Preditions 2007 - Happy New Year! :)


Rift Surfer
I have my predictions for 2007

o Endless series of investigations by Congress on Bush, Cheney, Domestic Spying and the Iraq War.
o Bush and Cheney will resign by the end of 2007 if not early 2008
o Nancy Pelosi will be the first Female President (Titor didn't say she would be 'elected')
o Hillary Clinton will not announce a run for the Presidency
o No support outside of NY, NJ, Boston political machines and the DLC
o Edwards and Obama will continue to be the front runners in the primaries
o McCain mental health records will fall into the Press or Democratic hands
o Mitt Romney will be the Republican canidate for the Republicans
o The dollar will continue to fall against the EURO
o More and more countries will reduce the Dollar currency reserves in favor of EUROS
o The Trade Deficit and Federal Debt continue to move Skyward
o The U.S. will attack IRAN in March-April-May of 2007
o Look for false flag attack by ship attack, bombing, commando raid, missle attack supposedly
from Iran
o The region will explode in violence bringing in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel
o A major mountain or volcano on the Pacific Rim will explode / erupt
o People will realize that the Stock Market is not an indicator of our ECONOMY
o The Stock Market will continue to soar for no good reasons /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o Illegal Immigrants will be driven out of towns over violent crimes and the government lack of

Happy New Year! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm not sure I should bump this but...

Regarding my IRAN prediction

o A Carrier Group has moved off IRAN
o A Naval Admiral has taken over Centcom (or will soon)
o Vice President Cheney has ordered a plan for a STRATEGIC TATICAL NUCLEAR STRIKES against Iran
o Military planners are 'horrified'
o IRAN strike is preparation of 'future' 'terrorism' in America...

According to sources of Randi Rhodes of Air America Radio.

Also, I believe GOD sometimes speaks to people through others /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As I ordered a slice a pizza last night, A pizza maker started talking about Terrorist Strikes in America...

He described 4 Cities would be attacked
The attacks would be very 'explosive' if not nuclear
Make 9/11 look tame in comparison...

I am calling this 'Four City' Strike the "Pizzamaker Prophecy'...:)

Something BIG has to happen in AMERICA for CHENEY to launch a NUCLEAR STRIKE against IRAN.

Of course, I hope its stopped.

>>Nancy Pelosi will be the first Female President (Titor didn't say she would be 'elected')<<
You have got to be kidding me. I have computer games smarter than she is.

Tell us bone daddy? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Condoleeza Rice?

I was listening to the Drudge Report last night. He opened the show with how Britian or the BBC is talking about Cheney resigning and Rice being nominated as VP.

(I got all excited but nothing on the wires or google.)

And then Bush Resigns... She would be President.

Would sort of fit into the Titor story...


"The President use to be able to be in Office for 4 terms. It will be guess who again?"

You must be a Republican. I think you are talking about FDR. We currently have 2 terms for a President. And I doubt the Democratic Congress is going to allow W to stay a minute longer than he has to...

Yes, I think he is attempting to do that.
And no I do not know for sure, but I do know that according to a News report that the meeting in Waco, Texas in 2005, made the N. American Union only by Bush and Congress did not vote on it. Also that according to other people the dollar is being devalued to create new money called the "Amero" and that this is happening according to the opinion of other people. I would hate to drag other people into a "War" while explaining it was for the better. Is the European Union better? This is just being done to follow Europe again, and make economics according to their political thinking, and also at the same time, other things are happening that some other people do not agree with.
Thus you also have:
where it can be read about.
"Tell us bone daddy? Condoleeza Rice?"
I am thinking something more drastic like Bush/Chaney resign or impeachment and Pelosi becomes next in the line of succession. What would be the result if such dominoes fell?

As for
"I am thinking something more drastic like Bush/Chaney resign or impeachment and Pelosi becomes next in the line of succession. What would be the result if such dominoes fell?"

I think Pelosi taking over the Presidency early would accomplish the following:

o Save The World
o Avoid Esclation of the War with Syria and Iran
o Move toward more convictions of the Republican Party
o Put an end to "conservatism"

That's all /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

dear friend with the bad habit

Unfortunately Mr. President will not be resigning he has still many unearthly things to do until his term ceases.

However, you might consider looking over at the British Parliament, those sods are weaving a nice little pout for the rest of the world.

As for the never-ending war, well that is a rather sorry predicament. it extends as far as 2017. And even then it will not look as if the US really made any difference.

Nonetheless my friends keep predicting some of your predictions are already facts from the historical future. Good luck.

Until later becomes now

As for "Nonetheless my friends keep predicting some of your predictions are already facts from the historical future."

Are you saying I'm right about things to come?

Not being a 'time traveller' or 'remote viewer' I would not know these things...

Am I right?

Hello Friends of EarthTR125.0121

Yes. Some of your predictions are facts of the historical future. In fact, if you were to take into account the existence of multiple temporal realities all of your predictions would come true and then again they would not. Haha

Nonsense aside, most of the temporeconomical factors and variables that pull together this world will collide into the fact that Euro will be a major driving force in most European countries as well as the dollar losing its value.

However, my friend, you should consider predicting for a lighter future. Sometimes, we predict bad things and it is the power of our unconscious will that make them happen. It is called Livorium. To predict something evil for someone else.

Let us say you predict that by the end of this wonderful year something amazing will take place in the area of Jordan, something that haven't taken place in a really long time. Something out of true brotherhood, something that will make walls fall and evil men tremble. An entire nation swept by religious duty and an entire world taken back to its senses.

So lets get on with the good predictions, we can do it. We all can.

It just takes a little imagination.

Until later becomes now.

As for "Let us say you predict that by the end of this wonderful year something amazing will take place in the area of Jordan, something that haven't taken place in a really long time. Something out of true brotherhood, something that will make walls fall and evil men tremble. An entire nation swept by religious duty and an entire world taken back to its senses."

Don't know much about Jordan... I wouldn't know what to pray for... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for predicting bad things, I more of realist. Point well taken.

However, I do believe in "Collective Consconiousness" and the key to changing the world is to think of good things happening" like PEACE IN THE MIDDLEEAST

I am not one who hopes for bad things. But sees the signs.

Privately, I hope for a world of PEACE, LOVE, COOPERATION and UNDERSTANDING.

TheCigMan /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
My Friend

A really long time ago I had a friend, a very good one indeed. We were stationed on the battlefront of Gallilei Five. Nearly five Nemesis Ship of His Majesty's Navy were surrounding the planet and nearly four more were on their way. As it was we were cornered by the Repression Guards and their host of cybernetic hounds, it was a pretty bleak picture for the very small group that comprised our unit. And do you know what my friend told me?

To never under estimate the faith of the few. And you know what? Thanks the Source we didn't. We prevailed, we kept on, we hung to our faith and we are still here.

That's right. We should pray for hope, goodness and all the right things. We should stick to good intentions like choronotonic particles stick to a transdimensional device. We should make an effort, our private statement, our bloody motto for the Source's sake, that we shall prevail and that all the evils in the world will vanish and go back to the place they came from. For one thing is certain, the very monsters that plague our lives, they can not stand one thing, one thing only my friend. And that is faith.

Until later becomes now.
There's an important point I never hear mentioned with respect to Iran. Everyone seems to be stuck on the idea that "As soon as Iran has a nuclear bomb it will attack Israel."

But that is only someone's opinion. Don't fall into the mindlessness of underestimating your opponnent. It may be quite possible that Iran already has nuclear weapons, and that any so-called "pre-emptive attack" will be retaliated against by use of those weapons.

The American military wanted to invade Cuba before it " got warheads for the missiles they installed" during the Kennedy Presidency. What they didn't know-- military intelligence and the C.I.A., who never seem to know what is going on if one reads history--is that the Russians already had warheads for those missiles on site. What also happened was that an American submarine was dumping grenade size depth charges on a Russian sub with a nuclear tipped torpedo, and circumstances had progressed to the point that the Russian sub captain had ordered the warhead installed on the torpedo.

It behooves one to think twice before making a stupid move. END OF SERMON. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif