Pretending to Be from 2645


Temporal Novice
Well not really. This is an expirement to see how long I can last as a time traveler. Everything I say will be false and I will act like a genuine time traveler. Now for the Fun!

Hello, I am from 2645. I came here to research and observe human culture in 2004. I wont be in here often because I do most of my research by socialy interacting with them in person. Any questions?
1) This is not fun.
B) You did not last long at all.
3) Go post your "fun" on the board for time travel claims.
D) Get the picture?

Hey you're the first one who's actually aware of the Zager & Evans Phenomenon.... Obviously every timetraveler should know about this and you're the first to proof that you are for real /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I've asked many timetravelers about the Zager & Evans Phenomenon, but so far none of them has passed the test.

I've asked many timetravelers about the Zager & Evans Phenomenon, but so far none of them has passed the test.

What is the Zager and Evans Phenomeneon anyway?

what did chrono say it was?
Ton_A said> What is the Zager and Evans Phenomenon anyway?

The Zanger Evan phenomenon, is a phenomenon of predicting the future, of what it could be?

>Note as a result of the said Montauk time travel experiment, it was said that no life in our particular timeline, existed in the years 4700s to the 50s.

The problem with the John Titor debauched is, that whether he used a single timeline to get here, is not clear.

Pamela Moore said that he had used a neighboring timeline, via an adjustable feature on his G.E. time displacement unit, that had allowed him to use another timeline, in order to elevator floor, to certain time periods, which his time machine could not go.

However if you follow what More says, she later comes out and says, that she did not know whether Tior came from our timeline or a neighboring one.

If you follow the mathematical deduction of what she said first, then he would have had to come from our timeline.

However there is the problem that when you announce that a time traveler has come from a certain era, and then say something in a big catastrophic way, then the deer heard phenomenon occurs, where movement polation occurs, so changing the supposed pristine timeline, that that time traveler has visited to.

So you not only get a cultural diversion, however a structural timeline diversion as well.

These are events the changing of landmarks from one dimension of existence to another, however no'one seems to be reacting to these changes, as some are not observers within their own timeline.

The proof of these changes, are mentioned at
T-79, if all life ends as said by Montauk before the 5000s, then there will be no mass to enrgy conversion, since happenstance occured long before this.

Was the destruction of our wordline, long before the year fifty-thousand?

The fai;lurte of the Zanger and Evan phenominon depends on a depleated morality, what if this projected morality, never has time supposed to have accrued?
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence and motivations of the Montauk project, therefore I cannot comment nor do I wish to speculate at this time due to lack of information.

I wouldn't worry about something in the year 5000, unless time is cyclical.

In which case, I'd be more concerned with the Now and how it branches into everything.

Baby steps.

The Zager and Evans phenomenon is the realization/transition from mass to energy.

almost... but not quite
The Zager and Evans phenomenon is:

Zager and Evans were a rock band of the late 1960s and early 1970s named after its two members, Denny Zager and Rick Evans. They are best known for writing the prophetic song "In the Year 2525", presenting its views on the dangers of technology as it portrays humanity as being increasingly destroyed by its own technological innovations and inability to adapt. In 1969 their single "In the Year 2525" hit #1 on the charts. The band may be the ultimate example of a one-hit wonder A one-hit wonder is a Top 40 phenomenon; while the song that broke them out into fame peaked at first place in the charts, they never wrote another song that made the Top 40.
The song Zanger and Evan performed, is wrong, as it lets mans fate to God, not to man himself.

The real God only acts as part of a manifesting consortium.

In the song Z&E perform, they give license to God to start it all over again, which precludes man from making his own choice.
I was kinda hoping I could have kept up this charade a little bit longer

Of all one-hit wonders I guess this one is my favourite, only to be rivaled by Sniff & The Tears' Drivers Seat /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
