Proper themes for TTI


Staff member
Hey guys,

I've changed the default theme to one that's a bit closer to how TTI used to look. We're using TARDIS blue as the primary accent and we've recovered the logo @Mop was originally using :)

There's a dark theme available also, and you can enable that using the theme selection menu in the footer:

View attachment 658

Shoot me a private message or a chat on Discord if you have any problems.

The old new logo looks great and XenForo 2 feels awesome. Can't wait to give it a try! :) TTI is back, good work!

Hey guys, I've changed the default theme to one that's a bit closer to how TTI used to look. We're using TARDIS blue as the primary accent and we've recovered the logo@Mop was originally using ? There's a dark theme available also, and you can enable that using the theme selection menu in the footer: View attachment 658 Shoot me a private message or a chat on Discord if you have any problems.
could you possibly make it so thats it can changes colour on here because i like yellow and sliver and black etc that type of thing

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could you possibly make it so thats it can changes colour on here because i like yellow and sliver and black etc that type of thing
Sure, I don't mind adding some more color variations for the current main theme.
If you guys want to look at this site and link some color schemes you like, I'll see what I can do to offer some theme variety ?

Make sure you include the link to the color scheme itself, like this:

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Please undo the dark theme! TTI was never dark.
Thanks for the feedback!
As part of the whole restoration thing I've been setting up, the plan was to add theme alternatives that resemble these previous color schemes:

(and the default xenForo theme variation we had 2012-2014)

This one will stay our default, but light options will, of course, be available.

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Please undo the dark theme! TTI was never dark.
I thought some more about this and I do see your point. TTI hasn't ever been a "dark theme" site, but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be. Probably surprising for some of the people who've been coming here for years, but it's 2018 and we've never really had a "good" theme either.
Give me some time to put together a light version of this theme and we'll put it to a poll vote. We'll keep that up for a month, then we'll decide from there ?

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Please undo the dark theme! TTI was never dark.
Hey @Einstein, I've put together the light variation and made it default for the time being. I'll create a poll later and see what people like best ? For those that liked the dark theme, it's still available by clicking the style chooser at the bottom left of the site: View attachment 663

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Thanks. It's much easier to read.
AWESOME. Glad I could help.
There are a couple things I want to change on both the light and dark themes with typography and some other minor changes. Once I take care of those I'll put up a poll with screenshots and stuff and we'll let everyone decide the default ?

Glad to see you around by the way!

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