What kind of air pressure does this sonic boom produce?
Another good question, and the answer is: It depends.
What it depends upon is the strength of the shock wave, and that is determined by the Mach number of the flow around the body creating the shock wave. The reason this is a very good question is because this question is answered in total by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (the precursor of NASA) NACA Report #1135. The name of this report is "Equations, Tables, and Charts for Compressible Flow." It is one of the fundamentals of aerodynamics and gas dynamics, and I can guarantee you that all aerospace engineers have a copy of this thin, 69 page booklet in their libraries.
The first 19 pages of this report provides the governing equations for shock waves and expansion waves in supersonic flow, and the remaining pages provide tabulated charts for computing the gas dynamic properties across shock waves and expansion waves. One of the things that is most unusual (and unexpected to those who are uninitiated) is that the computations involved in supersonic flow are actually a great deal
simpler than similar computations for subsonic flows.
To answer you question, if you know what the Mach number is for any given flow you can use the tables in NACA 1135 to determine the pressure, temperature, and density changes as you move across the shock wave (from in front of it to behind it). But in general the following is true:
1) TOTAL Pressure drops from in front of the shock (station 1) to behind the shock (station 2). Since total pressure is a measure of the total energy in the flow, what this tells us is that a shock wave is a normal, entropic phenomenon (energy is lost due to the conversion that it represents). However...
2) Static pressure increases from station 1 to station 2, as you cross the shock. For example, for a relatively weak shock (Mach=1.05) the ratio of the static pressure behind the shock to that in front is 1.120. As the Mach number increases this ratio also increases. So for Mach 3.0 the pressure ratio (p2/p1) rises to 10.33!
3) Temperature increases from station 1 to station 2 (i.e. the ratio T2/T1 is greater than one and increases in value as the Mach number increases).
4) Air density increases from station 1 to station 2 (i.e. rho2/rho1>1.0 and increases with Mach number)
as well is there any reaction that produces a gas?
Not in plain old (non-reactive) air, no. But if you accelerated some fairly volatile compound which only needs compression to create a reaction (i.e. ignition) at some body at supersonic speeds, then you could create a reaction. But it is not really practical, at least not in earth's atmosphere.
If so, can it be chain jumped?
(IE sonic boom = sonic blast)
Not in the earth's atmosphere, no. The nitrogen content of our air makes it very stable, and very boring when it comes to trying to sustain a reaction. This is why you need a fuel to make a fuel-air bomb!
Idea being for harnessing a creation of power in whatever context.
The turbofan engine is the best device to do just this, and as you reach Mach numbers greater than 3.0 then the best thing is to get rid of the compressor/fan altogether and simply use a ramjet.
(It also makes me wonder what we've done in terms of taking air pressure PSI to the limits...)
It depends upon what you mean by "limits". The last of NASA's scramjet test vehicles that were flown over the Pacific Test Range a couple years ago would give you an idea of the kinds of pressures we have made an air vehicle experience. That final scramjet test got the test vehicle to a Mach number of around 9.0 at an altitude of 40,000 feet. So let's use my handy NACA-1135 report and our knowledge of the atmosphere to figure out what the static pressure was on the downstream side of the shock wave for that vehicle:
1) On a standard day in the atmosphere at 40,000 feet the atmospheric pressure is about 2.73 PSI (as compared to sea level atmospheric pressure which is 14.69 PSI).
2) Using my NACA-1135 table for a Mach number of 9.0 I find that the pressure ratio p2/p1 for a normal shock wave is 94.33.
3) So the pressure on the vehicle downstream of the shock wave was on the order of 257.4 PSI.
Now for an aerospace vehicle that is a bit high for an external pressure on the skin of a vehicle, but if this were being flown at the same Mach number at sea level the pressure would be about 1385 PSI. But these values pale in comparison to some of the high air pressure closed systems used in some pneumatic applications, which can get as high as 5000 PSI.