Poll - Do you believe in John Titor


Chrono Cadet
I wonder just how many poeple using this forum believe in John Titor.
Lets find out!

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1111445350nitescott">

Do you believe That John Titor was "for real" and his predictions of civil war and WWIII?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yes
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />No
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />The jury is still out on this one
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />I don't care
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
So far The results are as follows:

At 31/03/05 there are 66 votes

Do you believe That John Titor was "for real" and his predictions of civil war and WWIII?


The jury is still out on this one

I don't care
I'm pretty new to these time travel discussions and have read a lot of debate about JT since his arrival back in 2001. I really doubt his validity because if he really were from the future, it would have been very easy for him to establish his credibility. Pretend you are a time traveller and go back to 1900, or 1907 lets say. If there were a similar forum, like local newspapers, you could predict a week ahead of time that there would be a large earthquake in San Francisco in 1907. Even give the magnitutde and how much damage would be caused. Most people would call you a crackpot until it happened. Why couldn't JY have done that? He could have predicted the tsunami in Indonesia or any of a number of other natural disasters that occured in recent times. Granted, his timeline might differ from our, buy only by 1-2% as he has stated.

Anyawy, after reading more of his comments and those made by others from his time that have followed, it would seem to be the easiest thing to establish their credentials by predicting something concrete that would happen and they have not. There is the so-called Civil War in the US that JT has predicted and which has not materialized. What does that tell us? A hoaxer pulling our legs, or timeline divergence? I don't remember hearing him say that he was going to do something to prevent the war, so my guess is that he and other who have followed are pulling a fast one.

Aloha to all...
John Titror is not a belief system.

John Titor as a belief system is not a true, as Pamela Moore and Gary Voss being the Doublemint Chewing-gum Twins, so that's two, two two mints, in one.

By following comparative analysis of one event repeating in other dimensions, I would say that the possibility of John Titor is possible, however John Titor is defiantly, not a belief system.

Special note of thanks to Pam Moore and Gary Voss, for setting an example, similar to the Doublemint Twins Chewing-gum line.