Poll - Was John Titor just a hoax?


Chrono Cadet
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1132193970nitescott">

Was John Titor just a hoax?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yep he sure was and the whole thing was crap pie!... So stop eating it man!!!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Nope - He was for real and you will realise it too when you have to cart your own bodyweight in water each day!... We are screwed!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />I can't decide, no more! … it hurts my head!!!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Who gives a fat flying f**k anyway? He is not why I come here!!!. WHO CARES?
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Let's compare the results
11/16/05 Current results for -
Do you believe That John Titor was "for real" and his predictions of civil war and WWIII? (Total Votes: 80)
23 28%

29 36%

The jury is still out on this one
25 31%

I don't care
3 03%
Question&gt; Was John Titor just a hoax?

Answer: No its dual bumping of a timeline in order to produce social effects.

In some cases, this is a felony, punishable by death.
After 20 votes - 20th of November 05
Was John Titor just a hoax? (Total Votes: 20)
Yep he sure was and the whole thing was crap pie!... So stop eating it man!!!
13 65%

Nope - He was for real and you will realise it too when you have to cart your own bodyweight in water each day!... We are screwed!
2 10%

I can't decide, no more! … it hurts my head!!!
4 20%

Who gives a fat flying f**k anyway? He is not why I come here!!!. WHO CARES?
1 05%
There is a difference in attitude towards the Titor saga, so it would seem.
I think the book and the movie intimated by said John Titor might be a cover, so is made-up.

Then there might be a real time traveler, who goes by the handle John Titor, which might be real.

So one part is real, while the other is not.
There'd a third Titor too- the guy who said all the Y2K stuff to Art Bell, I don't consider that part of "this continuum".
Question: since JT logged on IRC chat rooms why do not the Moderators get his IP from the LOGS or backups from that day to determine the location of the PC he used to login to the IRC? better yet get the MAC address to see if the SAME MAC still exists on the WWW?

I bet someone already did this and if so what were the findings?

Just curious

We can't get the original chat log. Shana (who posts as MysticWarrior on Anomalies) is Yareisa in the chat log. She did the capture and anonymously submitted it to us in 2001.

It took me over three years and many attempts at contacting her to convince her to even come on the boards one time to post her recollection. She finally did so in April of 2004. She didn't keep the original log. She submitted a copy to us and then basically forgot about Titor because she didn't take him seriously (and still doesn't). She has always thought that he was joking around in her chatroom - as did her other friends (on the chat log) That was the only time that he logged onto her chatroom in the UK. She has said that she has no desire to identify her friends who are on the log or the site where the conversation took place.

Anyway, the chat logs only contain the ASCII text of the conversation. There is no other code (I have access to the archive).