Question Concerning the Twin Paradox


Temporal Novice

Borrowing names from the FAQ at UCR, I'd like to rephrase my questions concerning the twin paradox. Suppose you have two twins particpating in a relativity experiment. Stella will travel into outer space: she will accelerate to .99c, coast at that speed for a while, decelerate back to speed of 0, hover at a speed of 0 for a brief time, turn back around and accelerate back toward Earth to a speed of .99c, coast at that speed for a while again, decelerate as she approaches Earth, and finally land back at the launch site. Terence, meanwhile, will remain on Earth in his special office. Both Stella and Terence have access to very powerful telescopes that can see a clock at each other's locale (i.e., Stella's ship, Terence's office) no matter how far apart they are.

In light of all this, how would each of them see the other's clock in the following discrete cases:

(1) Stella accelerates away from Terence to .99c?
(2) Stella coasts away from Terence at .99c?
(3) Stella decelerates toward a speed of 0 but is still going
away from Terence?
(4) Stella hovers at a speed of 0 for a brief time?
(5) After Stella has turned her ship around, she accelerates
to a speed of .99c going back towards Terence?
(6) Stella coasts back toward Terence at .99c?
(7) Stella decelerates toward a speed of 0 but is still
approaching Terence?
(8) Stella and Terence are back at launch site?

In other words, will Stella's clock appear slowed down from Terence's perspective? Will Terence's clock appear slowed down from Stella's perspective? Will the amount of slowing down appear to be the same in both cases? If not, then what kind of difference would exist, and what would account for the discrepancy?

Thanks for any help!
The twins paradox is not a valid assumption, if biology between the two twins is contiguious.
This is an interesting question--one that has crossed my mind before. However, you question is too simplistic for a really good answer. Parts of the question could be answered, I suppose, but more questions would arise such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Would observing the clock affect it's properties? The obvious assumption would be that the clock observed by Terrence would be going slower--almost at a standstill. The opposite would be the case for Stella--it would be going impossibly fast--it's arms would be traveling at .99c. At rest, each clock would pass the same time. The question arises, does the viewpoint of each observer change with speed. At C, the clock would be seen as light particles spread out over a large area-perhaps close to infinite. Again, the opposite would occur in the other direction--or perhaps the same in that the light would seem to be slowed down as it approached Stella's telescope and therefore be close to a standstill. The end result would be the same however. Terrence would be old or dead.
I would assume the same would occur on the return trip but reversed since Stella would be traveling at .99c TOWARD the light from Terrence's clock. Then you would have to take into account redshift and other astronomical phenomena. If you have some idea of the physics involved, I'd like to hear it--from a human point of view--not from an extraterrestrial.
RE: Question Concerning the Twin Paradox, S.O.B. Re.

According to early text on E.T.s extraterrestials are at times, humanic.

It is realized in many sectors, not only a few, that humans and extraterrestials, are the same item.

So any said translaition of the relativity based precept from the twins disimilairty nonexactness, can be rated from zero, to "I guess they do age disimarily"?; to the statement, due to the aspects of biotelepahty, so joining the two twins, then there may be an equarity between the two, so adjusting their ages via distance".

However the example which was given in Time and Lifes editions on the Cosmose, space travel dated 1968, had shown the twins to be measued as only disimilar ages, not into Le Morte?

So S./O.B. is professing a new twist on the text, could this be?
RE: Question Concerning the Twin Paradox, S.O.B. Re.


You are so predictable. That is why I added at the end of my post "from a human point of view--not an extraterrestrial". Your views are worthless.

RE: Question Concerning the Twin Paradox, S.O.B. Re.

You should be a good judge of what's worthless?
RE: Question Concerning the Twin Paradox, S.O.B. Re.

Creedy Baby!

Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?
RE: Question Concerning the Twin Paradox, S.O.B. Re.

Yeah Creedo, don’t be such a crybaby about it. SonofBabylon clearly stated: “If you have some idea of the physics involved, I'd like to hear it--from a human point of view--not from an extraterrestrial.”

And you in your Dumbass Homer Simpson Phase, posted something without thinking, and brought this embarrassment upon your self… Again.


If you haven’t learned anything yet, you might want to start. Because it’s only going to keep happening until you own up to it, and learn to take the time to really listen and think.
