Re: For Every Action---Equal/Opposite Reaction
Ray, I love your scientific approach to defining my craziness! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
As per my previous post in this thread, talking about all this nothingness and non stuff and the notions of quantum fluxuations of thought, my maniacal madness increases…
I begin thinking and I wonder just how distorted are our senses in view of real realty?
If you read any spiritual literature of any kind it was those great traditions that gave rise to the religions of Judaism, Christianity and the religions of the far east, you’ll find in these spiritual traditions a phrase that says… your in this world, but not of it…
Maybe that’s not a metaphor? Maybe we should examine that phrase very carefully to see what it means?
Lets imagine we are listening to Beethoven on the radio and we know that if we tear the radio apart hoping to find Beethoven inside the radio - we wont! Were not going to find him there for a technical reason, he’s not there… Because the radio is an instrument that traps a non local field of energy and information and creates a space time event out of it…
A space-time event is any event that has a location in space and has moments in time…
This computer has this location here… it has moments in time, it had a beginning a middle and has an ending… A tree is a space-time event, this body is a space-time event… once upon a time this body was just a spec of information and DNA. It occupies different locations in space and has moments in time… everything that we perceive with our senses is a space-time event or a continuum of space-time events. So the radio is an instrument that takes a non-local field of information and energy and creates a space-time event of it. If the radio is in Chicago but the symphony is in New York - a different location in space and different time zone… if this radio is on the moon than its a completely different location in space and moment in time… if the radio is in another galaxy 100 million light years away than we are in a completely different location but also a completely different dimension of time… but the symphony by itself is non local and can not be localized in space or in time - that’s what the word means - non local…
So if we are not in the body than where are we? The answer seems to be that it’s the wrong question!
Because as soon as we say “where†it implies a location in space to something that does not occupy space… and we also apply moments in time to something that is eternal and timeless. The soul is space-less, its dimensionless, its eternal, therefore timeless and we cant say where it is?
Even birth and death are space-time events with locations in space and a moment in time. These are just parenthesis in our existence - Mortality in disguise!
So we are space less, dimensionless, timeless without beginning and end… only that which has a beginning has an end but that which has no beginning cant die… there is no end to that… water can not wet it, wind cannot dry it, weapons cannot cleave it, fire cannot burn it!
Ask Stephen hawking the great physicist who occupies the chair of physics at Cambridge University once occupied by Isaac Newton. Ask him about the nature of reality and the universe… he will tell you that it has no beginning in time, no ending in time and no edges in space… please try and imagine, visualize and conceptualize that… you will find its totally and utterly and completely impossible! How do you imagine something that never began without loosing your mind?
So this whole quantum physics stuff is not only stranger than we think it is, it is stranger than we can think because the way we can think is based on a superstition… it’s the superstition of materialism!
This superstitious materialism contains memories that go back to our childhood, our intrauterine life, and the moments of conception and because the real soul cannot be squeezed into the volume of a body or the span of a lifetime - remembering that we are boundless, just like that symphony couldn’t be squeezed into the radio…
So these memories go back eons of time. In fact there are parts of our brain that contain not only personal memories of our many life times ago, but they also contain memories of our race and our species and other species. We have a part of the brain that’s known as the reptilian brain and mammalian and amphibian… In fact everything here replicates the entire evolutionary history of everything that exists in creation… and they are not just my memories but they are our memories…
And there is scientific basis for this, I’m not making this stuff up! as you guys might think I’m crazy about now!) For example you meet a neumococos (viral organism) for the first time your body knows how to make a precise antibody to that neumococos even though our body has never met this before… why does it know? Because some ancestor met the neumococos and learned how to deal with it, and that memory is there in our software. So like I said we have ancestral memories, racial memories, species memories, and interspecies (and like I said I’m not making this stuff up). There is a word for this in biology its called ontogeny and phylogeny …
But I wonder just how far we can stretch those capabilities? Just what are some real capabilities of our own body that directs the thought process into action? So we can see how real and realm collide…
Now, some people including doctors say this is hogwash, but there is scientific evidence that “Sounds†(frequencies, which is information energy) can be used for healing. You can see the effects of these sounds not only on the body, as in the blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing… But you can take the cells out of the body and look at immune cells and play the sounds to the immune cells in the test tube and see that they start generating healing chemicals. You can block the healing effect of sound by giving somebody Narcan… which is a narcotic antagonist which means when this healing is occurring through sounds, your body is generating androgenic opiates. Opiates are heroin like compounds, but like the heroin you buy on the street these are androgenic opiates that are healing substances. They may be more powerful than any heroin you can buy on the street, but they are healing opiates… so sounds generate opiates… sounds generate tranquilizers… So if you play sounds of tranquility your body will make valium and Diazepam. Which ironically is the same exact thing that Hoffman-LaRoche makes but its made in the right amount so you don’t feel like a zombie, it allows your cells to do their job in tranquility…
A lot of science is coming around to recognizing that sounds can have profound healing effects in the body and this happens because sound is metabolized by the body and made into molecules…
The word indeed becomes the flesh!
Have I lost my mind? Can you guys do me a favor, tell Auntie Em to let Old Yeller out, (cough cough)… Tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming home this Christmas… Oh and Tell Scarlett I do give a damn! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif