Prayer Changing Reality


Rift Surfer
Note: This is not meant to be a religious thread per se or a heavily religious debate

Many pray to a deity of some sort. I am beginning to believe that prayer can possibly change your reality.

Example: You are afraid humanity will die from the comet zooming by. So, you pray heavily to your deity. If he decides to help, he will save your world in YOUR reality only, and others' who have prayed or have fulfilled the deity's will. Non-prayers may experience armageddon.

This ties into multiple time lines and time travel really well, in my opinion. Basically, you are creating another time line that splits off.

The only problem with my theory is this: What is going on when your prayer is not answered? Well, I suppose this is the reality you were not meant to have.

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Note: This is not meant to be a religious thread per se or a heavily religious debate

Many pray to a deity of some sort. I am beginning to believe that prayer can possibly change your reality.

Example: You are afraid humanity will die from the comet zooming by. So, you pray heavily to your deity. If he decides to help, he will save your world in YOUR reality only, and others' who have prayed or have fulfilled the deity's will. Non-prayers may experience armageddon.

This ties into multiple time lines and time travel really well, in my opinion. Basically, you are creating another time line that splits off.

The only problem with my theory is this: What is going on when your prayer is not answered? Well, I suppose this is the reality you were not meant to have.
God views our needs from a different perspective. God wants us to evolve. Not necessarily physically, but spiritually. A common statement on this is that if we pray for patience, God does not simply give it to us. We are placed in circumstances to learn how to be patient.

God knows what we NEED to evolve spiritually, and what you WANT may not be applicable in your personal spiritual advancement program.

As far as religion and time travel go, I believe that the two topics can co-exist in discussions. There were brilliant minded folks thousands of years ago that thought about the workings of the Universe. Many of them lived in hostile environments where saying what they thought or discovered would be a death sentence. Thus they hid those thoughts and discoveries in places that they figured would survive the centuries to be decoded sometime in the future.

Learning what is really contained in the Bible is actually mind blowing. There's more to it then most people figure.

Prayer also can be viewed as a method of concentrating energy. Focusing to achieve a desired goal. Priests and witches are essentially doing the same thing whether that be praying or casting a spell. Intent of the practitioners may be different, however, the dynamics are the same.

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A common statement on this is that if we pray for patience, God does not simply give it to us. We are placed in circumstances to learn how to be patient.
This is how I understand it also.

Prayer also can be viewed as a method of concentrating energy. Focusing to achieve a desired goal. Priests and witches are essentially doing the same thing whether that be praying or casting a spell. Intent of the practitioners may be different, however, the dynamics are the same.
What do you think about people with hypochondria? Fixating yourself on a condition you think you have is tantamount to prayer; might that focus the WRONG kind of energies on yourself? If you can focus energy to achieve a positive outcome, it would follow that the same thing could be done for a negative one, even unintentionally.

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What do you think about people with hypochondria? Fixating yourself on a condition you think you have is tantamount to prayer; might that focus the WRONG kind of energies on yourself? If you can focus energy to achieve a positive outcome, it would follow that the same thing could be done for a negative one, even unintentionally.
I would say that fixating on a condition would be more of a mantra. Is there a difference between the two? I would say yes ! Prayers and spells are external ( looking for something outside to solve an issue ) . A mantra is internal. ( energy from within to become...).

Existence itself is thought to be the creation of opposing forces.

The Bible contains couple of verses that applies to what you wrote in your reply relative to positive <> negative.

Exodus 32:14 " And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. "

Isaiah 45:7 " I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. "

Then we have Yin /Yang ;

View attachment 91

I would say that although different disciplines of thought , we are presented with the same basic foundation of force.

The most important point of all of this being....

We all exist in a state of potential and through thought, intention and action, we are able to manifest that potential. Which could be either positive or negative.

What makes us different is the ability to be aware and to choose.


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To be honest this is theoretical.

read as you wish.

Prayer very much changes they reality around you in fact just speaking change is the reality around you. When you speak you're sending waves out from your throat that vibrates sear technically sending out vibrational of around you. This again goes into a theoretical science your brain is full of electrons and you choose to say and we don't know if sound waves affect Quantum particles yet or even if sound waves is quantum particles so when we speak we're sending out Quantum particles all around us letting our environment I know we mean that some words send out different types of vibrations so different vibrations means different Quantum waves that's why in the "Bible-quoting" Bible its says if you will ever need help casting out demons just say Jesus name

This word, therefore, has a Quantum effect around the person and I personally believe they might be other words out there that we don't even know what day are that can induce Quantum fields. These then come to languages that mean languages all have 1 outputs to us it probably sounds like English French Spanish or something like that but in the quantum field they have different vibrations or different wavelengths to what they mean.

I don't know what this happens to anyone else but when you're watching a movie and there's a scene that seems empowering. You feel lifted and some type of way like you feel it down in you like that's powering. That is another proof of quantum wave induction words have an effect on people and basically living animals anything that's living it can have an effect on it plants Birds everything that lives they can have an effect on it it can you probably even have an effect on basically matter but like I'm saying this is all theoretical science and theoretical means someday it might be true or it is not true at all so it's up to you to believe or believe not what to believe.

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Kind of branching off from praying and speaking to change reality. I have been watching Walking Dead for a long time and I spent a lot of time imagining what it would really be like living in a survival situation such as that, where life changes drastically. Then, the virus hits. (Ok, so it isn't "drastic"). Did I create this virus timeline by simply thinking about things such as this? Now, why didn't it get too bad in my timeline? I didn't like it, so I prayed for the virus to go away.

Do we really have control over our own destiny? Why am I learning this when my life is half over? This could have been useful earlier in life.

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I think we do what we can with the time and space we are born into. Regarding religion and time, 2 Kings 20:11 time goes backward. Rumor is the math of that verse helped NASA launch its space program because they could not get a craft to re enter. Bible is full of math for the good of mankind. <><

Very interesting! I certainly believe in the power of prayer and other motions of it. I have seen it’s effects for myself and truly feel there is divine communication/interaction that can happen. In my studies, I find that yes, the action of speaking words can have an effect on reality. True, it is from one’s perspective and everyone’s journey is their own race. However, there is a legend that considers the blacksmithing of English words were overseen by the Druids. That there is a code contained within each word. In regards to math contained in the Bible, I think there is more to the concept of 12 and its Apostles. Revelations 21:13 depicts each direction (NSEW) with three gates each and a city wall of twelve foundations. Greece, Egyptians, and ancient civilizations had 12 be significant gods, princes, sons, disciples and followers. Even King Arthur has 12 knights of the round table. It is a theory that each Apostle represents one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. What I find interesting is the dodecahedron. A shape that contains a circle, a square, triangle and possible hexagons. Each divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Each 20 degrees equal in a 360 degree circle. There has to be some way to unlock those mysterious shapes and how they affect your destiny.

Makes sense. Druids study trees so tree of knowledge would control progress of language. Enochian tables are now in English. So before fall of man Adam spoke English but Moses was not given that secret when he wrote the Torah. New Jerusalem in Revelation 21. Southwest corner is Borrego Springs CA Druid’s are smart. But us Shamans are too. And we are fed up with the lies. Ask your area out in 51. They concurred. You just can’t see it with disbelief. <><

“Each 20 degrees equal in a 360 degree circle. “

- Edit: meaning 30 degrees equally not 20.
In regards to Enochian info, thank you for passing that along. Very interesting to look up. I think the shamanistic approach is terrific intellectual approach. In my view, there is more synchronicity. Good luck!

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Well thanks to Desert Storm I was born with synchronicity. So it’s pretty freaky.

Who invented synchronicity? Carl Jung and Albert Einstein? Or did I just create it and gave them credit as a gift?

I spent a few years with Einstein’s younger doppelgänger in the 1990’s. He and his family knew that. I did not. And he never mentioned it. Now I have no proof of their forwarding address. We were close friends.
