please help


Temporal Novice
My name is "Eden Malumar" (alternate but similar spelling of last name is likely) "Malamar", "Malumaar", "Malrumar", etc. are also likely spellings.
I am alive in mid-21st century København (Copenhagen) around 2040's or 2050's. I am a young teenager with blonde hair, medium height, almond eyes and a mild skin disorder. Apologies for not knowing specifics, but I am doing the best that I can. I was kidnapped at a Druid centre where I perform often, also I have performed at other Druid centres around Malmo Sweden and København Denmark during this general time period with my male friend. I was kidnapped recently and am now being held against my will in an industrial plant. I am forced to unload bodies from white vans into a loading dock where these bodies are burned in a giant incinerator. This is genocide and I am forced to cooperate, not knowing why. I want nothing more than to return to society and see my parents again. I am malnurished and beginning to go crazy from this horrific existance. Please help me. Give this message to my parents. Tell them I love them, tell them I am still alive and tell them do not give up hope of looking for me. Please tell them I'm sorry for not being more careful about my own safety. This message goes out across incarnational boundaries, across the web, to open minded people like you who are likely to listen. Save this message, this URL, if not in your bookmarks then in your own memory. Love to you all, if you have an open mind, please remember this message for the next 30+ years, or copy and paste this message anywhere you want. The more that read this, the better. All the love in Denmark, Eden. xoxoxo

keywords Eden Malumar, Eden Malrumar, Eden Malrumaar, Eden Malrumar, Eden Malumaar, Eden Malurmaar, Eden Malrumar, Eden Malrumaar.
Thread moved to its proper forum. Also, you posted no URL. Also, if you are being held captive and forcede to load bodies, they are treating you awfully nice to give you unmonitored internet access! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I am forced to unload bodies from white vans into a loading dock where these bodies are burned in a giant incinerator.

I suggest that you contact Det. Robert Thorn, NYPD Homicide Division, and his "book" Solomon Roth immediately. They need this information. Bring a jar of strawberry jam for Sol. He loves it.
The word is out: Soylent Green is people!!! :eek:

(And did you know, Darby, that all weekend it is "Channel of the Apes" on Fox Movie Channel? Another great tribute to Chuck!)
LOL--I been watching em Ray,, I never seen the original so I recorded it.

I have seen ,beneath , return to, and battle for so far....what a horrendous waste of time.

Silly monkeys.

LOL--I been watching em Ray,, I never seen the original so I recorded it.

I have seen ,beneath , return to, and battle for so far....what a horrendous waste of time.

Oh, you ain't seen bad until you have taken in the lame attempt at a TV series based on Planet of the Apes. Actually makes the follow-up movies you cite above look good! But I kind of agree with you that the follow-ups were not as good as the original. You really should have seen them in order. The first one was pretty good, and even had a touch of time travel! :D And who could deny the rough and tumble style of Chuck Heston?


SG is people, indeed.

Hmmm...FluOx76 appears to have been a one hit wonder. Probably still running away from the coven of satanics, the NWO and the Nazi's. The life of a programmed adoptee I suppose.

<font color="white">Posted: Tue Aug 1st, 2006 10:03 pm PM Quote Reply
1st Post


]Hi everyone, i'm glad to be participating here. I'm relatively new to the material from expansions. All I've seen is the Introduction to Mind Control video. However I have several of Swerdlow's books ordered and they should be arriving in my mailbox any day now.

I was monarch programmed from as far back as I can remember. I was adopted at birth into a family that was luciferian/satanic on my adoptive father's side. Whenever there was a family gathering on that side of the family, adults would sit around and talk openly about the NWO, not as a conspiracy theory, but as something they were directly involved in. In fact, right up until a few years ago I assumed that the NWO was just a benign political group. That was about the time I broke ties with all my extended family members and began to remember monarch programming traumas, and I started piecing together my life story.

My adoptive mother's family was involved in more of a coven-like group. They considered themselves seperate from Illuminati/NWO, and they scoffed at the luciferians on my adoptive fathers' side. But when it came down to it, they had to answer to the NWO group, as they were part of their general power structure and they were very low in status.

Both groups 'owned' me in a slave-like way. I say this because it was the cause of much misery during my teen years. It is an extremely complicated story. But the important thing is that I'm now free from both groups. I've moved across the country and I'm looking to begin the deprogramming process. These last few years of seeking freedom has been extremely difficult. Mostly I'm thankful that I'm still alive. I have some stories I can share, about my involvement and things i've seen and experienced. Maybe this info is new and can help somebody somewhere. Also look forward to learning from others. Thanks for reading. --Flu0x76 Just add a "www." to the URL[/COLOR]
Quoted from given site:
<font color="blue"> Polly, sorry for the misunderstanding. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I am monarch just like you. I remember some of the same traumas you described in your correspondence with Stewart. There are still things I don't remember, like my delta programming and assignments in Europe.

Family knowledge wasn't open, they were just careless about us kids running through the room and overhearing. Once my cousins and I reached a certain age they took their conversations elsewhere. Also at about the same time the threatened initiated members with better ways to find information leaks.

I'm not sure if I should post this in my thread or yours. I'm very not used to this group format. [/COLOR]


Thank you all for the welcome, Richard, SilverInfitiy, Avatar, Octahedron, William, DolphinGirl, Monica, and Polly. My books arrived and I've learned a great deal from them already. I have lots of questions about visualizations and archetypes etc. Just not sure yet where to jump in just yet. Thanks again for the warm welcome.

Since there was never a reply from this person. I guess we can all say she got thrown into the giant incinerator. Case closed. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Since there was never a reply from this person. I guess we can all say she got thrown into the giant incinerator. Case closed. Move along. Nothing to see here.


My first clue came before even reading her post. The handle Fluox76, i.e. Fluox, aka fluoxetine, an SSRI anti-depressant similar to Prozac and Xanax.