Super Moderator
Predictions made by Yosseff on Dec 31, 2008
Source: Paranormal Forums
- Severe destructive winds will increase and become more commonplace across the planet
- American Automobile industry will weather current storm, shrink, and restructure will have unintended positive results; just not for American auto industry
- A simple floating, water re-distribution transportation system will be created to re-direct water quickly from storms to areas in need
- Power outages will increase around globe
- A well known plant will be discovered that aids in curing cancer
- Heatwave in Southern Britain will endanger many in April
- A mandatory volunteer service program used as a cover for a draft program in America will be revealed after it fails
- Scandal will rock the White House with positive impacting results
- Dubai will become a major exporter of alternative energy
- A well-known American celebrity will get injured because of a series of freak circumstances put into place by one of their pets while their house is under construction
- Nancy Pelosi will be involved in an unavoidable auto incident where she and her driver are injured, but Pelosi will recover
- Flooding will increase; 2-4 major coastal city will experience unprecedented levels of flooding
- A child prodigy will be revealed who shares how to use something common and in abundance as a new energy source
- A well-known writer will suffer from a stroke, recover and go on to write a new best selling book
- A famous European Actress will be on a cruise attacked by pirates, and will survive
- A major work will be re-discovered within a large university's storage facility previously believed to be lost
- Vitamin D will be revealed to help treat Parkinson's Disease
- A horrific accident at a major power plant in March will first be blamed on terrorists
- China will obtain additional commercial and residential properties in the U.S. through phony front companies
- Vibrations will be harnessed to successfully treat illness and disease more
- A well-known lifelong proponent of war will reverse their stance to share alternative, viable solutions to peaceful resolution
- Source of Bee die off will be revealed
- A major company responsible for causing massive pollution for decades will be revealed and forced to clean up damage
- A tropical disease associated with breathing will begin to appear in increasing numbers in Great Britain and parts of Europe in Mid-to-Late 2009
- A scandal in the UN will shake up leadership and a long-time member will leave
- A previous identified UFO will be revealed as a government supported civilian agency craft
- A well-known high ranking governmental correspondent will pass away
- A scandal at the State Department will allow for a long overdue removal of ineffective, inept individuals in key leadership positions
- A current peace keeping device used by law enforcement officials will be reclassified as a weapon due to growing number of unnecessary deaths associated with it
- In August, September, or October, a positive change in U.S. Immigration Policy occurs after a series of persons in key leadership positions have close family members severely injured, placed in the hospital, or killed by illegal aliens.
- Actual accurate numbers of all military and civilian casualties and those injured throughout the War on Terrorism revealed that causes massive restructuring and removal of U.S. Forces operating in Middle East
- Key U.S. figurehead held accountable for past torture of alleged, and actual enemy combatants
Source: Paranormal Forums
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