Pondering on Revolving Universes


Quantum Scribe
Friends, a very long time ago some colleagues and I started a conversation that lead to some significant concepts. The first of these was that time was redundant, this means that we might be in an ever circling timeloop which starts and finishes only to start and finish again. In these conversations we also figured that while traveling to the future was easy, traveling to the past incurred in traversing the Omega Point and the Alpha Point to properly move into the past, breaking most consistency rules that we all know about and making it quite difficult if not impossible. What picked my curiosity of this conversation which took place exactly thirty years ago, was that a person could move millions of years into the future with only a fraction of the energy whereas traveling to yesterday was next to impossible in mathematical terms.

Just a thought, care to share, debunk or utterly smash up like a spinning neutrino against the wall of differentiation.
A sad resolution, I always enjoy your comments, I personaly find them highly educative, well thought and expertly presented. Just so you know I always like your threads and in a sense admire your intellect. Nonetheless, I understand and apologize once again.
Someone on another forum said that Darby's math was bad and he didn't know what he was talking about. Darby had not been friendly with me but I defended him anyway because his math and his reasoning make sense to me. I wouldn't take his insults personally. Darby can be short and curt but he does have an idea about what he is talking about as you also agree.

Transient001, I like movies and I'll use some movie quotes and some sayings that I have heard before.
"It is the doom of men that they forget."
Excalibur (1981) -- a movie full of wisdom. If you haven't seen it, please do.
There is a listing of the 72 spirits of Solomon.
One of the spirits is said to be he who travels backwards in time.
Merlin was also said to be he who travels backwards in time.
When Titus and Lucius came to Western Europe, many see this as the foundation for the emerging Arthurian Cycle stories.
Lucius, Damas and Appollonius, three men directly responsible for aiding the Flavian and Piso family in designing the Roman State Religion. And then there was Saint John Titor the Evangelist. John of Patmos. John the Beloved. John the Apostle of Paul (Apollonius).
Can you read between the lines of Revelation? Written by Paul of Tarsus (Apollonius of Tyana)? He was an expert in Samaritan Hebrew, Greek and the Latin of the day. There are hidden messages in Revelation that have survived to this day.
Oh yes, there are many messages in the past, you could divide them in four main categories. One is the mysteries of the universe and how to control such powers. That is why many looked in the middle ages for librams and grimoires on spirits and intelligences, like the one you mention about Solomon( which doesnt really work because a main part is so cryptic its impossible to decypher) The second is Initiatory Wisdom or the ancient knowledge of the time, herein there would be their sciences, medicines and arts. The third is alchemical procedures which are much more than turning lead into gold and the last is the ancient knowledge of a very ancient story of something which occurred millions of years ago.

About Merlin I have found that its a title, its actually composed of two words. MLIN and ER, the first means one who can do, and that is power. Er is light. So Merlin is in fact the name of he who does light or the Luminiferou

And yes, the roman religion and basically all the others can be traced at least 40,000 years to a wonderful place in Africa. Amazing!
WHat about the scriptures in America that Joseph Smith found? Did he translate the Book of Mormon correctly?
THe first version is more correct but something happened to it and the real version never became public. The first version was the closest but it has been changed 4000 times since then.