Polish president + 96 dead in Russia jet crash


Quantum Scribe
Polish president Lech Kaczynski and other top level government personal including military chief all died in Russian plane crash on the same day. Sat 10 April 2010


Polish leader, 96 others dead in Russia jet crash

By VICTORIA BURAVCHENKO and MONIKA SCISLOWSKA, Associated Press Writer Victoria Buravchenko And Monika Scislowska, Associated Press Writer – Sat Apr 10, 6:59 pm ET

SMOLENSK, Russia – The crash of an aging Russian airliner ravaged the top levels of Poland's military, political and church elite Saturday, killing the Polish president and dozens of other dignitaries as they traveled to a ceremony commemorating a slaughter that has divided the two nations for seven decades.
The polish pres and his party (which was prettty much wiped out in that crash) was resisting some EU monetary policies that would have put Poland in the same situation as Greece (bankruptcy). What the polish pres wanted to do, was devalue the polish currency to stall that bankrptcy, but that would have had the negative affect of de-valuing the Euro too. Now that that political party is gone, the EU is not worried about a devalued Euro. EU is happy.

The polish pres and his party were also open to US missile defense bases in Poland. Russia hated that idea and the other polish political parties side with Russia. Now the polish pres and his party are gone, there is less chance of a US missile defense base in Poland. Russia is happy.

Russia, on a side note, may also be behind the recent cu-de tat in that former soviet state. The previous government allowed a US military base there. The new government is looking for ways to kick the US out in legal ways that do not break international laws.

SO, maybe it was an accident, but if so, it made a lot of very rich and powerful people very happy.