Ok, I \'THINK\' I see where you\'re going....
"What if by using magnets, on a multiple axis mechanical bubble you could create a "null-space" of no gravity, almost zero mass, and the ability for near infinite acceleration..... as in V=(m0/c2)....so in essence you are moving, but remaining in one position on a xyz axis?"
Ok, it is theorized that time can in fact be distorted in areas of high engery, and I've had a few experences that tend to lead me to believe that this is true. Hell, all gravity really is, is the curve of Time/Space... However, I'm not sure you COULD move through time without first leaving our universe. Although your idea would be perfect for moving from point to point in space with a few changes. {I.E. Use the ectro-mag field to reduce friction to allow faster travel through space, ect...}
However, what would happen if one could "distort" time, much as it is believed a Black Hole does, while remaining within your "protective bubble" then time travel just might be possible, although I think it would be only one way. Sadly however, I don't think we currently have enough power to do this, nor would we WANT to do this anywhere near a livible planet.... {Deep space perhaps, but even then you'd possibly be creating a danger for others if the distortions in Time did indeed create a Black Hole.
But, this is all in theory, so I'll leave you with one last food for thought {which is what this psot is based on to begain with}, curerently we believe that black holes are caused by strong grav fields, well, what if thats not true, and the strong grav fields are only a by-product of the Time distortions caused by anthour source? Its foolish to think that mankind has discovered even the basic rules of the universe...
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