population theory


Temporal Novice
O.k. I have been looking on lots of time travel sites and have not yet seen my personal theory on time travel. If this is new or old, let me know. I need feedback! Here goes:
In human element science fiction the accepted formula is, "Assume (off -the-wall idea), now, how do people react?" My theory goes, "Assume time travel, now, what happens?" Logically, at first it would be military high-priority top secret, few missions, only for the best of reasons, etc. When it eventually becomes private sector, more and more people visit the past or emigrate to it. Now, as more people leave the era when time travel is invented, they have to exit somewhere, correct? The resulting graph would conceivably take the form of an exponential function, the exact graph of the human population from the beginning of time until now! Perhaps to refute me you say, "but what if they went forward, Mr. Smarty-pants?" Then, as more people left, going the easy way and hoping others will do all the hard work, less people will be left to actually do the hard work. Thus, anyone moving forward along the time line would die out at their destination, because everyone would be waiting for someone else to do their job. I want anyone who cares to to comment on this theory of mine. Please, please pick it apart with no mercy. I want to see how it stands up under pressure. Thank you for taking time to read this post from a newbie.
The more people that go back into the past, the more history gets rewritten (to keep them in it) which means the more things will change over time and will eventually unmake the act of you going back in time- and unmake you in the process. And since this is a single event set against the Cosmos, you will decorporalize.
The story of Titorian seems to me very realistic, but the time will show. It is very stupid to lie about the future if you are not a real time traveller like John Titor and other hoaxers did because people always find out the thruth.

There is one problem. If you say that people who are coming back to the past and changing future, then Titorian's and your story are on glass legs. Because, even I am reading his posts, not mentioning the all others, can change some things of potentional future.

I hope you are able to explain this in details. Thanks.
Your theory makes the fatal assumption that upon the creation of the first time machine that can traverse the past the future ceases to exist.

There would not be a static year from which emigrations from the future would occur from, thus the probability of any era becoming underpopulated while another becomes overpopulated is no greater than the probability of equally distributed time travels.

As far as a total flux of people traveling into the future and thus dying due to killing the possibility of the future.....once again the fatal flaw, a timeline which can be traveled along like an interstate can not face such problems.

Further, the entire idea of traveling back in time is entirely contrary to fundamental laws of physics such as conservation of energy and matter and possibly the 2nd law of thermodynamics as well.
Sorry, but with what I have read, you may be basing that conclusion on old data. (2nd law of thermodynamics and such because now the Universe is suppose to be a super-liquid type something or other and the model does fit except right now I am trying to remember what they are calling it. Too many things going on, and if I think of it I will post it.)

Now, although parallel universes may exist, there is one thing that did change the thinking in this (new?) Universe. And that may be the posts of JT, although not everyone has read those posts, so the old Universe continues on also. Slowly more people are realizing that the problems facing this world, is the attitude of stubborness that exists in this world at present, and the understanding that China probably thinks that they be better off running the world instead of the USA's thinking of controlling this world. In other words, I have not seen any political candidates that are worth voting for in this worldline. It is stubborness one way or another.

Tension may always exist, but it is one of may forces that may exist in this universe of physics.
Kenetic energy may also exist, but it does not fully describe the physics of this universe, along with other details taken to be shown usually in simplified models of design as done on computer programs.

Thus a person now, can only imagine what the world would have been like, if the number of people that read JT's posts, did not actually ever have read those posts on a forum. (if those posts never existed in the first place and were not written as he stated about his own parallel universe.)

The amount of change that has happened may not be enough though, and still the conjecture will be -- well it probably would not make a difference anyway even though some people read JT's posts.

That all lies in probability theory and in quantum physics. But if info is a quantum then it stands to reason that at least some new type of attitude has taken place that would not have taken place if JT's posts did not exist. People still would be dreaming about time travel and using his/her/spacalien's view of a future existence, but now at least some kind of cog has been inserted into the future's wheel of rolling.

Although for the most part, I am only concerned about what I preceive as the continual downward spiral path towards the black hole future that seems to be occuring at this time, it may still happen that knowledge helps humankind reverse direction and bring its self more into the light and escaping the black hole and brings its self into the light. Of course of all the factors is that continuing religious stubborn attitude that comes from before any of the JT post's happened, and continues to bring this entire world back towards the direction of spiraling downward into the black hole.

Certain natual coincidences are not helping either, and the stupidity of humankind on this Planet may be the contributing factor that makes the spiral downwards plunge into the black hole not reverse directions.

So to me, the knowledge will always make the universe and the path that humankind seeks will have to consider that as a prime probability in any future that it intends to have - for the future of humankind.

As I did state to my Congressperson that it seems as if you have traded Money for God, and although all the weapon systems are nice to have, it does lend one to think that if other Countries can not keep up, nuclear Armageddon man-made is still another real prime probability. Even if humans do not think that they are one with this world and this Universe, in my opinion, humans still are more tied into that real prime probability then they may want to imagine. The real probability for the future then becomes knowing the difference.

Everyone has the permission to know the difference.