Ton_A said> What is the Zager and Evans Phenomenon anyway?
The Zanger Evan phenomenon, is a phenomenon of predicting the future, of what it could be?
>Note as a result of the said Montauk time travel experiment, it was said that no life in our particular timeline, existed in the years 4700s to the 50s.
The problem with the John Titor debauched is, that whether he used a single timeline to get here, is not clear.
Pamela Moore said that he had used a neighboring timeline, via an adjustable feature on his G.E. time displacement unit, that had allowed him to use another timeline, in order to elevator floor, to certain time periods, which his time machine could not go.
However if you follow what More says, she later comes out and says, that she did not know whether Tior came from our timeline or a neighboring one.
If you follow the mathematical deduction of what she said first, then he would have had to come from our timeline.
However there is the problem that when you announce that a time traveler has come from a certain era, and then say something in a big catastrophic way, then the deer heard phenomenon occurs, where movement polation occurs, so changing the supposed pristine timeline, that that time traveler has visited to.
So you not only get a cultural diversion, however a structural timeline diversion as well.
These are events the changing of landmarks from one dimension of existence to another, however no'one seems to be reacting to these changes, as some are not observers within their own timeline.
The proof of these changes, are mentioned at