Properties of Light

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Temporal Novice
Properties of Light

Gen. 1:3 And God said there was light, and there was light. The Hebrew word owr calls this light ILLUMINATION or luminary in every sense including lighting, happiness, bright, clear, daylight, glorious, kindle, set on fire, shine. It also has properties that imply it to be close, to hurry, haste, labor and be narrow. This, in turn, leads us to the oracular lights of the Urim and Thummin on the breastplate of the high priest which suggest a positive and a negativity to light. It refers to both being either positive or negative PARTICLES. Of course, this refers to grammar but in the origin of language, deals with physical systems. This gives us some indication behind the meaning of God IS light and God IS love.

Now if we are to believe that God is eternal and resides in a timeless place, then there are inferences that light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second, has those qualities that science says would occur at that speed. Namely, time would cease to flow forwards or backwards. The question arises, does it need observation by an intelligent source to affect or maintain this speed and the consequent flow or non-flow of time. Regardless of how we look at it, light must have properties of timelessness and only change its form when observed-either as a series of waves or a series of particles. What this would imply is that at the moment of creation or first cause, light would have extended throughout the entire universe as a timeless stream(the concept of time being irrelevant) and, therefore, every point in space AND time is as it appeared at the time. In other words, those points AND time are now visible to us in REAL TIME and not as science has stated that we are looking at these points as being far back in time. The theory goes that by speeding up an object to light speed, its mass would also become infinite. Wouldn't this also occur with a particle of light-no matter how small it was?

Another characteristic of light according to the Hebrew is that it PRESSES upon that which it impacts. In the scheme of the creation event in which all of the creation was surrounded by this timeless light and was pressing upon the matter that was created without form and void, then an inference could be made that before matter had any properties at all, light was predominate and was the source of gravity, much like the properties given by Tesla to the ether which was HIS source for gravity as a pushing rather than a pull of the mass of the object. This timeless light could very well account for the 90% of matter that is missing to make a complete picture for the several models now available to account for the observable universe. It certainly takes a stretch of the imagination to conceive of this model of light being predominant and matter being insignificant. We perceive the idea of matter being stretched out infinitely at light speed but usually only in the direction of travel. Could this also occur in every other direction as well? If so, then the idea of light being the agent of gravity is not so hard to accept since there would be an infinity of particles or waves, both virtual and physical, to account for the massive effect that gravity has on matter. In that case, the flutter of a butterfly on the other end of the universe could have an effect here as Cat has so splendidly outlined in her post. Let me know your thoughts, notwithstanding the caped crusader's attempts to dissuade rational study of mysterious things. Zen Buddhism speaks of the universe as close to us as the blood rushing through our neck. Is that new age enough for you caped crusader?
Re: Photons

Friend DA


I once heard that light, aka photons, is timeless. It goes so fast it is not even here, it does not exists in our universe, we are only experiencing the space left behind by the photon. It is a nearly mystical concept, but most physicist agree to this, photons are not in our universe, our universe being too slow for them. So we have a particle that it is not here, yet we can experience it´s passage. Remember when I suggested photons being angels? Well we might not be that far off.

However the reference to the Urim and Thummin are actually the representation of two primal forces in the universe. Evenmore important than the Eight Principles of Hermes, these are the Additus Potens and the Nihilus Potens. One is an ever giving source and the other is an ever extinguishing source. Both forces have no position regarding good versus evil, for they are part of the first light, the AUR. They simply give or take away. Mystics for ages now have been employing them to power their studies.

One has the attributes of the right side of the Tree and the other the attributes of the left side of the Tree, however they could not exist if it were not for the existence of the Zero between them. This zero is the unconscious mind struggling between two universal forces.

Until light becomes now.
First of all, if you recall, the Book of Genesis does not start with the creation of light. it starts with the creation of Heaven and Earth.

001:001 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

001:002 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.

001:003 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

001:004 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
light from the darkness.

001:005 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called
Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day

We're clearly looking at creation epoch of our world. The "inspired" writers of the Bible wrote in allegories and metaphors and are only concerned with the Creation as it ultimately pertains to Mankind. While at some deep, yet to be discovered level, the "timeless" nature of light may be the essential vessel of divinity, do not allow pseudo-science/mysticism to impair your reasoning faculties.

As it turns out, during repeatable experiments by a team of Australian physicists, it has been shown that the speed of light may not be the constant that Einstein's theories so heavily rely upon. Calculations show light to have slowed down over the course of billions of years. It addition, it has also been shown that the speed of light may be slowed down artificially. Light, like time, is malleable -- hardly a quality in an omnipotent God.

Also, light per se is not an agent of gravity. Geometry is the agent of gravity. For gravity is merely the warp of the space-time contimuum by mass. Mass is "knots" of energy. Energy may be light, but it may be other things as well. Light is a form of energy -- electro-magnetic. Light may also be shown mathematically as NULL lines that contour around gravitational fields thereby defining the warp (This is the effect of light "bending" around gravitational fields).

This is not to say that Divinity does not have a hand in the processes of the universe. I believe that God wants to be acknowledged and therefore God endowed sentient creatures with a spiritual nature that constantly seeks a First Cause and and an Ultimate Meaning. But God also endowed sentient creatures with Mind and it is our resposibility to seek logical and scientific reality. We can attribute all sorts of things to God - that is easy, for what is NOT of God - but that makes us stop looking deeper into the issues. No matter how deep you look into sub-atomic particles, you will not find God but you will find God's signature.
Friends Of TR125.0121

I was reading the last post and saw something I have never paid attention to before.
Well there is the Pythagorean Triad a squared + b squared = c squared. So the first Perfect Pithagorean Triad is that of 3, 4 and 5. This Triad has a value of 25. considering that Light is only talked about in these three versicles it occurs to me to sum the value of 25 to that of light which is 56. I get the word value 81 whch equals Elohim, If I get 56 minus 25 we get 31 which is EL. If this two values are added we get 112 which is BNIM, a structure and it also is IHVH ALHIM. So this first versicles point out to that the Lord God has His structure in Light.

Now noticing that there are three mentions of light we can add it´s word value three times, getting 168. This is equivalent to ABA VAMA OILAH, which means the Supernal Father. Now 168 minus 25(3) = 243 which is Abram. The name of the first one that talked with God after the expulsion from Paradise.

I will keep working with this, any help anyone could provide will be appreciated.

Until later becomes one.
WoW Trans, your really in sych today. Even your IP address has DoubleDigit qualities.

Don't worry about it though, as DA said, it's crap /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and there is no reason to suspect nothing.


Thank you for your excellent response. I had thought to mention these things in my post, but it was long enough as it was so I kept it limited to the subject of light and its possible relation to a quantum theory of gravity. Let me just extrapolate a bit further on each of your comments.

>>>First of all, if you recall, the Book of Genesis does not start with the creation of light. it starts with the creation of Heaven and Earth.<<<

>>>001:001 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.<<<

>>>001:002 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.<<<

>>>001:003 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.<<<

>>>001:004 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
light from the darkness.<<<

>>>001:005 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called
Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day<<<

While at first glance this looks obviously like a sequential series of events, let's not forget that we are talking about a timeless event. This is an almost impossible thing for our minds to comprehend because we are so finite in our understanding of infinite space and no time. According to the Kabbalists (and I'm not saying I am in agreement or believe in their form of Jewish paganism and mysticism), This entire series of events occurred instantly. From our point of view this is a virtual impossibility. They then go on to say that the current age of the universe as calculated by science is essentially correct, i.e 13-15 billion years old or so. Obviously, at least in my eyes, the properties of not only light but time, matter and space were vastly different than what our senses perceive now. The ability of science to slow down light to the speed of a bicycle has little to do with the creation event itself.

>>>We're clearly looking at creation epoch of our world. The "inspired" writers of the Bible wrote in allegories and metaphors and are only concerned with the Creation as it ultimately pertains to Mankind. While at some deep, yet to be discovered level, the "timeless" nature of light may be the essential vessel of divinity, do not allow pseudo-science/mysticism to impair your reasoning faculties.<<<

Thank you for the warning, but I have long held the scriptures to go way beyond what the religious world believes and has a very real problem making the transition from purely spiritual to purely physical. Most of the study I have seen done on the physical returns to the purely spiritual interpretation. While this is extremely important on a personal level and even on a corporate level, it leaves a lot to be desired in understanding things on a rational and reasoning level which are not things to be abandoned according to the scriptures. As to pseudo-science/mysticism, these things can quickly change to pure science and enlightenment. Every major step made in scientific advances were once labeled as contrary to rational understanding. Not a few of the people involved were ridiculed at the least, and killed at the worst.

>>>As it turns out, during repeatable experiments by a team of Australian physicists, it has been shown that the speed of light may not be the constant that Einstein's theories so heavily rely upon. Calculations show light to have slowed down over the course of billions of years. It addition, it has also been shown that the speed of light may be slowed down artificially. Light, like time, is malleable -- hardly a quality in an omnipotent God.<<<

I'm sorry if I implied that God is limited to being light. As Transient put so well, I would rather put this in the realm of the angels, which in the Hebrew are light bearers. I am no more certain of the realm of angels than I am of the realm of light. These are abstract ideas to me that hold intriguing possibilities as to how the universe runs. If there was an accepted quantum theory of gravity instead of the scrambling going on to find one, then the abstract would become concrete and searching would be at an end. Since there is not one to be had at this point, I can't think of a better source than the complimentary combination of words and their beginnings as a communication tool, and the gematria which so fascinatingly points in directions that have been virtually unplumbed.

>>>Also, light per se is not an agent of gravity. Geometry is the agent of gravity. For gravity is merely the warp of the space-time contimuum by mass. Mass is "knots" of energy. Energy may be light, but it may be other things as well. Light is a form of energy -- electro-magnetic. Light may also be shown mathematically as NULL lines that contour around gravitational fields thereby defining the warp (This is the effect of light "bending" around gravitational fields).<<<

This, of course, is the prevailing view. It is very difficult to give up preconceived ideas, yet this is exactly what science seems to be heading for. If not for light, there would be no geometry. Gravity has been said to be a warp of the space-time continuum, but as you mentioned, some of Einstein's most cherished models are increasingly coming under fire. I could just as easily explain the light bending around gravitational fields as the dense push of light quanta from all of space and throughout time. The earth was without form and void. This is a pretty difficult concept to even understand, let alone conceive. A circle or globe is form. A particle or planet has mass but it was void of mass-no shape and no matter. The timeless light gave it its form and added to its mass and set it off on its endless spin. This was all done with agent of voice or, more appropriately, sound or vibration. God spoke and it was.

>>>This is not to say that Divinity does not have a hand in the processes of the universe. I believe that God wants to be acknowledged and therefore God endowed sentient creatures with a spiritual nature that constantly seeks a First Cause and and an Ultimate Meaning. But God also endowed sentient creatures with Mind and it is our resposibility to seek logical and scientific reality. We can attribute all sorts of things to God - that is easy, for what is NOT of God - but that makes us stop looking deeper into the issues. No matter how deep you look into sub-atomic particles, you will not find God but you will find God's signature.<<<

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I do not know what Divinity is. As you say, I can only look at its signature. It is said that we will never truly know what divinity is, else it would cease to be divinity and conceptually understood. I think you will find that this study of the ancient Hebrew, its gematria, ancient rites and rituals, and its history, you will find that we can go no deeper into why everything is, what it is composed of, and what our role in it all is. I'm not sure that God wants or needs to be acknowledged. My understanding of His existence in the beginning was one of perfection and total contentment. Our acknowledgment of Him is not anything he needs. He has given all of this to us to share His joy in total perfection. All of space, all of time, all of matter, all of light is all for us. He didn't need any of it. It's a perfect gift that only perfection could give. Consciousness of it all was his crowning achievement. Our observation of it gives it form and substance.

As always, your comments are really appreciated. It amazes me that a simple study of words and tracking down their root meanings and extrapolating them outward could lead me to the conclusions I made and have you back them up with gematria. It's simply astounding that there is such depth to the full understanding of these words. They led me to exactly the same things that you put together with numbers. The light led to El and led to time, space, matter, beginnings, endings, to the tree of life, to form and substance and ultimately purpose. I have to admit I get lost in the Hebrew sometimes and the gematria is limited to my understanding of the Hebrew. With the help of my good friend Cat, we have truly uncovered some amazing things that you are confirming with uncanny accuracy. I'm glad to see us all back at it again. I'm looking forward to sharing deeper understanding, notwithstanding those who would try to steer us away from important discoveries. From now on, I think we can focus on the positive and totally ignore the negative influences. Sometimes I can't keep up with some of the complexities, but I will try to add whatever I can
Well DA, if I didn't see it for my self, I never would have thought it possible. You can actually be diplomatic /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and not label someone's warnings as caped crusader acts.

But with all joking aside, there was a statement about God that you made that really struck me the wrong way, below you said:

<<I'm not sure that God wants or needs to be acknowledged.>>

How could he not want to be acknowledged? Do you not say "oh my God?" or is disbelief the only time in our lives when we should ask and wonder about him?

<<My understanding of His existence in the beginning was one of perfection and total contentment. Our acknowledgment of Him is not anything he needs.>>

Really, you really believe that? No praise and worship then? Why do you say then that we need to have blood on our doorpost and the correct seal on our foreheads if we have nothing to fear of a God who needs not our acknowledgement, that's what I don't get? Please clarify.

<<He has given all of this to us to share His joy in total perfection. All of space, all of time, all of matter, all of light is all for us. He didn't need any of it. It's a perfect gift that only perfection could give.>>

A perfect gift that only perfection could give, hmmm... A perfect gift yes, but not without it's price. A little appreciation and acknowledgment wouldn't hurt, and might actually make the universe more livable for some with a sense of a loving God in the background, don't ya think? But again, a God is meant to be worshipped (acknowledged at all times). Not just take and not say thank you. I think he expects man to have better manners then that

<<Consciousness of it all was his crowning achievement. Our observation of it gives it form and substance.>>

If I could add to this, and say that a consciousness without principle, direction and no praise of God, is really no consciousness of interest or substance at all to God. But a consciousness where one can find reason to keep giving despite their being lack of understanding, compassion and potential to see the truth despite their pride, is what God really looks for and thrives on. And that my friend is his greatest achievement for us.

So you don't paint God in your own image? You don't miss the whole point as usual? Please...

Let's have someone else's opinions if I'm wrong for a change always posting in reason, then just your New Age spin /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

caped crusader

Your words are full of traps and pitfalls. Please don't call me friend, even if said with sarcasm. You don't know the meaning of the word. If you had any kind of background, you might understand some of what's being talked about here. Read and study and then join the discussion. Your ignorance is telling. You add nothing. You have learned nothing from what others are trying to tell you. Read the writing on the wall. "Mene, Mene, Tekel" You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. Cat calls you Satanic. I don't. Your just an imp.
Then why is it that you and CAT are the ones who sound Satanic in light of everyone else’s posts /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? Again, I repeat, be open and see 2 sides and answer the questions I have posted. If you feel that your stance on your opinions of God are strong, you would
. Refusing and avoiding to only speaks louder then the words you choose to call me, and reflect that it is you who is ignorant.

Why do I waste my time on caped crusaders.

Read the Kaballah for yourself imp. The stages of development and the improving of your character is not for God's sake. He doesn't need your filthy righteousness. YOU need it. He doesn't NEED YOU TO CALL HIM GOD. HE KNOWS HE IS GOD. IS THAT SLOW ENOUGH FOR YOU? DO I HAVE TO GIVE YOU A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN!! Instead of trying to find fault with others and dissecting every word, looking for something to jump on, why don't YOU---Naw, it would be boring anyway. You bore me-plain and simple. It's called casting your pearls to swine. I think I'll just ignore you from now on.
I think you will be doing us all a favor if you did ignore me. Who wants to have to read your posts of hate and little regard for others, just because someone disagrees with you?

Spare us your false sense of diplomacy. We all see how you feel towards someone telling you the truth. Some people actually want to have an open discussion without having to be put down verbally by an @nal-rentive New Age Christian who doesn't believe God needs worship.

Please spare us, spare the censors and spare the innocent kids who visit the site in hopes of actually learning something.

After all, I think it's only obvious as to how much you and CAT exude Christian like qualities
. For 2 people who claim to know God, you sure are farther away from him then your letting your selves to believe.

Well Caped Crusader

Since you brought up the subject of innocent children, maybe you can explain to us all why there has been suspicion of pedophilia placed against your name on another post. Was this why you were kicked off? Who's calling the kettle black here? The list is getting longer and longer.
1. Lies
2. Anti-semitism
3. False Worship
4. Unsolicited attacks
5. Sending photographs to other men
6. Double-digit nonsense
7. Claimed paranormal ability
8. Pedophilia
9. Sexism

Need I add any more? These are very suspicious qualities in a person and you exhibit them all. Oh, and I did forget to add hacking and tracking down people and harassing them over the phone and then bragging about it on an open forum. This list doesn't even include some of the personal stuff you have emailed to others that shows your sicko mind.

That is exactly what Neils Bohr suggested in the early 20th century, that "objects" (electrons, photons, protons, neutrons, atoms, molecules, compounds, substances, elements, worlds, stars, etc.) do not "become" real until measured. Einstien didn't like this, too fuzzy & messy. But in 1965, John Bell published a relation that proved it to be so!

Oooooooh! Quantum mechanics can be scarier than Halloween!

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Well DA, I must say your bitterness towards the TTA has finally led you to acts of desperation, and want to pin accusations on me.

Nevertheless, the truth is and has always been on my side. As you will see as I address each and every single one of them.

<<Since you brought up the subject of innocent children, maybe you can explain to us all why there has been suspicion of pedophilia placed against your name on another post.>>

Such as where?

I do recall back to one particular thread over a year ago were we did have a very perverted poster who did post material in reference to what your talking about.

But I, a concerned mother and a few others did not stand to tolerate him, and his wicked tongue was brought to an end by a unanimous obvious vote, and was booted by MOP within a couple days of his arrival.

<<Was this why you were kicked off? Who's calling the kettle black here?>>

Obviously you have your facts all mixed up /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Cause that’s you once again.

<<The list is getting longer and longer.
1. Lies>>

What lies? Please reference and prove.

2. Anti-semitism>>

Simply because I told CAT that because she believes that holding on to her heritage is deemed favored by God, does not make you exempt from Evil, or being Evil. No generalities, no finger pointing to all the Jews, just CAT and her twisted belief that she is actually doing as God would like her to do.

<<3. False Worship>>

False worship of what? Please reference and prove.

<<4. Unsolicited attacks>>

Now that’s funny /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, who attacked first, me or you and CAT?

<<5. Sending photographs to other men>>

Who was a supposed trusted friend, and for clarification purposes. He likes to study young people’s minds and find out what their problems are. And was flattering himself with the prospect that he thought I was doing some facade here. But if you go back on the treads and read, I was acknowledged as being truthful and “passed with flying colors

<<6. Double-digit nonsense>>

Then why is CAT still wondering about them, or was the #33 to her nonsense /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif?

<<7. Claimed paranormal ability>>

Well if your going to accuse me of something I already admitted, why even post it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif?

I’m not the only one where with abilities DA, don’t feel left out that you don’t have any.

<<8. Pedophilia>>

Ahh, how sad of you to drop down to that level and accuse someone of that without any proof. Your parents must really be proud of you to have raised such a righteous New Age Christian son.

<<9. Sexism>>

The TTA does not discriminate just because someone is a woman. Or have you not studied the archives enough to see that I’ve exposed men too.


Show me some intelligence for me to be against, all I see is anger and desperation out of you and CAT.

Is this the best you got?

<<Need I add any more? These are very suspicious qualities in a person and you exhibit them all.>>

Is that right? And shall I make a list of the suspicious qualities that you exhibit? I’m sure if I did, I could prove them without a shadow of a doubt. And you fear that this is true

<<Oh, and I did forget to add hacking and tracking down people and harassing them over the phone and then bragging about it on an open forum.>>

Hacking I have never done. Tracking people down only when CAT accused me of hacking into her computer, and proving that I am not the only poster from CA. And harassing people over the phone, and bragging about it, once. But that was along time ago, and Creedo had it coming :D.

<<This list doesn't even include some of the personal stuff you have emailed to others that shows your sicko mind.>>

Personal stuff that I have spoken to CAT about? How disconcerting and shocked :eek: I am to hear that CAT would do such a thing and forward e-mails from others who have spoken to her in confidence to someone else. In all this time that I have known her, I never would have believed it possible.

NOT! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

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