Power of things to change the future


Temporal Novice
Not all the things can change the future in the same way.For example if i travel in the past and i move a lamp or a bed in my room or if i rip a leaf i don't make any important modification of the future,so if i return to the future nothing Is changed. Instance for example if i travel in the past to II WW and kill Hitler,in that instant another future will be created and that is different from mine.

I think the changing of the future are directly proporzional to the difference of years from your time and time in which you have travelled back,because of the butterfly effect,but also depends on the action that you do and most important to who or what you are doing that action .

This theory actually makes a lot of sense. In other words, it all depends on what you want to change or how you want to do it. I can see that moving an insignificant object in the past would have a far lesser impact than, for instance, changing the results of an election. (Depending on who's running against who, if the better candidate(s) win(s), we can expect a better future than if they lose.)
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Not all the things can change the future in the same way.For example if i travel in the past and i move a lamp or a bed in my room or if i rip a leaf i don't make any important modification of the future,so if i return to the future nothing Is changed. Instance for example if i travel in the past to II WW and kill Hitler,in that instant another future will be created and that is different from mine.

I think the changing of the future are directly proporzional to the difference of years from your time and time in which you have travelled back,because of the butterfly effect,but also depends on the action that you do and most important to who or what you are doing that action .
A reasonable assumption, but you forget the butterfly effect. The theory that a small change through a domino or cascade effect can produce a big effect. That can be summed up with the idea that if a butterfly beats it wings at a certain place at a specific time it can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.
