O.k. I have been looking on lots of time travel sites and have not yet seen my personal theory on time travel. If this is new or old, let me know. I need feedback! Here goes:
In human element science fiction the accepted formula is, "Assume (off -the-wall idea), now, how do people react?" My theory goes, "Assume time travel, now, what happens?" Logically, at first it would be military high-priority top secret, few missions, only for the best of reasons, etc. When it eventually becomes private sector, more and more people visit the past or emigrate to it. Now, as more people leave the era when time travel is invented, they have to exit somewhere, correct? The resulting graph would conceivably take the form of an exponential function, the exact graph of the human population from the beginning of time until now! Perhaps to refute me you say, "but what if they went forward, Mr. Smarty-pants?" Then, as more people left, going the easy way and hoping others will do all the hard work, less people will be left to actually do the hard work. Thus, anyone moving forward along the time line would die out at their destination, because everyone would be waiting for someone else to do their job. I want anyone who cares to to comment on this theory of mine. Please, please pick it apart with no mercy. I want to see how it stands up under pressure. Thank you for taking time to read this post from a newbie.
In human element science fiction the accepted formula is, "Assume (off -the-wall idea), now, how do people react?" My theory goes, "Assume time travel, now, what happens?" Logically, at first it would be military high-priority top secret, few missions, only for the best of reasons, etc. When it eventually becomes private sector, more and more people visit the past or emigrate to it. Now, as more people leave the era when time travel is invented, they have to exit somewhere, correct? The resulting graph would conceivably take the form of an exponential function, the exact graph of the human population from the beginning of time until now! Perhaps to refute me you say, "but what if they went forward, Mr. Smarty-pants?" Then, as more people left, going the easy way and hoping others will do all the hard work, less people will be left to actually do the hard work. Thus, anyone moving forward along the time line would die out at their destination, because everyone would be waiting for someone else to do their job. I want anyone who cares to to comment on this theory of mine. Please, please pick it apart with no mercy. I want to see how it stands up under pressure. Thank you for taking time to read this post from a newbie.