Project "genesis"


Quantum Scribe
Project \"genesis\"

Just a couple more episodes to be included in "Not your average construction projects!"

The second one is very informative, as well as, descriptive, and includes some really interesting photos of their projects!


Unfolding The Next Reality
"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become."

-- Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge


This information is free. It may not be used for a patent,trademark or any ownership whatever. Please distribute without alteration as widely as possible.
Released on March 1999

The history of mankind has recorded continuous destruction. Creation always brings more powerful destruction. The reason is that the world is inevitably regulated by physical laws.

Existing physics tells us that destruction faces the same direction as time-flow. To prevent destruction radically, we have to find a new time-flow of creation in the field of physics. In other words, by generating energy from nothing, as the perpetuum mobiles described in science fiction.

But, as a matter of fact, nothing can be generated from nil. Thermodynamics perfectly proves the truth. The study,which says that no perpetuum mobiles can exist, is based on an ordinary world view, that is, positive-energy is all.

Recently, some theoretical physicists have begun to consider a concept of imaginary time and/or negative-energy. If the negative-energy can exist absolutely, energy concept in physics should be changed and extended to a negative-sphere. Then, it is consequent that perpetuum mobiles exist. Provided the perpetuum mobiles exist, people, for the first time, can be kept away from destruction.

Thus, in order to change destruction into creation, first of all the mechanism of generating negative-energy should be cleared. That is the aim of Genesis.
RE: Project \"genesis\"

I think we've turned evolution on its head with respect to humanity; instead of survival of the fittest, it seems the poorest, least successful people are reproducing the most. Brilliant, successful people tend to have few kids. After a couple of centuries, this might have a small effect, decreasing intelligence and enlarging 'slummy' areas.
RE: Project \"genesis\"

And only the rich will be able to offord the cost of making better genes and babies. While the poor and sick will just stay the same. Mighty sad
. Maybe some kind rich people will wish to fund free clinics where they can do them at low costs or free, for low income families

-Javier C.

P.S. Hey Time02112, when did you become Moderator? Congrats
. How does it feel?
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Has anyone yet contemplated building one of those Genesis Project Generators yet?
it sure would be nice to hear if any of our TAP-TEN Members succeded in producing the intended, (or "Otherwise") Results.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Also I dug up another TESLA site,
(MG Electronics)... They have many pre-fabbed circuits & coils already constructed & ready for delivery to your door!


JHCTES Books Designing & Building Classic Tesla Coils na na na
Exact 566 VCF/Sweep Function generator green case w/cover 10 $115 D46
Exact 5210 Incomplete Function Generator 1 $95 B43
Exact 7030 Function generator (very good) 2 $135 D24
Exact na Funciton Gen w/ 5310, 5110, 5210, 5420, 5214 1 $185 C34
HP 214A Pulse Generator 10Hz to 10MHz, 200W (Tube type checked out) 6 $265 X15
Jennings (see des) Relay RP100F4461D27 --Insul Kv Pk Test 80Kv -- Sw Rate 250A - act 115vac 1 $165 B47
RCA WG-289 50Kv for multimeter 4 $42 F34
na na Enamel coated, partial roll, (870') .232 x .050", ~ 77lbs. (flat wire) 1 $95 Z01
na na Large incand., 1000W @ 8.3A, 115vac, Mogule socket not avail. 8 $14 B15
RCA RK-65 Tetrode xmitting tubes, w/spec sheet, (no sockets) 5 $35 C27
na na 20Kvdc output @300uA, +500v tap, 28Vdc input 20 $25 C27

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 13 September 2000).>
RE: Project \"genesis\"

A Novel Method for the Extraction of Electrical Power from the Vacuum

(Check out the Photos!)

23 November 1999

Nicholas A. Reiter


Theorists and experimentalists alike have considered numerous concepts for the extraction of useful power from the Energetic Vacuum. Some of these proposals date to the 1930’s, although the bulk of published material on the topic has appeared in the last twenty-five years. A popular notion exists to the effect that a small amount of energy could conceivably be used in a novel fashion to trigger a coherence of the Vacuum, and thus produce a larger cascade of retrievable and useful power. This has often led to theories and claims regarding over-unity (OU) machines.

In 1996, we discovered a minor but intriguing effect involving the seemingly spontaneous production of electrical charges within mechanically variable capacitors. Testing and definition of the effect continued through the summer and fall of 1996. From 1996 to the present, the effect remained consistent and robust, although the development of any further means of rendering the effect useful on a macroscopic scale was put on hold. In a recent re-examination of the effect, however, we have found characteristics that, when modeled, may invoke the Casimir and Unruh Effects. Thusly, we may have at our disposal a process capable of producing minor extractions of electrical energy from the Vacuum.

While the effect disclosed remains very inefficient in it’s present embodiment as an energy conversion candidate, and certainly does not display any hints of "O-U", it nevertheless may prove a useful tool for studying the Energetic Vacuum. With further breakthrough developments in capacitor design, the effect may eventually become a component of a viable power source.
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Are we removing ourselves from natural selection or have the rules just changed. It has happened many times through out history. In pre-historic times bigger was better then the rules changed and smaller more adaptable mammals were the fittest.

There is no set definition of what is the fittest. We were the meek who inherited the Earth before. Maybe we wont be so lucky next time.


Maybe the successful and brilliant people should help and educate the poor. This would make them less “slummy” as you put it.


I really don’t like the tone of a couple of posts here. Everyone have a right to an opinion and a right to state it, but what they do and say is a reflection on and defines themselves. A person’s economic standing and education level have nothing to do with their value as a person. That is of course only my opinion, but I feel I must speak out rather than stay silent. If everyone had respect for everyone then we wouldn’t have the masses of poor.

<This message has been edited by kentheee (edited 19 September 2000).>
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Hey Time Travel Activist,
I must say something, you as well as I should know that the most intelligent and brilliant do not come from the high class society, only the most blind and ignorant. We both know that the truly intelligent and brilliant come from the lower classes, namely the lowest, I'll even step as far to say some homeless, why? Because the lowest aren't raised to kiss ass, they are raised to understand and look at things for what they are, you should know this, your a prime example. Don't succumb to the high class standard shit, stand up and let 'em know. We see things they'll never see, we understand things those from higher class never will on their trained and manipulated level of thinking. Keep in mind, its something I've learned and you have probably already caught onto, spend some time with those who have been "well educated" heh, more like "well manipulated" and you will see that the English language has done nothing but evolved into a complex, useless, and meaningless vocabulary used for manipulation and mind corruption. And thats what our High Class Intelligent and Brilliant people today are made of and are living on, the English vocabulary as it has become. Nothing more, nothing less. So again my friend, don't succumb to the level of admitting defeat, show 'em where and how it really stands Javier. This is my issue with society today.

-Shaun Holt

<This message has been edited by Shaun Holt (edited 19 September 2000).>
RE: Project \"genesis\"

perhaps its elementary, but upon attempting to create a credible work of fiction involving time travel, i did a lot of research and digging. ironically enough, (purely coincidence) the fictional project was called the Genesis Project; undertaken at a site in coordination with a 'closed' airforce base.

i studied the philedelphia experiment in great depth, and came up with a 'wing' theory. this may sound absolutely ignorant, once again...but it was something along these lines...

using air as the metaphor for light, an airplane achieves lift by air having to flow faster over the top of the wing than the bottom...all achieved by moving the specially shaped object through the air at certain velocity...

and its elementary that screwy things happen when things move faster than the speed of if LIGHT moved faster than the speed of light...(philedelphia experiment, apparently by the use of high powered fluxuating magnets is one theory...) would that not create some sort of 'lift'?

i know i have not explained myself very makes more sense in my head than i could possibly explain. but i would enjoy discussing with someone. reply here or drop me a line. [email protected]
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Interesting theory.

However light in glass moves slower than light in air, but does this produce "lift"?

It does produce visual distortions.

RE: Project \"genesis\"

No Kentheee, I think you missed the point.
The project was refering to the movement of Light through a "Vaccum", not the "Glass" required to create it. Moreover what the comparison of light traveling through a vaccum, as opposed to movement of light through the planetary atmospheric gasses (air) is rather a "HUGE" difference in comparison, by far.

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 23 September 2000).>
RE: Project \"genesis\"

time02112 -- you seem knowledgeable. how credible is that last theory? what are the flaws? what are the proofs? any help?
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Well, I don't buy into all this "separation of the classes" bull. If you're smart, you're smart, and that remains independant of your social status. I don't think 'high class' produces fewer smart people, nor do I think that poverty produces genius. I've seen it from both angles, and trust me, people are always people. But you have to face the facts, some people are just genetically stupid, and some are smart. Helping the stupid ones to reproduce and letting the smart ones abstain only weakens our species as a whole.

On the more recent topic, if light is moving through a vacuum, it's always moving at c. So you couldn't create lift by different speeds of light without different media.

I remember something called Kerr lensing which might be interesting - some media allow light of lower intensity to move faster - the result is not lift, but bending of the light so that it concentrates into a higher intensity - ie a smaller cross section.
RE: Project \"genesis\"

From a paper "The Biefield-Brown Effect" by George Van Tassel, founder of the Integratron. Published in the Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom, 1950-1978.

In 1923 Dr. Biefield, professor of physics and astronomy at Dennison University, teamed up with Townsend Brown in basic efforts to understand and overcome gravity. At Dr. Biefield's suggestion a number of tests were performed to determine the electrical relation of gravity relative to electrically charged objects. Dr. Biefield was a former classmate of Einstein in Switzerland. The original tests conducted proved there was a tendency toward motion in a charged condenser suspended from a thread. This observed motion of a charged condenser has been labeled the Biefield-Brown Effect. Brown pointed out in 1923 that this tendency of a charged condenser to move might grow into a basically new method of propulsion.

RS Electrogravitic References: Part 15 of 19
Edward Teller, "Electromagnetism and Gravitation", Proceeds of the National Academy of Science, Vol 74 No 4, Pages 2664-2666. In this paper Dr Teller suggests some clues about the coupling ... Size 19.0K,

TOWARDS A NEW ELECTROMAGNETICS PART 4: VECTORS AND MECHANISMS CLARIFIED by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1983 Copyright Colonel Bearden is a nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, and military tactician with over 26 ... Size 4.6K,


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------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology Vol. 1, No. 1, July-August 1997, p. 19. All Rights Reserved. ...
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Copyright Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology
Vol. 1, No. 1, July-August 1997, p. 19.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission is Granted to Copy, Forward, or Post
with this Unaltered Notice kept intact.
The AGN Website is at:
Ackerman, John, TO CATCH A FLYING STAR, Univelt Publishing, San Diego, Ca. 1989.

Cramp, Leonard, UFO'S AND ANTI-GRAVITY: PIECE FOR A JIGSAW, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1966.

Childress, D. H., ANTIGRAVITY HANDBOOK, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1993.

Childress and Vesco, MAN-MADE UFOS: 1944-1994, 50 years of suppression, Adventures Unlimited Press, Ill. 1994.

Cox, J., SPACE DRIVE HANDBOOK (1972) P. O. Box 655, Marietta, Ga. 30061-655. (to be updated and reissued).

Forward, R., INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC, Baen Books Riverdale, N.Y. 1995.

Hill, Paul R., UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS: SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS, Hampton Roads Publishing Charlottesville, VA, 1995.

Kumnel, Peter, ANTIGRAVITY FROM SPINNING MASSES, Stuttgart-Echterdinger 1973.

Deyo, Stan, THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY published by, Adventures Unlimited Press Kempton Ill., 1994.

Mallove, Eugene and Gregory Matloff, THE STAR FLIGHT HANDBOOK: PIONEER'S GUIDE TO INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL, John Wiley and sons, Inc. N.Y. 1989.

Pages, Marcel J., TECHNIQUES OF ANTIGRAVITATION (1974) Paris, Chiron, 1974.

Poliakov, S. M., EXPERIMENTAL GRAVATONICS, Moscow Area, 141120 Friazino, 60-let str, 1-167.

Lt. Plantier, UFO'S AND FIELD PROPULSION<I have a copy of the manuscript but I don't know if it got published>.

Kaku, Michio, HYPERSPACE-A SCIENTIFIC ODDESSY, Oxford University Press N.Y. 1994.

Pawlicki, T. B., HOW TO BUILD A FLYING SAUCER, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1981.

Thorne, Kip, BLACK HOLES AND TIME WARPS, W. W. Norton and Co. , 1994.


Valone, Tom, ELECTROGRAVITATION SYSTEMS, Integrity Research Institute, Washington D. C., 1995.

Wheeler, GRAVITATION AND INERTIA, Princeton University Press, 1995.

King, Moray B., TAPPING THE ZERO POINT ENERGY, Parraclete Publishing, Prove, UT, 1989.
RE: Project \"genesis\"

A research (Biologist) by the name of Bruce DePalma describes an experiment that while utilizing an electricly sheilded rotating mass, he had observed that the higher the velocity it rotated, the more ability it gained to have an influence to oscilate changes in the forces that govern radio frquencey picups on a standard FM Band Radio!
Translation, meaning that the influence that this spinning orb, or disk altered the forces around the radio, and he was able to pick up stations that would not otherwise existed prior.
I will conduct some more research on this phenonema, and return with my results to follow-up more details as I come across them, and post them below.


Here's the details........

The Home of Primordial Energy - THE Place for information from BRUCE DePALMA
Free Energy research information and data. The papers of Bruce DePalma and Paramahamsa Tewari.Physics, Space Power, Space Energy, Free Energy, Electro-Magnetism,Electricity, Anti-Gravity, Magnetism, Inertia, Rotation, Philosophy.

Bruce DePalma -- Free Engery Device
( Article by Richard Walters,
For the People Magazine )

Bibliography of DePalma Institute
Bibliography of Papers
Relevance: 74% Date: 16 Aug 1997, Size 14.9K,

Contacting DePalma Manufacturing Services. There Are Serveral Ways To Get In Contact With DePalma Manufacturing Services. Surface Mail (Snail Mail)...

Re: Passing of Dr. Bruce DePalma
A public link page providing a variety of resources on this topic.


Cosmophysical Influences, Shnoll, et al.

Simon Shnoll and colleagues have been gathering evidence for the past 40 years on apparent "cosmophysical influences" that produce concentrations of identifiable similarity of regions in time series that should have no similarity beyond chance occurence. They create histograms to represent segments of time series, and examine all the histograms in pairs which have randomly assigned identifiers. Blind judges select pairs which appear similar (algorithmic methods are still being developed), and the frequency is computed for pairs separated by differing time intervals. The finding is that synchronous or adjacent pairs, and pairs at intervals of 24 hours, 27 days, or 365 days show similarity more frequently than they should by chance. Data from a variety of different physical systems have been assessed, for example, counts of radioactive decay for plutonium and cesium sources separated by 200 Kilometers. A recent paper which discusses the procedures and responds to various questions and criticisms is available here, as a pdf document. A selection of comments is available, drawn from the extensive email discussion among researchers interested in automating the comparison process.
Most recently Shnoll and his team have examined data from the GCP -- and they have found the same pattern of similarity between synchronous or adjacent segments of data displayed as histograms, implying that the source of the structure is informational. The following email correspondence and the figures tell the story.


October 20-22, 2000 : 5th Biennial European Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration.


<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 September 2000).>
RE: Project \"genesis\"

Excerpt from the DePalma website....

The following article appeared some time ago in For The People magazine under the Energy/New Ideas section:

Title: Scientists Claim To Tap The Free Energy Of Space

Subtitle: A promising new alternative energy source,
neglected in the U.S., advances in the Far East

Author: Richard Walters

Physicist Bruce DePalma has a 100 kilowatt generator, which he invented, sitting in his garage. It could power his whole house, but if he turns it on, the government may confiscate it.

Havard educated DePalma, who taught physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 15 years, claims that his electrical generator can provide cheap, inexhaustible, self sustaining and non polluting source of energy, using priciples that flout conventional physics and are still not fully understood. His N machine, as it is called, is said to release the "free energy" latent in the space all around us. DePalma views his device as an innovation that could help to end the worlds's dangerous dependence on finite supplies of oil, gas, and other polluting fossib based fuels.

Deceptive Simplicity


The DePalma generator is essentially a simple magnetized flywheel, ie a magnetized cylindrical conductor rotating at high speed with the help of a motor. His astonishing claim is that the present verions of the N machine can generate up to five times more power than it consumes. This, of course, defies the basic law of the conservation of energy, which says that the output of energy cannot be more than the input. Most physicists simply refuse to look at DePalma's findings and dismiss his theories out of hand.
Yet "proof of principle" for his invention was apparently provided when a large N machine, dubbed the Sunburst, was built in 1978 in Santa Barbara California. The Sunburst machine was independently tested by Dr. Robert Kincheloe, professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford University. in his 1986 reprot (presented to the Society for Scientific Exploration, San Francisco, 6/21/86), Kincheloe notd that the drag of the rotating magnetized gyroscope is only 13 to 20 perscent of a conventional generator operating at an ideal 100 ppercent effiiency, the DePalma N machine could produce electricity at around 500 percent efficiency.

In Kincheloe's cautious summary: "DePalma may have been right in that there is indeed a situation here wherby energy is being obtained from a previosly unknow and unexplained source. This is a conclusion that most scientists and engineers would reject out of hand as being a violation of accepted laws of physics and if true has incredible implications".

"The jury is still out on the DePalma N machine," says physicist Harold Puthoff, a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. "It isn't clear where the reported excess energy is coming from--wheater out of the elecromagnetic field or as the result of some anomaly associated with rotating bodies in terms of inertia. The DePalma machine needs to be replicated on a broad scale to see if it actually works. Though I'm rahter skeptical, I certainly would encourage independent laboratory experimentation. While such a phenomenon would have seemed to absolutely go against the law of energy conservation a number of years ago, we now recognize that the potential for extracting energy out of so called empty space is in fact a reality".

Not So Empty Space


Puthoff, a PhD. from Stanford University, belives that a new, non polluting energy source may be acheived by tapping the force random fluctuaions jostling atomic particles within a vacuum. Scientists now know that "empty" space seeths with waht are called vacuum fluctuations: huge amoutns fo enrgfy that suddently burst forth, jiggling particles to and fro. Puthoff has developed his own therry, zero point energy, in an attempt to tap the abundant power found in the vacuum of space. He and associates in a new company, Jupiter Technologies, may soon try to manufacture zero-point energy machines.
DePalma described his N machine and outlined a theory to explain its workings in a paper, "On the Possibility of Extraction of Electrical Energy Directly From Space", published in the British science journel, Speculations in Science and Technology (Sept 1990, Vol 13 No 4). So far, the scientific establishment either has ignored DePalma's controversial claims or remains unaware of them.

Patent *Not* Pending


No one has ever obtained a patent for an N machine in the U.S., although in the San Francisco area alone, there are some 200 patent applications relating to such devices. The U.S. Patent office automatically denies a patent to any gizmo which purports to produce more enerty than it consumes, on the grounds that its personnel are not equipped to evalute such claims. DePalma is quick to point out that the N machine is not a perpetual motion machine, that mythical contraption long sought by frustrated inventors. "The purpetual motion machine is only supposed to run itself. It could never put out five times more power than is put into it. Perpetual motion schemes used conventional energy sources, whereas the N machine is a new way of extracting energy from space".
Other scientists-inventors who attempted to build and operate free energy machines have been intimidated and harassed by the U.S. government. At least one inventor had his device confiscated by the Defense Department on the grounds that its free energy technology endangered national security interests. This inventor was put under a gag order, so that he could not even tell the press that his N machine had been confiscated. This is ironic when one considers that the idea for the N machine came directly from a famous experiment performed by Michael Faraday in 1831.

U.S. Not Interested


The U.S. energy monopoly, which pushes for the development of oilm gas, coal, and nuclear power--while defunding solar energy and other non polluting alternatives--apparently does not want to see free energy emerge as a viable option.
Meanwhile, other countries, notably India and Japan, are vigorously pursuing what might prove to be a technological breakthrough. (is this yet one more example of the Invented in USA/Made in Japan" syndrome, the outcome of American shortsightedness and vested interests?) In India, eminent engineer Paramahamsa Tewari is currently testing his invention, called the Space Power Generator (SPG), which essentially replicates DePalma's N machine. With 5 kilowatt total input, the SPG is reportedly yielding 30 kilowatt electrical output (correspondence to B. DePalma 8/13/90).

Tewari, a senior engineer with India's Department of Atomic Energy-Nuclear Power Corporation, also directs the Kaiga Project, India's largest atomic power facility, in Karnataka. He freely acknoledges his dept to DePalma, who has shared his experimental results with Tewari for many years. According to Tewari, "The electrical power generatred by the Space Power Generator is indeed commercially viable and shoudl be brought to the notice of the general public." He has urged India's Atomic Energy Commision to create an independent research group to advance free energy technology. Tewari also credits John Wheeler, the prominent American physicist and discoverer of the black hole, for his steady encouragement. Wheeler, who had been searching for a mathematical theory that would predict free energty, appluded Tewari for his effors to develp such a theory, and the two scientists corresponded for several years.

Japanese Interest


The Japan Science Foundation, under Japanese government auspices, awarded grants to two universities and one company to produce models of the N machine and to investigate how it works. Kazama Giken Corporation is commercially supplying small N machines for research and educational purposes . Another Japanese company, Panasonic/National, is also prusuing this technology. Shiuji Inomata, Ph D president of the Japan Psychotronics Institute and seniaor scientist at the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Ibaraki, has been instrumental in sparking the interst of Japan's scientific community in the N machine.
"One day man will connect his apparatus to the verty wheelwork of the universe... and the very forces that motivate the planets in theri orbits and cause them to rotate will rotate his own machinary," predicted Nikola Tesla, the Croation born American electrical genious whose discoveries and inventions rival those of Edison. Proponents of the N machine believe that it taps directly into a primordial energy source, meshing witht the wheelwork of the cosmos.

A Wrong Turn


"Electrical engineering took a wrong turn 160 years ago," according to Tewari, referring to English scientist Michael Faraday's pioneering work of the world's first dynamo. In 1831, Faraday performed a series of experiments which led to the modern electri induction generator, having two moving parts--a rotor anda stator. Faraday moved a wire near the pole of a magnet, producing an electrical potential across the ends of the wire. This induction principle is used in all the electrical generators we use today. And that's precisely what Tewari means by a "wrong turn."
In that same year, 1831, Faraday also performed a simple yet ingenious experimetn with a rotating magnetized conductor. The resulting phenomenon (free energy?) has yet to be explained in terms of conventional scientific theory.

By cementing a copper disc on top of a cylinder magnet, and rotating the magnet and disc together, Faraday created an electrical potential. After pondering this phenomenon for many years, he concluded that when a magnet is rotated, its magnetic field remains stationary. Thus, he reasoned, the metal of the magnet moves through its own field, and the relative motion is translated into electrical potential.

Farady's experiments led him to the revolutionary conclusion that a magnetic field is a property of space itself, not something attached to the magnet, which merely serves to induce or evote the field.

A Prototype


Known for over 150 years, the Faraday homopolor generator, as his contraption is called, has been viewed by a handful of visionary inventors as a basis for evoking the free energy latent in space. They see is as the prototype for a generator capable of providing its own motive power with additional energy to spare. When the world embraced Faraday's two piece induction generator, whose drawbacks include mechanical friction and electrical losses, the enormous potential of the Faraday homopllar generator was abandoned, in the opinion of free-energy proponents.
Following in Faraday's footsteps, DePalma in 1978 speculated that free energy could be tapped from the matrix of space simply by magnetizing a gyroscope. "I reasononed that the metal of the magnetized gyroscope moving through its own magnetic field, when rotated would produce an electrical potential betwwn the axle and the outer edge of the rotating magnetized flywheel," he explains.

This insight led to his N machine, essentially a one piece rotating magnetized flywheel, "Instead of having a rotor and a stator, as do conventional generators, the n machine only has a rotor.. Half of the flywheel is the norht pole, the other half is the south pole. One elctrical contact is put on the axle, another contact is placed on the outer edge of the gyroscope, and presto, electricity is taken directly out of the magnet itself.

Idea Put to the Test


For 150 years after Faraday's controversial experiment, no one bothered to see whether or not a rotating magnet generator would have to to the same amount of work as a conventional induction generator in order to produce and identical power output. Then, in 1978, the aforementioned Sunburst homopolar generator was built. Tests determined that is output power greatly exceeded the input needed to run the machine, that it was much more efficent that an induction generator. Opinions differ as to the exact mechansms by which the N machine generates energy. In 1977 Tewari created a minor sensation when he put forth the theory that space is filled with a dynamic medium whose swirling motion is the sourc of all matter and energy. In his Space Vortex Theory, more fully developed in his 1984 book, Beyond Matter, the Indian engineer inventor postualted that a void lies at the heart of the electron-- a void whose high speed roation within a vacuum could produce energy from space. Tewari's theory is based on the assumption that the electron has a definate structure, and is not just a homogeneous "droplet of charge".
According to Tewari, the movement of "voids" in the spinning magnetized cylinder of his Space Power Generator liberates free energy out of sthe space between the machine's axis and the magnet. He readily admits that this soudns incredible, by the yardstick of known laws of physics. Tewari says he never would have developed his theory had he been trained as a physicist rather than as an engineer, since his ideas differ so radically from conventional physics.

"Tewari's explanation is perfectly possible," comments DePalma. "He is attempting to conceptualize what's happening between the atoms and where the energy is liberated."

Concept of Magnetism


"My own approach," continues DePalma, "is that space is all around us like the sea of water the fish swim in. The only way you know it's there is to distort it in some way, and the simplest way to distort space is with a magnet." DePalma maintains that his own conception of magnetism as a distortion of a pre-existant homogeneos field is "the first new thought on the fundamental nature of magnetism since Oersted."
Having taught at MIT as a lecturer in physics for 15 years, DePalma grew increasingly dissatisfied with mainstream physics' explanation of the way things work. His current view of the universe would strike many conventional scientists as heresy.

For example, modern science says that energy is a constant substance in the universe, and taht the conversion of energy from one form to another will lead to the heat-death of the universe eons from now. In contrast, says DePalma, "My cosmos is an open-ended universe, one in which energy can be evoked from space itself. All energy come from space," he maintains, "and there are various prodcesses which can release this energy, the simplest of whic is lighting a match or rubbing two sticks together."

Suppose you light a candle. The heat in the flame derives from the releaes of latent heat stored in the wax, according to the textbooks. Nonsense says DePalma. "The law of energy conservation is pure assuption," he insists. In his theory, the heat of a lit candle comes from space, and this substrate is slowly consumed by the energy of space flowing through it.

When you drive a car, the heat latent in the gasoline is extracted through burning, which propels the pistons. Right? Wrong syas DePalma. His understanding of the process is that the gasoline-air mixture, catalyzed by an electric spark, acts as a "molecular antenna" to release energy from space. Heat energy thus release cooks or burns the substance whih is evoking it in the first place, producing exhaust.

Likewise, when a magnet is rotated in the N-machine, DePalma theorizes, the electrical current comes from the space through which the magnet is drawing its energy, not from the magnets mechanical rotation.

DePalma's approaches to other basic phenomena are equally unorthadox. In the mid-1970's he performed the "Spinning Ball Experiment," which purportedly demonstrated that a rotating object will fall faster or go higher than an identical non rotating object with the same initial velocity. If true, these results fly in the face of all knows physics. The experimental procedure is simple: Take a steel ball bearing (the kind used in a pinball machine), set it rotatig, drop it, and measure how fast it falls. Compare its time with that of an identical but non-rotating control ball.

DePalma explained his anomalous results in terms of free energy added to the motion of the rotating object. Thse and other experiments led him to forumulate radical new concepts of rotation, gravity, inertia and motion in general building on the work of pioneers in the fiedl. He published hsi findings on the Spinning Ball Experiment in the British Scientific Research Association Journal in 1976. He also outlined the Spinning Ball Experiment to Dr. Edward Purcell, a Harvard physics professor, one of the most eminent experimental physicists at that time. According to DePalma, Purcell, after contemplating the experiment for several minutes, blurted, "This will change everything."

Applying New Technology


"Applied physics is not engraved in stone," says Don Kelly, president of the Space Energy Association (SEA/US), a group of engineers, scientists, and inventors dedicated to developing free-energy technology. Today's free-energy scene encompasses a bewildering array of devices, including N machine, Russian plasma generators, a Swill hybrid converter (combining free-energy components and solid state methods), permanent magnet motors (PMMs), the multiple-coil Hubbard Generator, and various hydrogen power systems.
A standout among the latter group is the "Enerex" H20 unit invented by Yoshiro Nakmatsu, known as the "Edison of Japan." This prolific inventor--father of the floppy disk--claims that his pollution free Enerex unit runs on tap water alone and can generate three times as much power as a standard gasoline engine. An H20 splitter, the Enerex produces hydrogen as the working fuel.

Kelly notes that Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Korea and the Netherlands all have active free-energy research associations, with which SEA/US exhanges information. Nevertheless, he feels that the nascent free energy technology faces opposition in the United States from government agencies, academics, and vested industrial interests. Kely envisions free energy eventually gaining acceptance and application through a grassroots movement of do-it-yourselfers aroudn the country. SEA/US publishes an interesting quarterly newsleter, available to members. (Space Energy Association/U.S. P.O. Box 11422, Clearwater, FL 34616; phone 813-441-3923; membership dues are $35 per year).

Economics of the N machine


DePalma Energy Corporation has not sold a single machine yet. To build an N machine by hand, the company charges around $500,000. Bruce DePalma claims that, if mass produced, the cost of hsi machine would drop to a mere $400 to $500. He points out that a typical 100 kilowatt AC generator costs a little over $100,000, and add that an N machine putting out the same amount of power could be manufactured for one trhird to one half the cost in regular production. His goal is to set up technology sharing agreements with clients who would manufacture his machine.
Surveying the variety of electro-magnetic free energy units available or on the drawing boards, Don Kelly concluded that most of them are plagued by fuzzy applied physics, lack of technical and financial support, and "a distinct cost effectivness problem." However, Kelly singled out the DePalma N machine as "the mainstaty for this F/E category" and "the best of the F/E units for its potential today." He gave the N machine a high "KISS rating" (KISS=Keep it simple and stupid) due to the machines simple, one-piece rotor performs better than today's conventional two piece generators," says Kelly.

Other Applications


The gyroscope with its anomalous properties, so crucial to the N machine, is also finding applications in antigravity and space propulsion. Eric Laithwaite, electrical engineering professor at ............. (missing the remainder of this article, perhaps contact somoe the individuals who's email is listed below for the rest?)

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