Question to people who have been around longer:

If the TTA understands your question correctly, I would say that my claim/assessment of JT’s fraudulent character & prolonged influence long after he would leave. This was inferred quite often by myself at the time, hence my reason for being his #1 critic. His words have obviously been used as a gospel for linking occurrences for possible clues since that time, in hopes that his story would shine true of things to come.


In my view - you should look up transient's old posts. However he never quite claimed to be a TT in the way that you may think. But yes, I say trans' would be a good stop....
I recall Transient001. We go back many years

Sorry for being so hard on you back then... no hard feelings I hope.

Hopefully he will pay the forum a visit again soon, when he has the time.

It certainly would be good to catch up with him....

Kind regards,