

Temporal Novice
I want to send some energy to the past and was wondering if there is any reprocussions of doing this. The sensi who taught me how to do it told me there is but then he dissapeard before telling me them.

Repercussions of sending energy into the past may include; as with your sensei, your ability to spell will also disappear.
I want to sent Kundalini healing energy to the past to fix health problems. I have sent energy to the future and recived it with no problem but I am kinda w0rried about trying to send it into the past.
Not familiar with Kundalini, but I did a little research. Interesting. Sending this healing energy to the past may have repercussions. If you are targeting a specific individual you have to worry if the effects of the healing energy on his/her life will ultimately affect you on your worldline. Although it seems to be a very positive healing energy, I was reading about some of the complications associated with Kundalini which concrens me. For example, let's say I was sending these healing energies to the past to my grandfather. Unfortunately, he experiences the complications and as a result, never meets my grandmother, never gives birth to my father, and I never come into existence in this worldline. What becomes of me? On the other hand the healing powers could prolong my grandfather's life, allowing me a chance to develop memories of him that I may otherwise have never had because he passed away before I was born. So look at the recipients of this healing energy, the potential causality violation it could impose on you, then make your decision.

Thank you :oops:
Thank you for that. I accually have that one figured out. I waas thinking on trying it out on myself. I wear glasses and I think if i heal my eyes overtime. This way it will change very little of this time era/band.
Also when I send energy I recive the same amount back. So the bucket effect is ok. and since time amd space is a slow moveing liquid it should make very little almost no ripples. Plus I don't see at this moment what wearing glasses or not would effect this time period. Plus all we are is the dust of the futures past. so I am not to worried about changeing the future.

P.S sorry about studdering keybord I have haaad a little to much to drink at the moment.