Temporal Novice
Properties of Light
Gen. 1:3 And God said there was light, and there was light. The Hebrew word owr calls this light ILLUMINATION or luminary in every sense including lighting, happiness, bright, clear, daylight, glorious, kindle, set on fire, shine. It also has properties that imply it to be close, to hurry, haste, labor and be narrow. This, in turn, leads us to the oracular lights of the Urim and Thummin on the breastplate of the high priest which suggest a positive and a negativity to light. It refers to both being either positive or negative PARTICLES. Of course, this refers to grammar but in the origin of language, deals with physical systems. This gives us some indication behind the meaning of God IS light and God IS love.
Now if we are to believe that God is eternal and resides in a timeless place, then there are inferences that light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second, has those qualities that science says would occur at that speed. Namely, time would cease to flow forwards or backwards. The question arises, does it need observation by an intelligent source to affect or maintain this speed and the consequent flow or non-flow of time. Regardless of how we look at it, light must have properties of timelessness and only change its form when observed-either as a series of waves or a series of particles. What this would imply is that at the moment of creation or first cause, light would have extended throughout the entire universe as a timeless stream(the concept of time being irrelevant) and, therefore, every point in space AND time is as it appeared at the time. In other words, those points AND time are now visible to us in REAL TIME and not as science has stated that we are looking at these points as being far back in time. The theory goes that by speeding up an object to light speed, its mass would also become infinite. Wouldn't this also occur with a particle of light-no matter how small it was?
Another characteristic of light according to the Hebrew is that it PRESSES upon that which it impacts. In the scheme of the creation event in which all of the creation was surrounded by this timeless light and was pressing upon the matter that was created without form and void, then an inference could be made that before matter had any properties at all, light was predominate and was the source of gravity, much like the properties given by Tesla to the ether which was HIS source for gravity as a pushing rather than a pull of the mass of the object. This timeless light could very well account for the 90% of matter that is missing to make a complete picture for the several models now available to account for the observable universe. It certainly takes a stretch of the imagination to conceive of this model of light being predominant and matter being insignificant. We perceive the idea of matter being stretched out infinitely at light speed but usually only in the direction of travel. Could this also occur in every other direction as well? If so, then the idea of light being the agent of gravity is not so hard to accept since there would be an infinity of particles or waves, both virtual and physical, to account for the massive effect that gravity has on matter. In that case, the flutter of a butterfly on the other end of the universe could have an effect here as Cat has so splendidly outlined in her post. Let me know your thoughts, notwithstanding the caped crusader's attempts to dissuade rational study of mysterious things. Zen Buddhism speaks of the universe as close to us as the blood rushing through our neck. Is that new age enough for you caped crusader?
Gen. 1:3 And God said there was light, and there was light. The Hebrew word owr calls this light ILLUMINATION or luminary in every sense including lighting, happiness, bright, clear, daylight, glorious, kindle, set on fire, shine. It also has properties that imply it to be close, to hurry, haste, labor and be narrow. This, in turn, leads us to the oracular lights of the Urim and Thummin on the breastplate of the high priest which suggest a positive and a negativity to light. It refers to both being either positive or negative PARTICLES. Of course, this refers to grammar but in the origin of language, deals with physical systems. This gives us some indication behind the meaning of God IS light and God IS love.
Now if we are to believe that God is eternal and resides in a timeless place, then there are inferences that light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second, has those qualities that science says would occur at that speed. Namely, time would cease to flow forwards or backwards. The question arises, does it need observation by an intelligent source to affect or maintain this speed and the consequent flow or non-flow of time. Regardless of how we look at it, light must have properties of timelessness and only change its form when observed-either as a series of waves or a series of particles. What this would imply is that at the moment of creation or first cause, light would have extended throughout the entire universe as a timeless stream(the concept of time being irrelevant) and, therefore, every point in space AND time is as it appeared at the time. In other words, those points AND time are now visible to us in REAL TIME and not as science has stated that we are looking at these points as being far back in time. The theory goes that by speeding up an object to light speed, its mass would also become infinite. Wouldn't this also occur with a particle of light-no matter how small it was?
Another characteristic of light according to the Hebrew is that it PRESSES upon that which it impacts. In the scheme of the creation event in which all of the creation was surrounded by this timeless light and was pressing upon the matter that was created without form and void, then an inference could be made that before matter had any properties at all, light was predominate and was the source of gravity, much like the properties given by Tesla to the ether which was HIS source for gravity as a pushing rather than a pull of the mass of the object. This timeless light could very well account for the 90% of matter that is missing to make a complete picture for the several models now available to account for the observable universe. It certainly takes a stretch of the imagination to conceive of this model of light being predominant and matter being insignificant. We perceive the idea of matter being stretched out infinitely at light speed but usually only in the direction of travel. Could this also occur in every other direction as well? If so, then the idea of light being the agent of gravity is not so hard to accept since there would be an infinity of particles or waves, both virtual and physical, to account for the massive effect that gravity has on matter. In that case, the flutter of a butterfly on the other end of the universe could have an effect here as Cat has so splendidly outlined in her post. Let me know your thoughts, notwithstanding the caped crusader's attempts to dissuade rational study of mysterious things. Zen Buddhism speaks of the universe as close to us as the blood rushing through our neck. Is that new age enough for you caped crusader?