Dimensional Traveler
The quest for gravity control continues.
I've been doing lots of experimenting. Recently I have been experimenting with different sized bismuth disks on the output terminal of my tesla coil. The data I have gathered on this tends to show an interesting pattern. If I use a larger bismuth disk, I have to adjust the amount of the capacitance I have over the primary coil to a larger value. This means there is a way to make the field much larger. Also If I do use too much capacitance, the gravity effect disappears. And one more thing, it appears that there is a specific capacitance to use for each type of material I place into the gravity field. The wooden disks will only attract in a very narrow capacitance range. I can imagine there is probably a science to this for each and every material that there is.
Just recently I noticed a peculiar field pattern. In some of my videos You see the disks repelling instead of attracting. I had assumed that was related to the capacitance levels. I was wrong. I just happened to notice quite by accident that if one aluminum disk is on one side from the center of the bismuth disk attached to the tesla coil, and the other aluminum disk is on the other side of center, the aluminum disks repel. Yet if I move the tesla coil over to either side, so both aluminum disks are on the same side from the center of the bismuth disk, they attract. This makes a direct analogy to magnetic attraction. When both aluminum disks face each other from opposite sides of the center of the bismuth disk, it's like putting like poles of a magnet together. They repel. Yet when both aluminum disks are on the same side of center, the center pointing side is always facing a side that is pointing away from center. Unlike poles attract. Now I tried this with wood and aluminum. And the rules don't apply. All I get is attraction. I can only assume so far that the rules only apply to specific materials.
One night I tried turning off the lights to see if I could see anything going on with the tesla coil running and two aluminum disks attracting. After a couple of minutes my eyes adjusted to the dark. I could see a blue beeam emmanating from the surface of the bismuth disk touching each of the aluminum disks. The beam would sweep across the surface of the bismuth disk as the
aluminum disks attracted and bounced off of each other. So obviously there is some kind of particle exchange going on. I've kind of ruled out electrons as being the particles because if I move the bismuth disk closer, there is an electrical discharge from the tesla coil to the aluminum disks. When that happens all gravity attraction stops. The gravity effect only occurs if I keep the tesla coil output from discharging. The blue beam makes me think of cherenkov radiation.
Now, on to some interesting logical conclusions. If you remember I constructed a device a while back which I have been referring to as an antigravity field generator. As it turns out, the generator actually produces the lorentz force. The only thing that intrigues me about it is that the lorentz force is orthoganol to both the magnetic and electric field forces. But it is entirely magnetic. With one little anomaly. If I move my gravity sensor up close to the antigravity coil, I can pick up mechanical acceleration pulses which show up on my oscilloscope. Just a couple days ago it occurred to me that the tesla coil works the same way, but there is a secondary coil. The primary coil produces a changing magnetic field just like my antigravity field generator. But when a magnetic field cuts across the secondary, an electric field is induced. So what if the electric field mimics the behavior of the magnetic field with an equal but opposite polarity lorentz force field? That does seem to be a reasonable assumption. One field seems to repel, while the other field seems to attract. Both fields produce acceleration pulses on my oscilloscope. The true acid test would be to see if the pulses are of opposite polarity on my oscilloscope. So I ran both machines at the same time just to see if my reasoning was sound. YES! It's now fact. Tesla coil gravity is actually the opposite polarity to my lorentz force field generator. The lorentz force field generator or antigravity generator as I commonly call it makes negative acceleration pulses which are picked up by my gravity sensor and displayed on my oscilloscope. My tesla coil produces positive pulses picked up by the same sensor. Two types of lorentz force.
OK, I have an idea. What would happen if I overlap a positive gravity pulse with a negative gravity pulse? So I turned on both machines and was able to overlap the pulses by adjusting the pulse firing frequency of my antigravity field generator. I was really excited that something like this could be done. It was my idea that I was creating an experimental form of electromagnetic mass. I did it. The pulses were overlapping and appeared to stay synchronized. So finally I decided to turn off the machines. Call it a day. But there was a pattern on the scope that still persisted even though the machines were turned off. I took a closer look. There was an oscillating pulse that rapidly diminished to zero and it repeated about every 8 milliseconds. It looked like alternating gravity. I have given some thought to this. It looks like I have accessed spacetime and produced a stable condition that is self perpetuating. This would probably be called ZPE. It's like it's a stable particle that pops into and out of existance regularly every 8 milliseconds. I went in the next morning and turned on the scope to see if the trace pattern was still there. Yes, it was, and it didn't look like it had changed at all. And apparently the size of this alternating gravity field encompasses the whole room. The magnitude of the alternating gravity pulses only reached +/- .5 volts from the output of my gravity sensor. But that translates into one half gee of alternating gravity pulses.
Well it's Monday morning and finally the alternating gravity field has dissipated. The scope shows no trace pattern at all. I was a little concerned that I had done something that couldn't be reversed. But this opens up yet another door for experimentation. Zero Point Energy.
I've been doing lots of experimenting. Recently I have been experimenting with different sized bismuth disks on the output terminal of my tesla coil. The data I have gathered on this tends to show an interesting pattern. If I use a larger bismuth disk, I have to adjust the amount of the capacitance I have over the primary coil to a larger value. This means there is a way to make the field much larger. Also If I do use too much capacitance, the gravity effect disappears. And one more thing, it appears that there is a specific capacitance to use for each type of material I place into the gravity field. The wooden disks will only attract in a very narrow capacitance range. I can imagine there is probably a science to this for each and every material that there is.
Just recently I noticed a peculiar field pattern. In some of my videos You see the disks repelling instead of attracting. I had assumed that was related to the capacitance levels. I was wrong. I just happened to notice quite by accident that if one aluminum disk is on one side from the center of the bismuth disk attached to the tesla coil, and the other aluminum disk is on the other side of center, the aluminum disks repel. Yet if I move the tesla coil over to either side, so both aluminum disks are on the same side from the center of the bismuth disk, they attract. This makes a direct analogy to magnetic attraction. When both aluminum disks face each other from opposite sides of the center of the bismuth disk, it's like putting like poles of a magnet together. They repel. Yet when both aluminum disks are on the same side of center, the center pointing side is always facing a side that is pointing away from center. Unlike poles attract. Now I tried this with wood and aluminum. And the rules don't apply. All I get is attraction. I can only assume so far that the rules only apply to specific materials.
One night I tried turning off the lights to see if I could see anything going on with the tesla coil running and two aluminum disks attracting. After a couple of minutes my eyes adjusted to the dark. I could see a blue beeam emmanating from the surface of the bismuth disk touching each of the aluminum disks. The beam would sweep across the surface of the bismuth disk as the
aluminum disks attracted and bounced off of each other. So obviously there is some kind of particle exchange going on. I've kind of ruled out electrons as being the particles because if I move the bismuth disk closer, there is an electrical discharge from the tesla coil to the aluminum disks. When that happens all gravity attraction stops. The gravity effect only occurs if I keep the tesla coil output from discharging. The blue beam makes me think of cherenkov radiation.
Now, on to some interesting logical conclusions. If you remember I constructed a device a while back which I have been referring to as an antigravity field generator. As it turns out, the generator actually produces the lorentz force. The only thing that intrigues me about it is that the lorentz force is orthoganol to both the magnetic and electric field forces. But it is entirely magnetic. With one little anomaly. If I move my gravity sensor up close to the antigravity coil, I can pick up mechanical acceleration pulses which show up on my oscilloscope. Just a couple days ago it occurred to me that the tesla coil works the same way, but there is a secondary coil. The primary coil produces a changing magnetic field just like my antigravity field generator. But when a magnetic field cuts across the secondary, an electric field is induced. So what if the electric field mimics the behavior of the magnetic field with an equal but opposite polarity lorentz force field? That does seem to be a reasonable assumption. One field seems to repel, while the other field seems to attract. Both fields produce acceleration pulses on my oscilloscope. The true acid test would be to see if the pulses are of opposite polarity on my oscilloscope. So I ran both machines at the same time just to see if my reasoning was sound. YES! It's now fact. Tesla coil gravity is actually the opposite polarity to my lorentz force field generator. The lorentz force field generator or antigravity generator as I commonly call it makes negative acceleration pulses which are picked up by my gravity sensor and displayed on my oscilloscope. My tesla coil produces positive pulses picked up by the same sensor. Two types of lorentz force.
OK, I have an idea. What would happen if I overlap a positive gravity pulse with a negative gravity pulse? So I turned on both machines and was able to overlap the pulses by adjusting the pulse firing frequency of my antigravity field generator. I was really excited that something like this could be done. It was my idea that I was creating an experimental form of electromagnetic mass. I did it. The pulses were overlapping and appeared to stay synchronized. So finally I decided to turn off the machines. Call it a day. But there was a pattern on the scope that still persisted even though the machines were turned off. I took a closer look. There was an oscillating pulse that rapidly diminished to zero and it repeated about every 8 milliseconds. It looked like alternating gravity. I have given some thought to this. It looks like I have accessed spacetime and produced a stable condition that is self perpetuating. This would probably be called ZPE. It's like it's a stable particle that pops into and out of existance regularly every 8 milliseconds. I went in the next morning and turned on the scope to see if the trace pattern was still there. Yes, it was, and it didn't look like it had changed at all. And apparently the size of this alternating gravity field encompasses the whole room. The magnitude of the alternating gravity pulses only reached +/- .5 volts from the output of my gravity sensor. But that translates into one half gee of alternating gravity pulses.
Well it's Monday morning and finally the alternating gravity field has dissipated. The scope shows no trace pattern at all. I was a little concerned that I had done something that couldn't be reversed. But this opens up yet another door for experimentation. Zero Point Energy.