Predictions By JoeEverybody


Temporal Novice
United states of America:
Dollar will sink within 1 yeart as the King and the nations of common fuel arrive at a decision to sell the american dollar, and buy the united states european dollar.

The King and the family will allow chines to become the new world leader 5 years after american dollar devalues.

United states european:
The united states european will stop imports of the common fuel by 2015.

Russian union:
Russion union will overcome war within states, and sell weapons to australia to repel war seeking nations.

more later

Your attempt to seem as an 'average american' has failed.

Either a mental patient or a foreigner. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

In fact, I 'god channel' you as a Chinese Spy with little knowledge of the english language. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Obviously, you are hoping for a crash in the dollar and China to be the next lone Super Power.
