

Temporal Novice
I have a thought provoking scriptural reference. Assuming that all we are to discover is to be used in accordance with God's purpose whether you believe in him or not, if time travel becomes a reality and prehistory pinpointing accuracy is available..what do you suppose "You will bruise him in the head and he will bruise you in the heel" means to a time traveler in reference to the serpent? Creative analogy or not... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Intervention perhaps?
All I know is that God and the Angelic hierarchies, were sort of a traveling manufacturing show.

The Jews were once his favored people, however there are different developments there now.

That man was supposed to have started colonization of near and outerspace in the late sixties to now and that mankind like an automobile, is made by many different manufactures.

I think that God, the Christian god cares, however here on Earth, there are other gods and this functions like a union for gods in general.

I think our prime time went out the window starting the 1970s and if wee did not take advantage of translocation of mankind then, then I feel that it's tough cookies.

I'm sorry, but most people don't even get this picture, however is true.

Religion is just dogma, if one did not take advantage of the times that were and excuses such as the Vietnam budget ate up all the money for space exploration just does not cut it.

This message is not, and I repeat is not intended towards any aerospace experts working here?

It is just the socioeconomic situation and this window of opportunity was not taken advantage of and now we as a society are in really big trouble.
To raise the consiousness of all the brilliant and gifted poeple involved with this site.
I encourage all who reply to entertain the idea of not being able to stop a waterfall by holding a bucket at the bottom. All of the worlds problems and mishaps are nestled with some sort of positivity to follow, dependent upon that event in that particular universe or occurances. However for humankind there is indeed a beginning, a starting point to our linear existance. Despite the questionable accuracy of the Bible's truths...who can argue the humankinds existance is not linear,having a begining. One must entertain the idea of what if the original pair obeyed? or were never tempted in the first place. "We" here would still exist with our less then perfect lifespans but then there would be another line of perfect humans with perfect advancement of technologies...
If this is a reality more than one covenant can be fulfilled and thus more than one covenent can be entered without /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif contradiction...

It is very difficult to combine an insult and compliment in the same sentence and get it to fly. To imply that we need our consciousness raised (to your level?) is an insult--wittingly or unwittingly. The embellishment of brilliant and gifted gets lost in the translation--regardless of the sincerity intended. I'd hate to see you fall into the same trap that Chrono has--eliciting skepticism from the very start. Obviously, you have something to contribute that may be relevant to the discussion here (timetravel), but it does not supercede what has already been shared here. There have been many who have come here and used the old "bait and switch" routine, condescending at first and then switching to a "I know the answer" and "you don't". None of us knows the answers, but each of us may carry a piece of the puzzle. With that said, I will assume that you meant "contributing to the collective consciousness". Words have power both to create and destroy. This is just my little attempt at contributing to the collective consciousness.

I'm truly sorry if I came across to you as arrogant in any way. I suppose you are quite correct in your analysis. It sometimes comes with age and experience but that is still not any good reason to let it raise its ugly head. However, there is a concept fully ingrained in the Bible that draws a fine line between arrogance and primitive godliness. We are quickly approaching that time prophecied about that speaks of "straight and true testimony". It will only be given by those who "keep the commandments of God" and have "the faith OF Jesus". Although this comes from a Christian book, it is relevant throughout all other religions as well. I am jealous for truth and I see truth in you. My true intention was to help you through the "politics" of this forum so that you can freely share what I intuitively feel is important to the many-faceted "paradigm" which is developing here. Again, I apologize for the misconception.