Professor Stephen Hawking's invitation: Party for Time Travellers


Quantum Scribe
Dear all time travellers,

Renowned physicist of the 21st Century, Professor Stephen Hawking has invited you all for a Time Traveller's party. This is not for hoaxers.

Time: 12:00 UT 06/28/2009.
Location: University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, Trinity Street, Cambridge.
GPS Coordinate: 52 ° 12' 21" N, 0 ° 7'4.7" E

No RSVP required.

(P.S. Because of the M-theory view, please take a picture and show us here in the TTI forum as a proof of your arrival.)

The Spoof : Stephen Hawking to be turned into a Dalek funny satire story

The President of the Royal Society, Baron Rees of Ludlow, said that Hawking has promised not to enslave the inhabitants of London, exterminate his opponents, destroy faraway planets or declare war on the cybermen, adding "We didn't think that Professor Hwking would do these things but it's better to be safe than sorry".

Hawking himself said "I am exc-i-ted a-bout the o-ppur-tu-ni-ty to be acc-ep-ted with-in the Dal-ek com-mu-ni-ty where I can stu-dy string theo-ry wi-thout the dis-trac-tions of the hu-man bo-dy such as eat-ing, sleep-ing and goi-ing to the toi-let."