|Priority Distress Message| Alpha Team


Temporal Novice
If anybody from Alpha Team or any of the other teams here in this time is still here, please send assistance.

This is the first chance I have had to get to a computer since losing contact nearly two weeks ago. My C300GDT is offline due to an undetectable computer fault. It has render all Primary and Secondary systems useless. All attempts to repair the problem have failed.

I am still on the island of Japan, which is where my assignment was, but no where near my equipment as the walk to a populated area was too long to carry anything large. My GDT is within range of my designated drop point. Although, without my tracer, I am not even sure I can find my way back to my vehicle. I do have my emergency pack with limited money, food and personal locator. My locator is down to 33% power which puts in transmit area within 100km of myself.

Please, I am hoping any team is still in this time and I am not to close to the deadline.

My Details for your confirmation are:-

Name:- Justin Stewart
Callsign:- JustinTime (Also my TTI Sign)
Serial #:- K7AVUA1E
Rank:- Science Officer First Grade
Reporting Officer:- Charlie Haynes (TTI Sign - timeline_39)

I will monitor this as much as a can.

This is just plain silly. Any time traveler would obviously have access to superluminal (faster than light) communication capability. Therefore, the need to post anything on the internet for other time travelers to see would be nil.

I am glad to see you are ok.

I arrived just north of Melbourne as per usual. The Council granted my request to travel here in a Flyer but if I use it to try to search for you or your equipment there is a high possibility I will be detected. I will check back every 10 hours for your reply and be sure to use our global grid references when you disclose your location.

I notice that it has been in excess 24 hours since your last activity here. I hope nothing has happened to you.

"The Council granted my request to travel here in a Flyer but if I use it to try to search for you or your equipment there is a high possibility I will be detected"

if you are from the future can't you stop being detected? why not cloak yourself?

I am still on the island of Japan, which is where my assignment was

Uhhh...was that for our edification? One might suppose that the rest of your team would know where you were supposed to be and what your assignment was (generally).
excellent! a Time Traveller in my neck of the woods! What can you possibly find of interest in Melbourne? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
justin, i don't know if i can help you if you have a valid timetravel identification (tid#) number
i can atleast locate you're original time period and get a message to you're supperiors , this meassage is originated from terminal#445 united states time travel enforcement department

as far as the priority distress message is concerned it is in the temporal prime directive for the united states time travel enforcement department to ignore this message but my co as taken special intrest in this p.d.m could you possibly pm me with you're mission which would help me to determine why my co has taken special intrest in you and this priority distress message

rick nicholai
lt/time travel monitor
united states time travel enforcement department