Rift Surfer
I have my predictions for 2007
o Endless series of investigations by Congress on Bush, Cheney, Domestic Spying and the Iraq War.
o Bush and Cheney will resign by the end of 2007 if not early 2008
o Nancy Pelosi will be the first Female President (Titor didn't say she would be 'elected')
o Hillary Clinton will not announce a run for the Presidency
o No support outside of NY, NJ, Boston political machines and the DLC
o Edwards and Obama will continue to be the front runners in the primaries
o McCain mental health records will fall into the Press or Democratic hands
o Mitt Romney will be the Republican canidate for the Republicans
o The dollar will continue to fall against the EURO
o More and more countries will reduce the Dollar currency reserves in favor of EUROS
o The Trade Deficit and Federal Debt continue to move Skyward
o The U.S. will attack IRAN in March-April-May of 2007
o Look for false flag attack by ship attack, bombing, commando raid, missle attack supposedly
from Iran
o The region will explode in violence bringing in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel
o A major mountain or volcano on the Pacific Rim will explode / erupt
o People will realize that the Stock Market is not an indicator of our ECONOMY
o The Stock Market will continue to soar for no good reasons /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o Illegal Immigrants will be driven out of towns over violent crimes and the government lack of
Happy New Year! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o Endless series of investigations by Congress on Bush, Cheney, Domestic Spying and the Iraq War.
o Bush and Cheney will resign by the end of 2007 if not early 2008
o Nancy Pelosi will be the first Female President (Titor didn't say she would be 'elected')
o Hillary Clinton will not announce a run for the Presidency
o No support outside of NY, NJ, Boston political machines and the DLC
o Edwards and Obama will continue to be the front runners in the primaries
o McCain mental health records will fall into the Press or Democratic hands
o Mitt Romney will be the Republican canidate for the Republicans
o The dollar will continue to fall against the EURO
o More and more countries will reduce the Dollar currency reserves in favor of EUROS
o The Trade Deficit and Federal Debt continue to move Skyward
o The U.S. will attack IRAN in March-April-May of 2007
o Look for false flag attack by ship attack, bombing, commando raid, missle attack supposedly
from Iran
o The region will explode in violence bringing in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel
o A major mountain or volcano on the Pacific Rim will explode / erupt
o People will realize that the Stock Market is not an indicator of our ECONOMY
o The Stock Market will continue to soar for no good reasons /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o Illegal Immigrants will be driven out of towns over violent crimes and the government lack of
Happy New Year! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif