Here's another God post?
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:53:58 -0600 (Central Standard Time)
From: "Larry" <
[email protected]>
Who is the creator or who are the creators? That is the biggest question of
today or any time. It is my theory that all life-forms are equal, and that
all life-forms are either major gods or minor gods, and that all minor gods
have the potential to become major gods. It is also my theory that there
can be only one god who is over all other gods, or that there are many, many
major gods. There could be many major gods and many minor gods if all
life-forms were created at about the same time. The same way that a major
god could have had its beginning, then there is also the possibility that
many major gods could have originated at the same time, as opposed to there
being only one god or being that was created in the very beginning.
Regardless of whether there is only one major god, or if there are many
major gods, then who or what created the one major god or the many major
gods, and also the many minor gods. If many gods were created at the same
time in the very beginning of time, then some of them can be called either
major gods or minor gods, depending on which gods were more of a leader than
the other gods. Furthermore, some of the beginning major gods could have
created other gods, who could also be referred to as being minor gods, or
baby gods of the parent gods, or the minor gods of the major gods.
I feel as though all of us life-forms (you, me, plants, animals, ET'S,
spirit world beings of all types, etc.) are all gods, but some of us are
major gods, and some of us are minor gods, but all minor gods have the
potential or the ability to become major gods. In the different levels of
the spirit world, all spirit world beings are very powerful, and can
instantaneously cause any of their thoughts to become a reality.
Furthermore, in the spirit world, no spirit world beings can lie or hide
their thoughts from other spirit world beings because all spirit world
beings have the ability to always be able to read the thoughts of all other
spirit world beings. Therefore, we can't lie or hide any of our thoughts
and feelings in the spirit world, like we can sometimes do while living
inside physical bodies on Earth. I will end all of this with this question
What are your thoughts about who created god and all other life-forms and
about all of what I have said above?
I think that heaven on Earth can be greatly established if some or all of
the following things would occur: the elimination of the money system on
Earth so that it can be replaced by the barter system, that would allow
everything and every service to be free for everyone on Earth; the
elimination of all types of weapons (from hand-guns to weapons of mass
destruction) on Earth; the elimination of churches that are based on the
bible; the elimination of the bible; the elimination of politics and
political parties; the elimination of our present public education system;
the elimination of hunting; the elimination of the killing and eating of
animals for food; the elimination of discrimination of all types; and the
elimination of biased deceitful news reports.
Money is the cause of about 99% of all of the problems, and crimes of earth
because most people spend most of their time in trying to acquire money or
material goods. The bible is full of half-truths, discrepancies, and
contradictions, and most churches preach all of their sermons from that book
The preachers/priests, bible scholars, bible teachers, and churches don't
teach or believe in higher-learning/paranormal topics such as psychics,
psychic gifts of all types, ufo aliens, reincarnation, the existence and
continuation of life after the death of the physical body, ESP, karma,
bigfoot, fairies/nature spirits/elves, walk-ins (aliens and non-aliens),
synchronicity; remote viewing, astral traveling/scrying, spirit guides,
time travel, telekinesis, crop circles, black holes/dimensional
windows/stargates, etc.
The preachers/priests/churches believe that people who believe in such
higher-learning/paranormal topics are evil and of the so-called devil.
Concerning the educational system of public schools, I think that children
should be allowed to spend the majority of their public school years from
maybe junior high to the 12th grade in studying what they want to do for a
job/career after they graduate from high school, rather than let them pay
for those types of studies in expensive colleges and universities. What
thoughts, opinions, and knowledge do you have about all of the above?
There are probably cures and remedies for all types of problems on Earth
already. I know that a lot of energy saving devices of all types have been
created that can greatly reduce the expensive need for oil and gas, and some
people can't even get patents for some of those types of inventions.
Whenever you get a chance, read on the Internet about Joseph Newman who is
from the state of Mississippi, U.S.
I have also read that there are cures for great medical problems, such as
aids, and the common cold. Just imagine if those cures were used in today's
society. It would eliminate a lot of money/income for a lot of doctors,
hospitals, and pharmacies, and some of those money-makers would probably do
all that they could to prevent the knowledge of those cures from reaching
the public awareness, and that has probably been already occurring for many,
many years. I have read that there is a cure for the aids virus, and that
it involved the use of a saline solution. What thoughts, opinions, and
knowledge do you have about this topic?
Do you remember when we used to have national smoke-out days in the U.S.?
On those days, cigarette smokers, nation-wide, would agree to not smoke any
cigarettes on those certain designated days. I now propose some national or
international non-killing days. For example, November 22, 2004 could be
declared as a day on which no murders or killings of any type will be
committed by anyone, including hunters, criminals, policemen, and soldiers.
This might seem kind of absurd or funny, but I am serious. If it works for
those days, then we could steadily and eventually get those types of days to
become a reality for everyday of the week/year. What are your thoughts, and
opinions about that?
There are many, many people on Earth who have the ability to communicate,
mentally, with animals and insects. I think that all of the thousands or
millions of people who have that gift should set aside certain days for the
sole purpose of sending out telepathic messages to all animals and insects
to try to establish some type of peace agreements between animals/insects
and people so that man and wild animals can get along better with each other
Under such agreements, man and animals/insects would agree to stop
attacking, hurting, and killing each other, and insects would also agree
stop invading the homes and yards of people.
Through such agreements, people could start providing food in certain
designated areas for animals/insects so that they would no longer have to
bite and eat man, and each other for food, and man would no longer kill
animals for food. Just imagine, mosquitoes would then stop biting man and
other animals because people would start providing free food for them at
certain mosquito centers, and the food would include non-blood substances,
such as maybe fruit juices with all of the necessary nutrients that mosquito
bodies would need to survive on. All other animals who normally kill other
animals for food could also go to designated food centers where they would
eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grain foods that would be provided to them
by people. People and animals could then exchange information with each
other that would greatly help each other.
For example, lizards and snakes could share knowledge with humans as to how
they are able to reproduce their missing body parts, and some animals such
as lizards, insects, and octopuses could teach man how they are able to
change their body colors at will. In exchange, man would agree to provide
free food to those animals, and man would also agree to stop killing them
for any reasons. Man would then no longer have to use animals for their
many different medical research projects. If man and animals could
establish great mental communications with each other via psychics, then man
and animals could then learn so much great and useful information/knowledge
from each other, and then all people and animals would then be able to live
together on earth in peace. What are your thoughts, and opinions about this
One of these days, I might create my own website or chatroom(s) through
which I could do a lot more of what I did in this letter.
By the way, do any of you have your own websites and chatrooms? If yes,
what are their names and addresses? Do any of you want me to share all of
the responses of this letter with you?
Furthermore, do any of you have any good suggestions about any good
chatrooms that I can join? If yes, what are their names and addresses?
Yours truly, kentstarchild