Possible time travel method.


Temporal Novice
Im new to the boards, I decided to sign up to talk about the subject of space and time which has always been an interest of mine but It confuses a lot of people too much and a lot of people (including my mum) cannot get their head around the threory of time travel.

So I was thinking about it a lot lately and reading a lot of different articles.

The Twin Theory (where one twin stays on earth and the other travels into space for a year at the speed of light and returns at the speed of light only to find many years have passed on earth) has got me thinking more and more.

So, the faster you travel (the closer to the speed of light you get) the more time slows down for you. So infact we dont have a problem traveling into the future, we are doing it all the time the only thing is we are doing it so slow we wont get to see a lot of it, If we were to travel faster then we would get to see more of it. Therefore time travel is not impossible.

If we were to build a huge wheel like object on the earth and start it spinning, the people who were on the outer edge of the wheel would see more time than the people on the inner side of the wheel since they were traveling faster.
Assuming we had the technology to build this wheel im guessing it would use magnetic fields to hold it together and to rotate it. possibly two ball bearings rotating around a large tube much like a rail gun fires a ball at high speed.
Then we build two long "spoke" filled with rooms, in each room the ammount of G's affecting the body would increase so a person would spend a certain amount of time in one room and move to the next when he got use to the g's, the floor would slope more and more to compensate for the outward push of the wheel rotating.
Supposing a body got use to a huge ammount of g's as the outer side of the wheel rotated at half the speed of light (and didnt spin its self apart) and then the wheel was slowed down to a stop and the person got out of the wheel, they would then be in the future if Einsteins theory of special relativity is correct.

I believe that traveling through time forward is possible but i dont think you are able to travel backwards through time and that is why we have not seen anyone from the future yet.
I also believe time is what we make it, on another planet their time will be totally different.
Also how do we know that light is the fastest traveling thing in exhistance, just because we havent found anything that travels faster than light doesnt mean there isnt something out there.

Those are just a few things i wanted to discuss in this post :D
I you can capture C and hold at a set angstrom length, then matching C as a travel length is not necessary.

Formulea>>Where C is kept as a wiggle, or reciprosicle wave, via any holdance, then C overs on its own frequncy.
"So, the faster you travel (the closer to the speed of light you get) the more time slows down for you. So infact we dont have a problem traveling into the future, we are doing it all the time the only thing is we are doing it so slow we wont get to see a lot of it, If we were to travel faster then we would get to see more of it. Therefore time travel is not impossible."

This is essentially correct, but I am not sure by what you mean when you say we won't get to see a lot of it. Regardless of how far in the future one travels, they experience time the same ways on their body, dna replication and degredation continue, so if the twins are identical in every respect, and they live to 100 years old, one may be in the year 2200 the other in the year 2100 but they will still be the same age when they die, one of them just skipped over the life of the other. just want to make sure thats clear.

Its interesting what you say about the wheel but, why complicate things. You're in a spaceship, going around earth at 1/2C and you do this for lets say a Day. You just keep going around and around at half the speed of light. When you land on earth again, more than 1 day will have passed.

The only real requirement for travelling back in time, at its most basic (not talking wormholes or gravity waves here). Is to travel faster than light. Einsteins Relativity theory proved you can do this, in fact his first proof of the theory even included a Universal Constant G that balanced out the universe. At the time he thought the universe was neither expanding nor contracting. He said this was his greatest mistake, however it was not. Once we realized the universe is expanding (Doppler red shift), then the Universal Constant does 2 things. The closer two objects are the more they pull on each other, the further away they are the more they Push. Which is why our universe is getting Bigger, Faster, than at any other time in the past (except for right after the big bang).

So you can travel back in time if you were able to go faster than light which is, as far as I know, currently not possible without that cool Alien technology and [censored] we got from Roswell. lol

Time is how we Perceive it, time is Cause and Effect and to think it would be different on another world is just foolish, it is the nature of the Entire universe, Cause and Effect.

I am almost positive we know of a few things traveling faster than light. For one Neutrino's may be traveling faster than photons. Secondly a blackhole is massive enough to pull light itself in, which means at some point before the light reaches the event horizon it is sped up by the massive gravity and pulled into the hole. Also it may be possible that during Supernova Explosions certain types of radiation, gamma rays, etc, may be traveling faster than light during the initial explosion. We know these things may be faster than light but have no blackhole in a lab to test, nor a supernova just laying around, and Neutrino's are tricky little buggers, we setup a pool with a million gallons of water and photo cells all over the interior in the hopes of catching a neutrino smashing into a water molecule, for Years this experiment has been sitting deep underground just waiting, and still no neutrino's.
Hi Ren,

Time is how we Perceive it, time is Cause and Effect and to think it would be different on another world is just foolish, it is the nature of the Entire universe, Cause and Effect.
Another way to state this, which is more technically accurate, would be: Time is Matter in Motion.

Every time tracking device ever observed or devised by man has been based upon the principles of Matter in Motion. You can convince yourself of this by starting with the sundial, working up to mechanical watches, and all the way up to atomic clocks. You cannot measure time without some form of Matter that is in some form of relative Motion. Cause & Effect are really the results of Matter in Motion.

Take care,
Matter in Motion, ok I understand what you are saying, essentially we are saying the same thing here. but isn't it possible for matter to be completely stationary with no velocity, 0 momentum? I guess the motion at this state would be only through time but not through space, ok im confusing myself.

I don't think I could envision a universe without motion though, I was simply stating that Cause and Effect are related to the direction and meaning of time.
Greetings, Michael Hawk.

You are right about the "twin theory" - it's a relatively easy way to travel into the future. Unfortunately, it is completely useless for travelling into the past. You can't travel faster than light. Also, travelling into the future using "the twin paradox" is a painfully slow ride: It takes a few years for a ship to accelerate from zero to near-light speeds.

Just so you get a general feel of the numbers involved: Travelling from the year 2005 to 2017 would take a full 7 years according to your ship's clocks. Travelling to the year 2600 would take 20 ship-years.

If you want to travel fast into the future, or to travel into the past, something completely different is needed. Generally there are two known ways to do this which may be compatible with the laws of physics:

1. Using Einstein's General Relativity: According to Einstein, matter bends SpaceTime. In everyday life, we call this effect "gravity". But if you take a large enough mass, at a sufficient density, it will bend SpaceTime upon itself. Bend SpaceTime in the right way, and you can create a tunnel which connects between two different times.

2. Using Quantum Teleportation: "Beam me up, Scotty" is still science fiction, but physicists already succeeded in teleporting subatomic particles and even laser beams. Quantum Teleportation is instantaneous, hence providing - in principle - a way to travel faster then light. Thus it may, one day, serve as a basis for a two-way time machine.

Both ideas seem to be consistent with what is currently known about physics. But to date, nobody knows for sure whether either methods would work. The experts still have a somewhat sketchy understanding of these topics at the fringe of current physics.
Yo, Ren! (Where's Stimpy?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

but isn't it possible for matter to be completely stationary with no velocity, 0 momentum?
There are two things you might be missing here:

1) Can you find any place in the universe where you can place a chunk of matter where it would not have some relative velocity (motion) with respect to another body?
2) Don't forget that all matter above absolute zero has internal motion, called vibration, which manifests itself as the parameter we call temperature.

Matter in Motion is the essence of all in our universe of linear Time. And you are correct, it gives rise to Cause and Effect, which is what defines the direction of time with regards to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Ok I want to restate this for the record as its a common misconception. Einstein said it would be impossible to travel At light speed "C" because your mass would increase approaching infinity at the same time you accelerate towards C. However Einstein never said anything about traveling faster than light, in no theory Einstein has on relativity is it stated that C is the boundary. Only that going exactly C would be impossible.

As far as I understand it there ar 5 states of matter, one that is almost absolute zero in which all the atoms function as 1 atom. I have read the journals on this its relatively new and could be used in quantum computers one day. The second is solid, then liquid, then gas, then you got your Plasma. Assuming all matter in the universe never reaches absolute zero then yes all matter is always in motion at the subatomic state. I suppose you could throw String theory in here but we'll save that for another discussion.

The way we will travel faster than light and also possible traveling back in time seems to be pretty unanimous that we need some form of control over Gravity. The Movie Event Horizon is interesting because they explain this almost perfectly. The shortest path between 2 points is NOT a straight line, it is actually a Curved space/time that connects any two points in the universe momentarily allowing you to move from one to the other. This could be thought of as a wormhole.

The type of power as well as technology required to create and maintain a black hole is currently beyond our capabilities as I understand it.

You can look up the Z Machine, the work they are doing at Sandia is top notch, utterly amazing, they are fusing atoms together and generating Huge amounts of energy in the process, something like hundreds of millions of volts (although only for fractions of a second).


Even with a power source, as I said you need a black hole, a containment field that can never fail (otherwise you end up with no more earth, bye bye), you also need to be able to alter the gravitational field the black hole creates. This is the reason I had become interested in John Titor, he described something very similar. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, but it did probably take some research to hoax. The Titor story is interesting because its real or someone went to a lot of trouble to hoax people, something that usually doesn't happen. We go after the hoaxers and they give up after a while or their story falls apart.

btw if anyone has the video of Johns time machine disappearing I'd love to have a gander at it.
Fusion power is going to be a great thing, but it still doesn't even get close the power requirements for actual time travel. Fusion power isn't even sufficient for the good old "Twin Paradox" to work... A fusion powered ship might reach 20 or 30 percent the speed of light, which corresponds to a time slowdown of about a week per year: a cool gimmick, but hardly "time travel" of the kind we know and love.

As for the voltage needed to create black holes and other spacetime oddities: It is more like 100 million trillion volts... Don't expect to see such machinary in the near future.

The case of John Titor is quite interesting in this respect - He made a fatal error when he claimed to build this type of machine in an earthbound environment. Ironically, he would have been much more credible if he simply dreamt up his own original mechanism for time travel... But he chose to use an existing scientific theory, and he goofed it up completely.
Ok so you dont understand what I mean by seeing a lot of time.

So, time is slower for a moving object right and even though you are moving time continues all around you. So you could live for 50 years traveling at X speed, and a person moving at Y speed on earth would have lived and died during your time traveling at X. So you could watch this traveling at X and would have seen a lot more time than the other person saw since he died.
You seem to contradict your self when saying you dont understand since you just wrote this which explains what I mean

"Its interesting what you say about the wheel but, why complicate things. You're in a spaceship, going around earth at 1/2C and you do this for lets say a Day. You just keep going around and around at half the speed of light. When you land on earth again, more than 1 day will have passed."

You saw more than a days time within a day.