groups? Do trials become unheard of nearing 2015?

Is there a period, and for how long, after a nuclear war that John describes, where solar energy is completely unreliable? Would that cause a short term "nuclear winter" where temperatures dip dramaticly?

When does product distribution become a problem in John's timeline?

Thank you in advance for answering what you can.
I went to visit someone I knew, but did not know in this dream.

He asked how I was doing, was please to see me.

Copy of what you had wanted>The primary building block for man, is the canine intron.

So this has to do with an iso-polymer held within enzymes.

Mankind is not uniform, in the way he is constructed.

Since the prion in Croitsfiled Yak-ove's Disease, is a pre-eminent building block of atomic structure, then the assignments are algebraic, to binary Boolean Algebra, where either not nor states, have been assigned to the prion.
When does the US Government make the transition to AFE?

Was Saddam Hussein captured on your timeline?

Is the public informed of CERN's discoveries?

Any more information on Canada during the next 20 years?
I have done research into CJD and answered some questions myself. Apparently prions (the cause of CJD) can be transmitted in saliva (although it appears to be difficult) which could be the reason John said do not kiss anyone you do not know. There have been over 100 confirmed human cases in the past 7 years. It is normally contracted through ingestion where the prions travel through the spleen to the brain through the nerves, but can also travel through the lymphatic system.

There is no known cure but it has been found that certain RNA increases the rate of conversion of normal prions to the abnormal prions, and this process has been able to be slowed down by targeting the RNA that helps this process.

The main problem is detecting the disease soon enough to help the patient. Typically the patient will first show signs of a psychological disorder such as insomnia or depression which will not be considered related to CJD because of the disease's rarity. By the time the patient shows the tell-tale signs of imbalance and pain in the face, hands and feet, it is usually too late.

If anyone knows anything significant that I missed, or knows of any mistake I may have made, please post.