Not familiar with Kundalini, but I did a little research. Interesting. Sending this healing energy to the past may have repercussions. If you are targeting a specific individual you have to worry if the effects of the healing energy on his/her life will ultimately affect you on your worldline. Although it seems to be a very positive healing energy, I was reading about some of the complications associated with Kundalini which concrens me. For example, let's say I was sending these healing energies to the past to my grandfather. Unfortunately, he experiences the complications and as a result, never meets my grandmother, never gives birth to my father, and I never come into existence in this worldline. What becomes of me? On the other hand the healing powers could prolong my grandfather's life, allowing me a chance to develop memories of him that I may otherwise have never had because he passed away before I was born. So look at the recipients of this healing energy, the potential causality violation it could impose on you, then make your decision.
Thank you :oops: