
shawn murphy

Temporal Novice
When i was 11 years old i was about to go to bed when I looked out my window and saw a big flash of light the next moring I awoke with a small object in my shoulder it felt and looked like a liitle metal nut over time it went a way. It came back 2 years after in my knee the same metal bolt like object that also vanished. I thought I was fine but last month it came back on my chest and I dont know what to do should I be worried
I don't understand why many clearly civilised beings result to this type of infallible delusion to persuade or gain something, whatever that something is. Now in the very rare chance you are telling the truth I would recommend no course of action. Intelligent Sentients from Extraterrestrial civilisations would not be looking to cause harm, if that was their intention I'm sure you would know already. I remember hearing this UFO abduction case a long time ago by a group of women, they all claimed they were abducted by Alien beings. This archetypal beginning to the implant theory began, they all claimed they had been implanted. As you would expect nobody believed them. Systematically years latter they all got brain tumours and died, this was about five women who were all connected. Back to your case I doubt your going to get a Tumour so nothing to worry about. If you could help prove this with photographic evidence of your implant I would be able to offer more help.
When i was 11 years old i was about to go to bed when I looked out my window and saw a big flash of light the next moring I awoke with a small object in my shoulder it felt and looked like a liitle metal nut over time it went a way. It came back 2 years after in my knee the same metal bolt like object that also vanished. I thought I was fine but last month it came back on my chest and I dont know what to do should I be worried

So, when you discovered this bolt was growing out of your body(on three different occasions) and you went to your family physician, what did (s)he say about it? Rather than taking advice on how to proceed on a medical issue from members of an alt-sci Internet forum don't you think that following your doctor's advice might be the better course of action? You did have your doctor take a look at it, yes?

(Patiently awaiting the all too expected answer.)
Sometimes, people from outside of your experience may come to visit, and conduct various studies. However, you would most likely never be aware of their presence, unless they intentionally desired such.
I can inform you in this way: 253 years from now, there will still exist no valid evidence whatsoever, that any sort of intelligent alien life exists. There has been conducted a very high volume of work in the effort to locate and/or communicate with some type of extra-terrestrial life, with no success. Currently, there are well over 15 thousand discovered 'solar systems' containing extra-terrestrial planets (as of 2266, that I am currently aware of, there may be more or less, the number is approximate). Of the known systems, none of them contain planets considered to be 'life-friendly', as we understand the processes of 'life' at this point. I can, however, think of about five or six planets residing in outside systems that somewhat resemble Earth. But, no signals have been detected from them, and, the position within the galaxy of these systems suggests that no life could exist there, as they are not within a habitable zone, as you call it.
As a result of this knowledge, and these facts, it is highly unlikely that you have been contacted by 'aliens'. As far as we know, no such beings exist, at least not within the detectable regions of our galaxy. They may certainly exist, but they would be required to exist either on the other side of the galaxy in a similar habitable zone as Earth, or, in another galaxy separate from our own. If so, there is most definitely no possibility of detecting them, at least as of 2266. The technology simply does not exist. If, however, an alien culture does exist outside of our galaxy, or, on the other side of our own galaxy, it can be suggested mathematically that such a venture to Earth would be excessively impractical, as to render such not a possibility. Many studies have been conducted concerning the possibility, including not only physical abilities, but also practicalities, as well as possible cultural suppositions. None appear valid by human thought processes. This does not mean it's impossible, just that it's highly unlikely if the alien life form thinks similarly as we do.