Possible or Probable?

Hmm maybe all you need is to setup a FREE website that has signed consent forms. It's going to be awfully litigious in the future, so one would have to assume if you have signed consent, you'll be instantly teleported into the future. Assuming of course the signed consent company stays in business long enough for time travel to become cheap enough to be given away for free.

For the sake of brevity and consistency I'll just copy and paste here the same reply that I gave you to the same question on my board:

Yes - we've seen sites like that. We usually call them online casinos. The only difference is that with an online casino if you win you get paid today. With this one don't even know if you have a chance to win.

It's a scam, my friend. A scheme to intice you into coughing up 10 bucks. That's not much. But over 14,000 people have visited the site. If only one in ten people decide to "invest" that's $14,000. Easy money if no one complains. All they have to do is pay for the site and a PO Box.

Think about it a bit. They correctly state that with an initial investment of $1.00 at 5% annual compound interest for 500 years is a bit over $39 billion.

But they want $10.00 - not $1.00. That's $393 billion. But wait! There's more:

They say (and it should be true considering past history) that you should expect more than 5%. Let's be conservative and assume only 8% interest for 500 years instead of the more realistic 10%. That's $515 trillion. And let's say that only 100 people invest. That's $51.5 quadrillion.

Now how much would you pay for this opportunity?

How many planets are needed to come up with the money for the 100 people? The answer is - one planet. That's because those 100 people own more money than the entire wealth of the planet many times over. Either their "investments" are closed and they get nothing or they get a couple of cents because that's all the money is worth.

This is how a ponzi scam works. A pyramid scheme with a John Titor Time Travel Twist (I prefer a lime squeeze). The grifter counts on the "little devil" in the mark to make them a victim of fraud.

But its your money...

You can run the numbers yourself to check out the math on Excel:


Future Value = Interest Rate (5%), Number of Periods (500 years), Payments (0), Present Value ($1), Type (1 - Interest paid at the end of the year)

Just plug in different interest rates.
So, just a follow-up:

Is this possible or probable? No - it's neither probable nor possible.

But why would they want to let you in on this at all? Why don't they simply invest their own $10.00, cut you out and TT 500 years into the future?

To make it more interesting, once they're there why don't they convert a bit of the loot into gold, bring it back, turn it into cash and reinvest it for yet another 500 years?

In a few minutes of our time they would end up owning the wealth entire galaxy.