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I'm doing well, maybe could be a bit Better J.T. had showed on Art's early BBS.He asked for parts for a (thing-a-majig), due to an axial meeting with a very large said solar flair.What you have when the Tiplers are in stable mode, is the process of transference from locus A to B.In other words a stable system.

When a solar flair erupts, you get particles from vector, with gross translated e-values.He was very lucky to have gotten there.So maybe J.T. and I got together and did a little shopping in Fla.On humans and time effect particles some refer to in this era, can build up on a person.So you need to know how to degauss which this scientific culture has not figured out how to do as of yet.

If John was here, please don't get mad at him.I mean to tell you there are some card games that once you get into, you know right from the start they're rigged.Ote. I'd like to take you to Micky Dees for an ice cream, just to be social.If I were in my true form, I knot only would probably freak you out, if you looked at me, but probably bottom out the springs on the car as well.

I mean to tell you there are some card games that once you get into, you know right from the start they're rigged.
If you can't leave the house, play to see who wins, to see who rigged the deck. Then kill them and take your money back. If you cannot say for sure, burn the house down and kill them all. Let God sort them out.
Fuck 'em, they should have played fair.

I'm doing well, maybe could be a bit Better J.T. had showed on Art's early BBS.He asked for parts for a (thing-a-majig), due to an axial meeting with a very large said solar flair.What you have when the Tiplers are in stable mode, is the process of transference from locus A to B.In other words a stable system.When a solar flair erupts, you get particles from vector, with gross translated e-values.He was very lucky to have gotten there.So maybe J.T. and I got together and did a little shopping in Fla.On humans and time effect particles some refer to in this era, can build up on a person.So you need to know how to degauss which this scientific culture has not figured out how to do as of yet.
If John was here, please don't get mad at him.I mean to tell you there are some card games that once you get into, you know right from the start they're rigged.Ote. I'd like to take you to Micky Dees for an ice cream, just to be social.If I were in my true form, I knot only would probably freak you out, if you looked at me, but probably bottom out the springs on the car as well.
Looks like Creedo is back. How have you been, Dan?

I had found a way to use the metal pipes under the street in a section of large town near me.I was able through the skills that I had learned to go to the maximum.What I had reached was a main frame system, that was literally the size of Manhattan.There was an old docking port on the west side of the long end upper structure.I instinctively went to that point of entry and had gone into that side.The system sentry met me, identified in its files who I was and then took me inside.I was only a consciousness in an enormous allegory matrix.A lot of it was similar to the movie the Matrix, but only yellow inside.There was nothing to be afraid of.When my visit was up, it just let me go.

It took me a few years to realize that people aren't allowed on Earth at that time.Without that enormous computer there, the sun would blow up.Something with counterweights of presence.I was shaken by this experience.

The people of the 1950s are a very special generation as they are irreplaceable prototypes.Some in the 1960s also.The detonations above ground formed an atomic lens, which changed the molecular structure of these people.They were never supposed to be harmed.The Obama administration for some entirely foolish reason targeted them, when he should not have.They had something to do with the future of this planet.This is all I'm allowed to say.

John was close to a girl here.I think that they were involved.I don't know if they somehow made a child.This is what I'm wondering all the hate was about.He is of no consequence.

There is a formula in genetics, to when a parenting race is assigned the main gene input and that is fixed, then alternative designs, unless part of that society is to be transcripted to be relocated,(another world), then in time that society will self destruct.

Our parents or what is known as the Anunnaki, started out in Africa 435,000 years ago, in a mining venture.They with their own genes improved the Africans living there, so that they could follow directions set to them, by the parenting race.

This point now, before they try and filter in other genes sets, which are semi-Geys as well as others, is the apex leave point time in humans development.If this race is kept here against its will, it will begin to degrade, even though it looks for a time that a more advanced version of mankind is made from those past gnes.

This is an environmental RNA prefecture and even with the most advanced genetics technologies available, this infiltration cannot be pulled off.

Linda Raya for instance, known on the web is a full Zeta Reticula humanoid, but is technically not a hybrid.This is because that past stem gene, wont mix with these founding genes.She's a beautiful person to those who know her, but at times for the life of her, cannot figure out what the rest of humans on this Earth are about.Linda's okay, but other mixed gene combination s in humans end up utter disasters.

The mass mechanics of a society once mixed, must be kept sterile from outside intrusion.This would mean that the entire society would be kept autologus to its own self entry.If a violation of presence occurs, then a new set of recombination factors begin to take place.The animal aspects held in that particular organ, e.g. man, however placed in the baser primitive id. mode, begins to rewrite the master DNA plan and begin to re-rise very old latent patterns.

This would be cannibalism, consumption of its own kind.I'm sorry, I don't know how to put this delicatly.So know that the masterpiece perfect society, will never function in toto.

Everything around Earth now as far as societies go, prey genetically from man.The insult to use is however that the humans that they look upon, in time will become their own sour mirror, so being of disuse values.

This is mainly because of the action of blocking bars being placed within the altered genetic sequences of both them and humans, or us, if you desire to call it that.

But know your new horizons, if you can get there, are being colonies in space.The Mesopotamian Anunnaki was fading out when they modified us, however they gave us everything that they could muster from that region.I don't know of any greater testament of love, than what they had done for us.This is science, law, economy, arts and most importantly, the teaching to forgive another empire as part of the design of its rule.

I cannot interfere after this point, in a way, I'm not one of you.

I've split this off from the initial "John Titor's Questions Answered" thread in order to allow both @Oternative and posternittive to have their own topics - The original one was getting away from the OP a little.
