Project Serpo


Epochal Historian
Project Serpo - The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program.

The gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78.

The information began to be released in November 2005 by a retired senior official within the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) who calls himself “Anonymous”. Until he chooses to make his name known, this is the way he will be represented here. Anonymous reports that he is not acting individually and is part of a group of six people working together as an alliance. He is their spokesman.

The information is currently being released in installments on a private UFO e-mail list moderated by Victor Martinez. The list contains about a hundred people, including many extremely well-known names in UFO research and other related or leading edge scientific fields. Until permissions are granted, their names will be withheld for the time being out of courtesy and to respect confidentiality.

Those on the list have differing views regarding the veracity of Anonymous’ claims. However, the pedigree of the list as a whole is important to emphasize. There has been a substantial amount of intelligent discussion about the revelations, and it is important to state that there are many senior people in the US Intelligence Community who are taking this information very seriously. It may now be time to release this information to the wider community, in close approximation to the format in which it was originally made available.

Home page:

Click on the "Information released by Anonymous" tab to read his various postings.
How come you did not bring this up in Time Travel -- Creedo -- since it is going to be simliar to Titor?

The atomic clock conference was in 1967 in Paris.

"All too convenient!" -- something like Darth Vader would say!

Well, you must realize that again -- it is another Titor type story, as there can be no accurate measurement of time aboard a TimeSpace alien spaceship going to another planet as they say!

All too convenient!

And '60's camera pictures - about the only thing back then -- according to J.F.K.'s assassination is -- 16mm film cameras. Something probably not takin' along. 35mm cameras -- probably the pictures will also look something like Titor's.

Gees -- Time is Relative, and also Space is Relative -- and -- Wow!
SpaceTime is the Result!

I don't hold out for something conclusive about this Project either - in the end!

When is the movie coming out?

Wait States are in computers and I am just not going to think that I am - a -- type -- of biological computer -- even if that is a part of the makeup of -- humans!

And Creedo there seems to be worse people than Pamela, so perhaps, you should apologize about your remark in the other section -- afterall --- ..................!

>>>>>"I had made a bid to the office of the president, on offworld ambassador.

This was something to my interests and I had wanted to venture towards this job description.

If I had only known of this exchange when it was happening.

The events in the Star Wars era, were real.

The were given to George Lucas by some agency and made into movies.

I was told however that these events took place in another reality, these event took place in another reality.

The startling end to the Empire, is that an etheric force, that was like a virus invaded into what was left of the people there and killed them by taking their bodies vitality.

This in a way, is reflected in the movie The Chronicles Of Riddick and The Final Fantasy.

There is an odd synchronicity here, as the study of the vampire, has come very much to light, as of late, due to the phenomenon known as half vampirism in humans.

This gene set, was realized, as a result of the post middle ages 1700s vampire plague infestations, in Europe.
These were not clan vampire infestations, however get even plagues, Started in Indian, as returbi ution against the Atlantian Raman Empire fallouts wars.

India, felt they had to get even.

The children of the people bitten were born with half vampire traits, which made them humans, however had abilities into the vampire world.

Again these people, which may number into the millions, in the U.S. and other places, would have a better idea, if something similar to the old post Empire plagues, were going to happen again.

It is funny that the last of the Star Wars episodes, deal with an ambassador, who also seems is a changeling.

Okay, I caught up with myself and recant.
I like old radio broadcasts, but have no opinion one way or the other yet.

Always seems they have to add other things in that may not be what someone actually meant. This leaves the subject subjective, and not really objective.

It was, it isn't, we don't know -- now for the News!

Also had time to re-read the website again, and there are still questions and the story seems vague to me, so far!

I do however have to think about the 1947 News broadcast, and wonder if what they said in the beginning is really what they meant.

Got other things to do!
Okay, I got it figured out!

The spacealiens come from a boing, boing planet. (the two suns pull on the planet and sometimes it is lopsided and at other times pulled out the other way and all ways in its orbit.)

The spacealiens come here in their boing, boing spaceship that boings through SpaceTime - that is why they can get here so fast.

The spacealiens have a game on their planet that they like to play -- they play it with their boing, boing ball!

Now, all we need here is --- boing, boing physics to figure out their solar system and that power supply also!

The spacealiens are fun, it is humans that I wonder about!

project serpo is one of the weakest net-hoaxes I've seen, not including titor, just an example of how stupid it's authors are:

"4) Anonymous is reporting everything faithfully and accurately as best as he can present it."

Umm, how can anonymous be a HE, if anonymous is truley anonymous? That's just one slip up, the main slip up is how the site is a load of poorly written sci-fi a 5 year old could come up with when dealing with a hypothetical alien people.

When the book comes out anonymous's name won't be anonymous anymore, but he isn't much anonymous now, his name is Bill Ryan he lives in the UK, and he registered on nov 18th 2005. The other anonymous sources are nobodys, perhaps figments of Ryan's imagination, but contributors to the lame hoax are none other than Richard Doty and Whitley Streiber, if you know their backgrounds you'd know they are in the market of writing hoakey books filled with facts that are factless.

--- Razimus