Questions about time travel and some other stuff


Temporal Novice
I am a newbie to this forum but I have some questions regarding time travel that need to be answered by any experts in this forum. Hope your answers would help me further in the study of time travel.
1) Has anyone discovered the real working method to travel forward or backward in time?
2) Is John Titor a real time traveler from the year 2036?
3) Is blackhole the only tunnel to be used in time traveling?
4) Does a person or an object have to or must be traveling faster than speed of light in order to successfully travel forward or backward in time?
5) I recently read a story about several battle aircrafts back in the WWII was being somehow discovered and the aircrafts were still traveling but in a very high speed on the moon's surface by a highly trusted authority. My question is... how did those aircrafts travel from earth to the moon? Teleportation or time travel method was discovered by then or what?
6) Besides John Titor... if he ever existed... Is or was there any time traveler existed? If so...who are they?
7) In the Philadelphia experiment... Duncan said that he traveled to the year of 6069 and described some stuff he saw to us. My question is: did Duncan really travel to the year of 6069. If so, how did he do it? Any clues???
I think that's all for now...I will raise more questions later...
so many ??? in my head....need someone to solve these for me...thanks for a million times...
1) Has anyone discovered the real working method to travel forward or backward in time?

- I personally know of someone who has, but not for another 5 years in a parallel universe. A lot of people, now, might have a good idea of how time travel can be achieved. However, a lot of people have absolutely no clue.

2) Is John Titor a real time traveler from the year 2036?

- Being a subscriber of the infinite universe idea, it is likely that, somewhere, sometime, a time traveler did exactly what he did. Did it really happen in our universe? Uncertain.

3) Is blackhole the only tunnel to be used in time traveling?

- No. I personally believe that traveling into a black hole would be a fatal mistake, regardless of what technologically advanced species attempting it.

4) Does a person or an object have to or must be traveling faster than speed of light in order to successfully travel forward or backward in time?

- Traveling near speed of light = traveling forward. Traveling faster than the speed of light = traveling backward. I don't believe this is the only method, because you could probably change your atomic speed using various methods to experience dilation.

5) I recently read a story about several battle aircrafts back in the WWII was being somehow discovered and the aircrafts were still traveling but in a very high speed on the moon's surface by a highly trusted authority. My question is... how did those aircrafts travel from earth to the moon? Teleportation or time travel method was discovered by then or what?

- No clue.

6) Besides John Titor... if he ever existed... Is or was there any time traveler existed? If so...who are they?

- Yes, Bob from 2010.

7) In the Philadelphia experiment... Duncan said that he traveled to the year of 6069 and described some stuff he saw to us. My question is: did Duncan really travel to the year of 6069. If so, how did he do it? Any clues???

- I don't know anything about this either. I do know that it would take a significantly longer time to travel from 6069 back to his time. By my calculations, 13-14 years.
1) Has anyone discovered the real working method to travel forward or backward in time?
Answer);If you understand the theory of early late times, and late early time in the field of electrodynamics, then the phenomenon occurs every second, within normal spacetime. The question of who? when ? and how is subjective

2) Is John Titor a real time traveler from the year 2036?
Answer);I feel that if someone like that is from the future, then his whole mission is to come back in time to become a hoax, and discredit the entire notion of time travel as a whole,??!

3) Is blackhole the only tunnel to be used in time traveling?
Answer);they best way to answer that, is that you can't have the "hip" if you dont have the "hop" ya mean /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

4) Does a person or an object have to or must be traveling faster than speed of light in order to successfully travel forward or backward in time?
Answer);the term is "Superluminal", and the kick is that you are moving, very slowly at that speed, but the answer is yes,

5) I recently read a story about several battle aircrafts back in the WWII was being somehow discovered and the aircrafts were still traveling but in a very high speed on the moon's surface by a highly trusted authority. My question is... how did those aircrafts travel from earth to the moon? Teleportation or time travel method was discovered by then or what?
Answer);Whenever our government talks about aircarft that they did not have some hand in building they are talking about. Extra-temporal vehicles, and that particular one in question has not only been filmed and documented, by our government, but by every government, on the planet

6) Besides John Titor... if he ever existed... Is or was there any time traveler existed? If so...who are they?,
Answer);Baby boy John, and Baby Girl Jane.

7) In the Philadelphia experiment... Duncan said that he traveled to the year of 6069 and described some stuff he saw to us. My question is: did Duncan really travel to the year of 6069. If so, how did he do it? Any clues???
Answer);Dude, I dont know if that is true, but I do know that after the experiment, Einstein fired his barber. :D

1) Has anyone discovered the real working method to travel forward or backward in time?

A method? In theory, yes. A real working gadget? Not that I'm aware of.

2) Is John Titor a real time traveler from the year 2036?

No. A good story teller - but not a time traveler. I'd explain but you have almost 5 years of posts on this and other boards to look at to make up your own mind. Good luck with the reading.

3) Is blackhole the only tunnel to be used in time traveling?

In theory, no. There are other methods.

4) Does a person or an object have to or must be traveling faster than speed of light in order to successfully travel forward or backward in time?

No. See the Special Theory of Relativity, for instance.

5) I recently read a story about several battle aircrafts back in the WWII was being somehow discovered and the aircrafts were still traveling but in a very high speed on the moon's surface by a highly trusted authority. My question is... how did those aircrafts travel from earth to the moon? Teleportation or time travel method was discovered by then or what?

You should be able to think this one through. The big clue is in the name - "aircraft". WWII aircraft were propeller driven (with a couple of exceptions...and they need the same thing that propellers need). Propellers need to beat up the air...wings need air...lift-drag coefficient, etc. The moon seems to be a bit short on atmosphere. Ask Rainman about this. He's the aeronautical engineer. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

6) Besides John Titor... if he ever existed... Is or was there any time traveler existed? If so...who are they?

Don't know the answer to that one.

7) In the Philadelphia experiment... Duncan said that he traveled to the year of 6069 and described some stuff he saw to us. My question is: did Duncan really travel to the year of 6069. If so, how did he do it? Any clues???

As in Eddie and Duncan Cameron? I think that one thing to keep in mind is that Al Bielek didn't "remember" any of the Philadelphia Project until after he saw the movie. Then when he writes his money making book he begins to fill in the details...including, for instance, Albert Einstein's "involvement". That was a bit of a problem because Einstein was working on a problem with torpedo triggers (tyhe U.S., Britain and Germany were all suffering the same torpedo problem. They were failing to detonate (contact trigger) or detonating prematurely (magnetic triggers). The Navy received Einstein's report and suggestions...and ignored them. They didn't really trust him...he was, after all, a German.)

In any case, Al Bielek's story is a bit suspect. Unlike Titor's story where he created a fiction and gained a following, Bielek watched the fiction at a theater and then created his own story thus gaining a following.

But it's up to you, not me, to decide if the timing was a conicidence and the story is true or not. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I sincerely believe if you want to add to or undertand time travel then you have to decide and answer these things for yourself.
Some require answers some simply require you to subscribe to theories and stories, some of your questions are stupid, but they should be obvious to you if you are not stupid.

Good Scientist
Seeing as no one can help out with question 7, I'll have a go.

7.) Duncan didnt travel to 6069 from the philadelphia experiment. He travel to 6069 from montauk - like most of the montauk recruits were asked to do - they don't know for sure why people were asked to go there.

The montauk time portal was based on a different standard of science. They used frequency and radionic mind manipulation to open up time portals as well as other things. In effect they allegedly built computerised a mind reader that sent the brain signals from a Phychic (which was duncan most of the time) into the computers. They decoded what it was he was thinking and sent it out to various anntenas (its a bit more complex then that, but i forget all the specifics these days) they focused the thought or frequency and opened up time portals. Its the idea of collection energy from mental thought localising it into a more dense material form and focusing it at a highly (VERY higly amplified rate). There were many problems initially, to do with the set up and configuration of antennas. this was supposedly based on ET technology and theory.

In essence if you dont believe in radionic theory, the idea people can manifest objects from nothing and the idea that everyone is connected to a universal consciousness, therefore able to manipulate it mentally. Then the montauk accounts will be to 'out-there' for you.

they could go to any point in space or time. I believe AL remembered the philadelphia experiment from the movie, yes. Then he had it confirmed by billy meier. to say he based it on the movie is a bit of an overstatment. Also the movie contains aspects of montauk. Which they didnt know about. As the original allende jessup didnt talk about montauk at all. Infact there are many strange things surrounding the movie production itself. Al only makes up a small part of the montauk account. The movie was all hollywood paint with no substance.

Anyway, one thing is for sure. Some of montauk will be disinformation some will be real. Al could also be an active disinformer, Preston likely is too.

P.S. einstein wasn't as much a key part of the philadelphia experiment as Nickola Telsa was. This also makes more sense when you think of Tesla's superior knowledge on electro magnetism and electric currents (key example is the Tesla coil). If anything Tesla is easily and equal to einstein, and probably had much more potential.

kind regards,
1) Has anyone discovered the real working method to travel forward or backward in time?

Forward - yes. Backwards - no.

Travelling forward through time is easy: Just accelerate a spaceship to near-light speed. The closer you get to the speed of light, the faster you travel into the future.

Physicists also have some ideas regarding backwards time-travel: Wormholes, Cosmic Strings, and Quantum Entanglement to name a few. But as of 2005, no-one is sure whether these methods are workable.

2) Is John Titor a real time traveler from the year 2036?

Probably not.

But if you want to be absolutely sure, just wait a few more months: Titor claimed that the USA will plunge into a civil war in 2005. If this event doesn't occur by the end of this year (and it won't) you'll be 100% sure that Titor is a fake.

3) Is blackhole the only tunnel to be used in time traveling?

No. (see my answer to #1)

4) Does a person or an object have to or must be traveling faster than speed of light in order to successfully travel forward or backward in time?

No. As far as we currently know, travelling faster than light is impossible. All the methods of time travel currently speculated upon by physicists, do not involve travelling faster than light.

5) I recently read a story about several battle aircrafts back in the WWII was being somehow discovered and the aircrafts were still traveling but in a very high speed on the moon's surface by a highly trusted authority. My question is... how did those aircrafts travel from earth to the moon? Teleportation or time travel method was discovered by then or what?

Never happened.

If I were you, I would reconsider my position on whether that "highly trusted authority" who made these rediculous claims should really be trusted.

6) Besides John Titor... if he ever existed... Is or was there any time traveler existed? If so...who are they?

Are there time travellers around? Given the plausability of time travel, and the fact that future travellers would have no problem to reach our time, the answer is probably "yes".

Who are they? I have no idea. My guess is that they are taking pretty drastic measures to ensure that they aren't exposed.

7) In the Philadelphia experiment... Duncan said that he traveled to the year of 6069 and described some stuff he saw to us. My question is: did Duncan really travel to the year of 6069.

Dunno know. But I am always suspicious of people whose claims are based on an hollywood film... Think for yourself.
Hmmmn John Titor and his Many worlds, i wish someone would come up with a better ability to travel than MWI

The problem with Many Worlds Theory (IMO when thinking it through today) is it suggests immortality, i cannot shake this out of my mind,
if there is an infinite number of universes then there is 100% chance that should you have an accident or get cancer there will be other versions of you who dont.
Since we cannot observe death because death is a NON-CONSCIOUS observer state and the whole theories are about observer states then one could say no one can experience death with 100% certainty.
A) MWI says there is 100% chance that other versions of you would survive a plane crash even if you do not.

B) Taking into consideration observer states, the probability of knowing you are dead is ZERO.

If no one can ever experience death, but everyone has counterparts who survive would this not suggest no one dies from their point of view?

Like lets say i put a grenade in my mouth and pull the pin, from MY point of view it mysteriously does not work, however from everyone elses point of view (multiverse relativity) my head explodes,
but my consciousness somehow switches for survival to areas where probability of survival is 100% i.e universe where the grenade has a dud fuse.

Now there is no problem with that, in fact it may help to explain randomness and probability in the first place i don't know (i am no scientist) but the problem is where does it end, i mean am i going to live billions of years?
because i have escaped death by the small subset of universes where survival is possible even though it would seem extremely remote here?.

And the survival idea is not so silly if we consider the fact the YOU now is not the same as the YOU when you was a baby, you are already a reconstruction, with MWI you could take it a step further,that for every second you are not in the same universe.
I dunno that immortality idea bothers me,in fact the idea of it being true brings me out in cold sweats due to fear, i mean i wanna live reasonobly long but thats just...horrible and hopefully absurd. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Nice post. However, I'll tell you what the problem is. You are placing too much value on humans. A lot of people assume that the universe caters to human aspects, and therefore certain things cannot happen. I do not concur.
Also the problem with multiple world theory is that people assume, that its the same 'being' inhabiting all doubles. I have gone through this before and stated my reasons as to why i think this would be next to impossible, due to Wisdomic evolutionary reasons.

not every double will be inhabited by 'you' though consciously, each entity would believe its was the same person.

Also the idea that you fill up a gun chamber with 6 bullets and play russian roulette, might not mean that in some universe one person in that universe, somewhere, will fire all 6 and not get shot.

If the gun works and the bullets are projected from the gun on course for your head, Its going to hit you no matter what. Unless of course something happens in that split second before, During or after the gun goes off. The idea that the bullet just wont connect or disappear, just because the laws of averages dictates all possibilities must be played out, Is wrong.

If a situation means there will be only one outcome - in multiple world theory - this ONE outcome will be played out, just played out in all alternate ways. So for all those that make it to bullet 6, all doubles still playing this game will die on that bullet (providing they fire and it has free run to their head). This will happen because its not so much the 'casual' outcome thats effected by multiple world theory, but rather the different possible courses leading up to the 'casual' outcome.

The outcome of not getting shot on the 6th bullet (in those universes) will not be because of some sort of divine intervention by the laws of averages, but rather another logical event (which in itself is countless) meaning the bullet doesnt connect. This is another 'casual' outcome, in which all logical possible courses leading up to this outcome are played out over another set of countless universes.

kind regards,
Well i was not just thinking in human terms, i mean we know schrodingers cat right?
well imagine if you were the cat! imagine if you are put in a box and the indeterminate nature of atoms affects whether you are poisoned or not what would you witness?
My suggestion pins on the idea you can never witness non-conciousness,perhaps it only occurs when you force yourself into a quantum superposition.
I am not really willing to do the experiment.

Basically the idea of immortality would apply to every atom in the universe,so would apply to ants and goldfish too, although they would not make so much fuss about it.

One would assume that (lets say immortality is true for arguments sake) as years go by and you get older and older you will notice more improbable things, like when you are 300 years old the world would be more improbable and strange event wise than when you were 100 yrs old, eventually you will end up on your own in the universe.

There will be universes where the arrow of time is reversed, many say that the only reason our time arrow is forward is because it is the easiest most probable outcome, it is much harder to unbreak eggs than it is to break them ENTROPY!
But it is only a probability so there could be a small subset of universes which actually make you younger.
You can only last so long in a universe before probability gets silly,like if you have lived a billion years you will now be in range of time arrow reversal.
Hmmmn John Titor and his Many worlds, i wish someone would come up with a better ability to travel than MWI

The problem with Many Worlds Theory (IMO when thinking it through today) is it suggests immortality, i cannot shake this out of my mind,
if there is an infinite number of universes then there is 100% chance that should you have an accident or get cancer there will be other versions of you who dont.
Since we cannot observe death because death is a NON-CONSCIOUS observer state and the whole theories are about observer states then one could say no one can experience death with 100% certainty.
A) MWI says there is 100% chance that other versions of you would survive a plane crash even if you do not.

B) Taking into consideration observer states, the probability of knowing you are dead is ZERO.

If no one can ever experience death, but everyone has counterparts who survive would this not suggest no one dies from their point of view?

And interesting premise which may well be true.

But I would replace the word "death" with "complete annihilation". After all, even if you die, it may be possible to ressurect you in the future. The chances may be slim, but as long as they are not ZERO, MWI (given your analysis) gurantees that some version of you will die and be brought back to life in the far future.

Given your granade example, there are many completely different scenarios possible (after we exclude annihilation). To name a few:

1. The granade doesn't go off.
2. Somebody comes at the last moment and pulls the granade out of your mouth - which kills HIM.
3. The granade does go off, and you miraculously remain unharmed.
4. The granade does go off, leaving you alive but with terrible injuries.
5. The granade kills you, and you find yourself in the year 2300 AD after your body was reassembled. It turns out that a sexy girl from the future fell in love with an old picture of you and asked the good doctors to retrieve and revive your body.
6. The granade kills you, and you find yourself in the year 2300 AD after your body was reassembled by a bunch of scientists - welcome to your new life as a human guinea pig...
7. The granade kills you, and you discover that there is an afterlife.

Say what you might say about Many Worlds... It sure makes life more interesting