Psychic Energy & Conspiracies


Chrono Cadet
In thinking about the possibilty of ESP, one might explain the phenomenom by supposing this is some sort of electro-magnetic impulse generated by our biochemical/electrical impulses.

Dolphins have bio-plasmatic chambers on their foreheads in which they receive the echoes of the pulses they send out. It helps them orient themselves and navigate. Humans might well have some well-hidden mechanisms in their brains that do similar things. These "chambers" or receivers, could be more enhanced in some people than in others.

Of note, are recent discoveries in the differences in people with schizophrenia. Quite commonly, people with this affliction are found to have a cavity in the inner brain, near the central brain stem (Dr. Andreason, University of Iowa College Medicine). They also have been found to have a difficulty in the frontal lobe, which oragnizes "thoughts". Maybe, at least some of these individuals, "recieve" additional information or inputs of imformation of which is unusual. So much so that they have difficulty organizing or classifying it. The additional information may be in the form of what they recieve from their "sonar" cavities at the center of their brains. This is just an idle theory. The "crazy" thoughts exhibited by those with schizophrenia, might just be the inability to properly organize these strange inputs into a logical manner.

A thought. In our history, people with visions etc. were considered special, able to prophecize or advise in a spiritual way. Maybe, inherently, our species knew these folks had abilities that were different.

All of it is dependent upon energy. Some sort of energy, be it scientifically recognized, or not.

We live in light and energy, it is most difficult to escape no matter.

"The appropriateness of chance is astounding"
Interesting theory, one that I have given much thought to back in my New Age years. And even now to this day I still believe in some form of mental communication. Having experienced it first hand, being able to receive and send thoughts to almost anyone I encounter. I don't want to brag /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif but I'm pretty good at getting inside people's heads.

However, I see this as an ability to be exploited by Time Travelers. Knowing the pattern at which their current thinking process is at now, and where it would lead to later. Realizing that when I get a vision or a voice at specific numbers, either confirming a suspicion or to just add a little mystery to an incident that just took place. Making it seem as if some omniscient force is in control of my life.

On a human scale, I can see how this thinking can be done and counter it, for I do it too, but to oppose those who would wish to have me fall into a cleverly planed trap. I consider many possibilities throughout my day that some may think are over board preparations.

But they are all based on fact and principle not fear; it's breaking it down to the lowest common denominator.

It's looking into the basic fundamentals that exist, just over looked and ignored by many... Time Travelers are able to see these variables that we may dismiss, and exploit us with them. It's not like looking into the mechanics of physics or psychology, but it's the inner workings of playing an elaborate game of chess on a 4th dimensional scale where thoughts and emotions are your game pieces, and trying to figure out your opponents next move and where to fit yours is quite challenging.

Just today alone, my counter measures were easily taken apart by the exploitation of another individual like me, who through can get to me. And the momentum of what I set in motion before as my defense, really did more damage to me then I had presently anticipated.

So what does this have to do with psychic energy?

That I am attached symbiotically to the actions that would either save me or destroy me, and that I feel the repercussions of that end result deeply as if it were my own soul lost if I don't see through all possibilities to triumph in the end.

And no I am not talking about posting and getting the last word /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif but I can see how that can apply too

Keep up the clever string of ideas, I like 'em /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Dear TTA,

My only advice, through having gone through such very similar type that you can never lose if you take the high road!

Think of all your cowboy heroes, or space-freak heroes, or whatever type heroes (Shakespeare, Homer, War Of The Roses, Confederacy Of Dunces, Kurt Vonnegut Heroes, Kafka Heroes!!) whatall...If one tries very deeply to be sensible, and yet not paranoid, and to always give plenty of room for doubt as far as the other guy is concerned. Because, goddamn! (excuse my cursing) It's half the job to give the other guy (in whatever we feel we are up against) the opportunity to be a good guy.

So, my advice, when in serious, serious territory where the answer to one's actions is unclear...pick the most likely honest subject, using logic, and forge an extension of trust.

It has worked for me so many, many times. In very serious matters. Be the "diplomat" whose job it is to find common ground.

That's always sound advice no matter!

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Persephone, you said:
<<So, my advice, when in serious, serious territory where the answer to one's actions is unclear...pick the most likely honest subject, using logic, and forge an extension of trust.
It has worked for me so many, many times. In very serious matters. Be the "diplomat" whose job it is to find common ground.>>

That is sound advice, and trust me, I have tried that (been there done that)... However, this isn't some movie or television show that you can see this as the only obvious solution against the bad guys.

Just what do you do when that relationship of trust is looked down upon as a threat by them?

How can you not help but be paranoid when a 3rd party is hell bent on manipulating it to be destroyed?

Do you have any idea how many relationships become destroyed by a 3rd party? Lots of them... And the heartlessness of them in the end is forever imprinted in the after effects of our souls loss.

Nice try anyways for attempting to ease the situation with generic cowboy plots of heroism and trekie style alliances, I'm sure in conventional non temporal situations that would work. But there are variables that nothing goes unconsidered, not to mentioned exploited. A new approach will someday be implemented. And a clarity of justice and principle will set the stage, and we will all know the responsibility we need to take as a whole. (unfortunately this too will also be exploited).

Dear Friend TTA,

Something comes to mind: every action has an equal reaction, or however it is such put.

Might not force be met with counter-force, and distrust be met with distrust, in such circumstances?

As always, it is wise to guard ones vulnerabilites, and try to foresee (ha, foresight in the hues of time travel seems ironic) to foresee any such susceptible components of dealing with the unknown. But I must stand my ground in stating that, unless evidence to the contrary dictates, the best stance is one of trust, to forge healthy relationships.

Yes, granted, that is rather "trekkie" of me. But it is wise none-the-less.

But, I am not advocately blind trust. No, reasoned first gestures of trust that are calculatedly measured for their risk. LOGIC demands such behavior.

Then again, if one has reason to believe that trust is not an appropriate direction to take, still I would look for opportunities of common ground, and behave defensively without creating a catalyst for further incompatability. Because in the future, our actions could haunt us in the unexpected outcomes.

Just looking at our world politics and earthly history should let us know that the dynamics of collective relationships among peoples change dramatically.

Then again, maybe you have met some pretty ferocious pirates out there in space/time that I can not conceive of?

The appropriateness of chance is astounding....
Second Reply To Timetravelactivist,

You said: "Just what do you do when that relationship of trust is looked down upon as a threat by them?"

My answer: Still, this is a matter of diplomacy. Cultural differences of interpretation can be overcome by close observation, and most helpful, is to seek out the iundividual among the counter-side who appears to be most open, or who has the most to GAIN by cooperation. Blatant, all out showmanship of one's willingness to exist peacefully, should be reserved at first. To try and be as non-commital, and as benign as possible, so as to have time to evaluate the "opposition", is the first step. That is if one can not have a foot in the door, which is usually the case, by having an initial contact with an enlightened being from the opposition. Any way, I am rambling.

As far as third parties complicating the diplomatic mix, with their motivations and hidden agendas, one must think in terms of "game theory" and the most strategic, mutually advantageous manner in which to proceed. And one must always have an ear to the ground so to speak, to KNOW the workings of the mind's of whom one is dealing with.

Inclusion is always more advantageous than drawing lines, and predicating enemies.

But the big bad uglies, are usually pretty darn obvious anyway.

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
<<Then again, maybe you have met some pretty ferocious pirates out there in space/time that I can not conceive of?>>

Not just out there, but in here as well. Guard well your trust Persephone, I sense that hell will soon break lose, and you will be the next "extension of trust" or a forging of a healthy relationship (as you would call it) with another.

<<As far as third parties complicating the diplomatic mix, with their motivations and hidden agendas, one must think in terms of "game theory" and the most strategic, mutually advantageous manner in which to proceed. And one must always have an ear to the ground so to speak, to KNOW the workings of the mind's of whom one is dealing with.>>

Well this 3rd party won't tell you anything about anyone. Just give you some common advice... Be careful who you consider to be enlightened, if they are truly enlightened test their patience and compassion first. If they fail and quickly change their face, stay the hell away from them, it's not worth it.

Dear TTA,

"In here as well" do you mean on the forum?

I don't want to get in the middle of any spats or misunderstandings. I enjoy the open discussion of ideas and perceptions presented here. Merely that.

Then again, you could be talking about encounters beyond this forum, in that case, it is wise to be cautious but curious.

You'll note that the subject of my original post had to do with "conspiracies" and all that that entails.


TTA, I see you as one great stampede of lips directed at the nearest Derriere!

May you be chased across the desert by a herd of sex starved Camels you cheap internet Harpy!


P.S. Persephone he knows your a "HER" so beware!
TTA, I see you as one great stampede of lips directed at the nearest Derriere!

May you be chased across the desert by a herd of sex starved Camels you cheap internet Harpy!

Persephone, he knows your a "HER" so beware!
Well that was pathetic CAT :D. Wanted to remain Anonymous so that you can say many un-lady like and un-christian like words to me, and not have anyone know that it was you. Please /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I really feel sorry for you though, you really feel that I hurt you, and you truly want others to follow in the same idea that I am deceptive just because you feel hurt. But what is it that we are really looking at here, your insecurity? Feeling that a great injustice was done to you, which is really no big deal at all. It is for that very reason that you cannot let go the feeling that you need the world to know that I am the labeled names in that last post of yours?

Please CAT, just get over it already. It's obvious your spending to much energy on this, and it's making you drop to these levels just to get your fill of satisfaction. You can't tell me that you feel happy for the things you've said out of anger. After all, from the sounds of your last post, I think what your going through is mainly do because of the consequences of your actions, and your realizing that you done something wrong, but not accepting responsibility. Not so much growing into something more divine. I think it's clear from your recent posts that you have much more to learn to be truly Godlike. If that is of course your mission in all of this understanding of the universe through New Age Hebrew interpretations


Wrong again, you are an ineffably salacious demented, feeble minded plotless mass of loathsome repulsiveness!

What a Blackguard you are!

I did not intend to post under anonymous you half wit and if you had any sort of reasoning brain what so ever, you would "REMEMBER" that you have to log in to post! Well I thought I was logged in (but I wasn't) and pressed reply and it accepted it! obviously MOP had added this new conference topic but forgot to apply the logged in command. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me!

When I went to re read my posting I couldn't find it and so I thought it was lost and re posted it again quickly!

It just goes to show how low you would go to try and make me look like the sneaky one! I have nothing to hide, my name is signed on one of them, I could have as easily taken it out! and besides I really don't think anyone would seem to care about a stupid hideous non important thing like this! Try taking out a map and looking for tiny islands, way out in the Pacific Ocean! That's where the people who care live! Well not anymore, you probably screwed things up there toooooooooooooooo!!!

Dear CAT & TTA,

Now, now, now folks...Let's just continue the friendly discussion.

Maybe I asked for it just mentioning the word "conspiracies". That sort of word kind of makes people paranoid and edgy.

BUT, /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I think we can share our ideas openly and be honestly interested in what others have to say, without letting ourselves lose our objectivity and composure.

You are both quite interesting and intelligent posters, let's just continue the discussion, okay? :D

Psychic Energy: we are made of the same bits of energy that the rest of our existence is made of, so isn't it logical to imagine a time when humans can master and interpret the energy around them?

If matter is energy and energy is matter, why is it such a far fetched idea to think that psychic abilities are possible?

Through time and evolution, if it is a boon to our species to have such "gifts" why wouldn't they emerge?

Tha appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Re: Things that don\'t work:

On illuminattis and their plans.

I can only say that through expierence, that political systems that rely on terrorism and that are so insecure, that they must firghten people, in order to manitain their existances, in time, uasaully fall apart.
take better care of your ability to precieve things many are
better trained then you. yours is low keyed like mine and just because you may know what they are about to say or do some are warnings as well as traps

Well said...

As for "people with schizophrenia"

But I'll add... Are people who are psychic systematically identified and put on pyschic damper drugs by the Illumanti and Masons in this country...

Is the current push by drug companies and doctors an effort to stop a pyschic awakening of the human race... Is that what 2012 and universal rotation is all about as well...

I think of the movie Sneakers... No More Secrets...

Some people's ability are beyond imagination... As if the universe speaks to them /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think so... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

This thread sure does take me back. Wherever you are Persephone, the TTA hopes you are well /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

But I'll add... Are people who are psychic systematically identified and put on pyschic damper drugs by the Illumanti and Masons in this country...

Maybe... personally, I have felt a damper on my abilities over the years.

And though they may not be as sharp as they used to be, I am fairly certain that I can reconstitute them fully to their former stature when the time that I may once again need them comes.

In the mean time, not having the full extent of my psychic powers available to me, is assisting in keeping the other unpleasantries of their aspects at bay.
