Qanon - Who is Q?


Rift Surfer
If you frequent Twitter and read politics, you may have come across the mystery of Q. I don't know who wrote it. I'm just passing this along.

Q posts on using a trip code that occasionally changes. People then pass around the mysterious posts on Twitter and Gab.

He has given us advanced notice of some incidents, including the recent bombing in NY just before the Holidays. He told us a false flag event was going to occur and bam -- 2 days later, NYC bomb.

I'm not going to post all of his stuff here, but I may share interesting ones. Many of us feel that Trump is involved. Trump often tweets 2 mins after Q posts. (You can google and scan Twitter to verify all this information as I don't keep copies of any of it). On Twitter, search for "Qanon" and click Latest.

Thoughts? Let's not make this a political debate. My intention of posting this is to share the mystery, not discuss who likes Donald Trump and who doesn't.

Note: The latest term for the Illuminati is now the "Deep State".

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Leo Zagami broke away from them and wrote a tell all book of things he learned as the top leader of the Illuminati. He said on a phone conversation with me last year that the group got their start as a protector of the aliens and in return were given time travel technology as a way to have more power to keep them safe. I think Leo is the real deal and feels the same way as Corso in that Power Corrupts and the few folks that have had this time travel have gone too far with the misuse of power. It seems like "Q" may feel the same way also? The deep state may very well be evil pricks that have fallen for the trap of power corrupts?

I think that 9 out of 10 people would abuse power and it takes a very God loving strong willed person to resist temptation.

I wonder how Trump never went along with the power hungry control freaks of the world?

Q is very interesting, to say the least. There are a few people who claim that Julian Assange is Q too, since him and Q seemed to be active and quiet at the same times, and Julain replaced Os in a Tweet not too long ago with Qs.

There is a really good spreadsheet of all the Q stuff out there... Shows all of Q's questions or statements, then there's information or answers people provided so you can see how it all lines up. I'll try to look for it and post it here and on CC.

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I wonder if Q is the person that gives info to Julian? When I was a manager for DHS I has friends in others secret government jobs that would exchange secret information with me. It was a one up game we played and I always seem to loose. I was told things that could get me a visit from some nasty angry people if they found out it got leaked. I'll share some info after my friend dies...maybe? When we get near the end of our days on earth we tend not to worry much about death. I hope that other insider feel the need to share what they know "Before" they die. We may want to view Assange as a world wide hero for exposing the evils of the deep state?

Q is very interesting, to say the least. There are a few people who claim that Julian Assange is Q too, since him and Q seemed to be active and quiet at the same times, and Julain replaced Os in a Tweet not too long ago with Qs.
There is a really good spreadsheet of all the Q stuff out there... Shows all of Q's questions or statements, then there's information or answers people provided so you can see how it all lines up. I'll try to look for it and post it here and on CC.
Julian could be involved, but Q has said "we" a few times, implying that it is a team of people. The people involved are definitely people inside, in the know, who know of events in advance of them happening. If they attempt to stop these events, they will reveal themselves and could be harmed or at the very least stopped from informing us.
Julian seems very emotionally neutral. Q has a more caring rapport at times. But who knows?

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I wonder if Q is the person that gives info to Julian? When I was a manager for DHS I has friends in others secret government jobs that would exchange secret information with me. It was a one up game we played and I always seem to loose. I was told things that could get me a visit from some nasty angry people if they found out it got leaked. I'll share some info after my friend dies...maybe? When we get near the end of our days on earth we tend not to worry much about death. I hope that other insider feel the need to share what they know "Before" they die. We may want to view Assange as a world wide hero for exposing the evils of the deep state?
I have 2 cousins from DHS but neither will say a single word about their job other than their general job description. I don't know if they exchange info among themselves, but it wouldn't surprise me. I'm not going to bother asking them about Q because they would probably deny it, anyway.
Everything is covered up.

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The SES folks are paid well and love their work and that is why the FBI was called the untouchables? The mob could buy the members of the FBI for cash so the mob changed their M.O.! You can guess of many other ways to control people and so can they. I just see trouble if we continue to act as a police state like Nazi Germany became. "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"!

Our mass media is owned and controlled by a few very rich powerful folks that work for some international cabal.

The many fingers of their control have been able to create the deep state and now comes Trump!

If they fail to unseat Trump they know he will at some point expose them all. This is why the war of words between the left media and Trump will continue until there is a clear winner. Either way we may be in for another nasty civil war soon?

The SES folks are paid well and love their work and that is why the FBI was called the untouchables? The mob could buy the members of the FBI for cash so the mob changed their M.O.! You can guess of many other ways to control people and so can they. I just see trouble if we continue to act as a police state like Nazi Germany became. "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"!
Our mass media is owned and controlled by a few very rich powerful folks that work for some international cabal.

The many fingers of their control have been able to create the deep state and now comes Trump!

If they fail to unseat Trump they know he will at some point expose them all. This is why the war of words between the left media and Trump will continue until there is a clear winner. Either way we may be in for another nasty civil war soon?
Civil war may be necessary to take down the deep state. We technically are already in a civil war. War is fought differently these days.
Q hasn't posted in a while. Perhaps he gave out all the information he needed to in order to awaken us? He/they has/have proven that all "conspiracy theories" are true.

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He is my take: There may be two powerful and very secret forces at work in our world we may call "Good and Evil"! The same as we see good and evil humans we may also have good and evil aliens that have human followers. The evil ones will lie cheat murder and act as power hungry control freaks while the good aliens and humans avoid such behaviors. There may come a time where the good much act poorly to bring humanity back in balance. Or the evil ones may shit once too often in their own nest and trip over their own dick? Time will come when the North evil Koreans make a fatal mistake of hitting us with an E-EMP. That event would cause the city folks to murder each other wholesale and forever change the voting pool. Our cities are full of useless eaters that sap our nations economy dry and they have grown in greater numbers in recent years. Kim of NK is a sick puppy that could cause the next world war? Trump is not controlled by the secret cabal as was both other party presidents. The people have seen the harm caused by the oligarchy cabal. They seem to be acting like a cornered rats they represent. Most folks in the past have been behind the curve before the advent of wars and economic failures and I think that trend will repeat itself? If you live in or near a large city I would suggest you make a plan to avoid trouble and do it soon.

A year later and it's still going ?

@PaulaJedi and others, do you still follow?

Update for those finding this now... The sites linked above have moved or shut down. Here's the new QAnon site everyone seems to like:

...However, Q hasn't posted in about a month and his credibility on 8ch has taken a big hit. We'll see what happens soon I guess.

Remember when Obama shit canned many of the top military brass and replaced them with his cronies? Then those Obama placed in charge fired and replaced them with more followers.

Those smarter fired military brass now had time to kill and were good at their jobs. What if they all got together as a team and talked Trump into running for president?

What if they had a large smart following still working on the inside that were able to feed info to the Trump team?

All it takes is to piss off enough people to a high enough level to get the game started?

"Game ON Deep State"!

Smart money will prepare for trouble.

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@PaulaJedi[/uSER] and others, do you still follow?
Update for those finding this now... The sites linked above have moved or shut down. Here's the new QAnon site everyone seems to like:

...However, Q hasn't posted in about a month and his credibility on 8ch has taken a big hit. We'll see what happens soon I guess.
I do not try to decipher because I am no good at it and plenty of other people do it, but I read the posts.  What I'm finding is that Q is leading us to existing information, except for the photos from within the Air Force One.  He really is just a news source, most likely working with Trump, that was created to give us information outside of main stream media. There are a lot of people and shows mocking Q now, but as they say, if Q is just a Larp, why spend so much time trying to discredit the movement?

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If he's a LARP, he's a far better LARP than the internet has ever seen. Some of the "proofs" I see are tenuous or indirect (most of those come from morons on 8ch making the stupidist goddamned connections possible), but it's still interesting and worth following for at least the news and theories alone ? I love Q. Toots is funny too.

Time will tell...maybe? As we get closer to the next general election we may see more information from "Q"? Look for trouble in Portland, OR on the 17th.

Just as we were in a cold war with Russia we have been in a slow build up in a civil war here. There may be a trigger or tipping point that turns our nation into a full civil war soon.

The disparage of force between the governments military and the civilian force of arms has allowed the abuse of power to go unabated.   

Think of the next civil war in terms of a large Dam about to burst. The pressure builds to a point where the devastation is near absolute destruction occurs.

The unfortunate fact may be that most people can't imagine what a civil war would be like or what best to do in the event of such an event.

Combat veterans may be the ones to listen to when the SHTF?   

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