Please help me

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If anyone here knows how to tell yourself something in past, please respond to this. I have to tell myself not to do something, i'm afraid that it will change my life for the worst if I don't. If there is any realy way to do this, please contact me. I have astral projected once before, but not into another time, just into the present time, I also believe that physical time travel is possible also. Thanks all. -Brian
RE: Please help me, re I will:

No you can't do this Jeff, as the past is similar to a painting and what is set in the way of brush marks, once it's on canvas, is there forever.

The best way to deal with this, is to do a past damage accessment, or chalk it upo to past bad luck or decisions.

If you do get back to the past, and communicate to change to that someone, then all you've suceeded in doing, is makeing a short term changed reality, which may fade out in a short time anyway?

There are some things that, yes' I would like to have changed too.

However as the author once said, once the moveing hand has written it can go back and change the script no more.

This is ture also, within some respects to the actions of our days.

What is really a tough thing to understand, is say if you could go back in time and again are witnessing say that small grocery store robery, where some innocent lady is fatally shot.

What happens when you pick up that rock, take deadly aim with it and then hit the robber in the side of the head with this stone?

What you've done right there, is split reality into seperate streams and the new reality that you manufacture, may fade to nonexistance anyway?

This new reality, might even be the diminutive one and never really have changed the past, as the real past reality always has a greater size and mass.

You have to deal with how the past wove itself Jeff, I'm sorry.
RE: Please help me, re I will:

I'm sorry, but I cannot accept that answer. I understand what you are trying to tell me, but I have to do it. No matter how stupid it sounds, I know my life will be worse now because of that one decision and it will not fade away at all. That one decision turned my entire future into something that, right now, I don't want. Thanks for your input and I look forward to other people's opinions/ideas.
RE: Please help me, re I will:

creedo, i'd also like to hear what else you have to say about it (forgot to have that in my reply)
RE: Please help me, re I will:

Then good Jeff, you go back in time and make that parallel reality, that because of its size and mass will fade away any way?

I'm not going to stop you
RE: Please help me, re we will, Cat and Daniel:FOR JEFFREY:


And I have dempt of her, for she is lucency of the midnight clouds, when I am not me, but of dream magic.

She moves unto me, in my soul as shallow waters of desire's thought I can not touch.She stops her mare, dismounts and enters the shore of this stream, that I do wade within the darkesat movements of my dreams.

Her eyes clear, filled with blueish white and a glance, so teeling of ultimate femanity, she does fashion a path dismounting, so saldeled to me, with tall efemanite graces, as to stem the unbelievable.

Rows of opaline gems clear and opaceic, as do fodder around her kneck, and a tearra, so stated as a gem adorned V proportion, tell of wisdom held within extrodinary beauty.

Her eyes blink, but the telling of the passing of each blinck,may be as of years or even centries, of untold or forgotten lores of such femanine encompassment, as this held effigey to Cat, the huntress.

She now stealthfull approches, ALL BEWARE!?

He white silk and see through gown rises with the mild brackish current as she stills closer, her moccasins only brushing the muddy bottom of the dark almost opulent meridian stream.

I for my loin cloth, now a'shore and naked within the blackness of these waters and raise my vision from memories past, to behold her loveliness.

I am simple and see her without casting my gaze upward, yes her dumbfounding presnce does encompass what she so does want?

I look up now and see her within the moonlight.

I can not move, as she becons attention.

Her calmness and covered silk vestitures whiteness of her bossum are as one with her ghoastlike presence, as she lifts both her fragle arm, within her hands thoughts to my own mind.

Cat sees right through me and as her fingertips touch my mind's temple, she speaks so ever quietly, with great pourpose, her ruby red lips never haveing to move.

Cat:Jeffrey's pain, it is deep and the loss is great"?

In my mind as I gaze upon the dark waters, his time does reflect to my presence of seeing.

Daniel:Yes' I see most learned one, his pain does burn red with regret".How is it that you have encoutered this most secluded past?

Cat:I drew my bow tight, to slay a deer, but the telling within the eyes of this grazing as much, did afford me this direction.

When I had closed my eyes, I did see you wadeing, out of time, within the blackness as the very old ones had taught you.

id your lover satisfy your needs?

Cat only tilts her head, looking away as long locks of hair brush to barely touch the flow of times waters.

With great repose, the hunting godess raises her head, purses her lips with nobel intent, so now relaying thought to the wadeing seer once more.

The time she does defy, tilts her head back and with passion and tears held within her eyes, speaks this decleartion.

Jeffry; your pain and want are great, however the returning to a road which as in the flow of calm waters can never change its banks nor course, " this efititure you cast your gaze upon, can not be change my son"!

To go back now and try to erase the hurt and injustice done within your mind's vision, can only be a fortelling of makeing matters worse.

In my hunting, as Godess Dianna has taught me, there was one oh' so golden arrow, as lent from Apollo's quiver.

With my femanine sinue strength, I had pulled back this bow and let the string sing, so letting fly into the rise of the heavens.

It was the nymps rideing upon fire-flies, who had eventally told all of the cosmose, by this so given light of rise, that there is always a hope placed before us when we so look.

As Dianna was my teacher, I my say to you now Jeffry my child, the future tells for those who would look foward, even though their pain pulls at then to look back.

"You see this way now my son?" inquires Cat.

The depth of the stream within dark poolings, eddies, so giving solitude to Daniel the seer and Cat the huntress, give the challange of curosity to small midnight animals, farries and fawn.

The brawn of the seers back protrudes showing row after row of muscle, his head tilted foward, so plumbing the depths of time's tellings.
The huntress lets go of her so very light touch placed upon his temples.

The seer within his most deepest dreams fuge, still standing within the middle of the ice cold beconing of the sureal forest.

As if in a dream, with the greatest of graces, the lady does now assend from the slow moving stream, her gown flowing within the opasity of the waters, as she now rises onto the shore.

With utmost unreal grace, she now becomes one with the round whitness of the tall mare, with fightened, concerned eyes.

A spell of magic is waived for from hands so loveing, tender, careing, that the encompssment of times telling, as almost forgotten

The huntress is now one with the giant mare and in so waveing her hand, thousand of fireflies do a parting in the blueness of the mighnight forest.

The gallop is without sound as she receeds of presence and then is no more.

A nervous rabbit twitches his nose, as this little one has been privilaged to witness what is not always seen within the poetry of outstandingly well place magic.

~~For she has spun and woven her magic as no other is possably able.

And in her soundless strides into the deepness of the night, through thicket that parts as if by demand. She the huntress as one with the well musseled mare, her tears is the frantic telling, to the aether of other times and places, saying,"I' A'yeah-eea' to chase Jeffery's hurt on to the encompassment of the sun, concerns of Appolo's daily ride.Be this hurt to Jeffry, NO more! And so she did chase this loss to sunrise's passion.....
RE: Please help me, re we will, Cat and Daniel:FOR JEFFREY:

Does this decision have anything to do with a female?

If it does, then you’re probably better off. Trust me
. You sound young; you’ll find someone else soon. It may seem like you never will, but you will.

I know that now that I have learned and matured a lot more, I can look back thinking how could I have wanted to be with these crazy girls who would have cheated on me in a heartbeat?

Think about your future, and what’s best for you in the long run with these women. Are they supportive of you, understanding and appropriate, or do they continually hassle and nag you, and look at other guys with desire?

If you are able to determine these things, then you are ahead of a lot of people who haven’t made their minds up of what they want in life.

--- --- --- ---

I’m curious and suspicious at the same time; how someone mentioning “astral projection” can sniff you out
hmmm, what in the world would you know about this?

This wouldn’t be another attempt by you to discourage those who can meddle in your department of affairs, would it?

And according to your little fictional anecdote, this seems to prove the case.

Still stand by your story of not intruding?

Why involve someone in your stories if they have specifically told you not to. I do believe if someone asks nicely without making any threats (unlike some people around here), that you should comply and respect that persons wishes.

And also, look at the last 2 times you posted. Care to explain your self?

Truly your meddling with forces that no sane man would welcome.

RE: Please help me, re we will, Cat and Daniel:FOR JEFFREY:

Re to TTA'

You have the spirituality of a toliet bowl and probably over a thousand black curses placed upon you?

I have no concept as to how your thinking works, nor do I want to.

I do not have the right to edit, whereas you do and for this reason, I will not post here, to re'edit my post here, till I am giving this right.

My early actions placed upon the Art Bell net, were purly of a defensive nature.The Art Bell web site was consitued of an opinionaited and biggoted nature.

My later postings and being asked to leave the, was because I was giving out too advanced of a level of information, so I had chosen to re;edit all that was said.

This is not the case here, I am satisfied at what I'm saying and promice only to clean the diction up on anything I've said here.

On post three, Jeff had asked for an opinion and I gave it using artistic prose.

It must be that you are so dark inside of the personna that you call yourself, that you can't possably understand what at least some level of beauty is, or that the quality of beauty is about?

This is why you and Darby are it seems made of an identical cloth and why it makes little difference as to whether you two hate each other or not.

My world functions on trust.
This is compaired to your world, which seems to function on a level that I can not even begin to comprehend.

When CAT addresses me, I will answer.

Other notation, I was in a hurry and when I came back to re'edit, and am still denined this right.

If I am not afforded to right to re'edit as you are by morning, then other to my finnal answer to CAT, I will never post here again.

I personally never want to reinterface with you again TTA, as to my means of conception, you are the most horrible frightening creature, by conception, that one could possably think up.

Goobye to you, my wish is that you should go back to the dark corners from which you have come.You are an ediface most foul and anything that I possably have to express, should be of no concern to you, or any other creature such as you.

Note' to MOP, I did not, I SAID DID NOT, include that green face half way down within my posting, please take it off!

The moderating nature of this board, is opinionaited and needs restructured.
Doesnt have anything to do with a girl. I got expelled because I was holding someone's pot because they were araid they were going to get into trouble.
RE: Please help me, stash to mari-huna you tor-pan!

Oh Geoff' please tell
me why everyone and their mothers brothers uncle, is haveing trouble with their dope?

In the place I live there has been at least three mary related arrest as of late?!

With how much dope, is there any level of hope?

I don't know, don't touch it with my medical condition, haveing reverse Vi-chi-efski Syndrome, a Russian form of lechery.

Sorry, don't pack yer dope in more than a quart continer Zip-lock storrage bag?

Also don't confuse yer dope for the oregano and spread it on the family pizza.That will really get Mom on you case.

You might want to switch to cat-nip as it is somewhat like mary, however what happens after constant use, is that you attack the family pillows off the couch and lay on the living room floor, screaming, while killing Mom's favorite embroidered gift from the wimen's club.

Be like TTA, a pillar of virtue and charicter, that all horeny wimen crave for?

I hear the Vatican wants to nominate TTA for sainthood???

I don't know if I could ever sit on his lap and tell him my confession..?

This too might end up like Santa on speed.

Be like ex-president Clinto, never inhale.
Hi Jeff,

I'm sorry to hear that! Its sounds like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and subjected yourself to some consequences that maybe you shouldn't have.

But let me tell you, Its not so bad! allot worse could have happened in the future if you were not scared into your wits now! This was a warning perhaps from the future. Sorry to say that sometimes bad things happen for the good! I don't know why the system has to work this way?

But I can tell you of harsher true life story involving drugs and illegal substances. One such story happened to a good friend. She was in London Heathrow airport on vacation and was pulled aside and strip searched by immigration! They found drugs on her that WERE NOT HERS!!! somebody had planted them on her in line so that they would not be subject to be searched, that's what she's thinking happened? But sad to say that she ended up spending 5 years of her life in a London jail for something she didn't even doooooooo! I cant make any sense out of it? She was the most innocent sweet hearted person that wouldn't steel a penny off a floor! and she never even smoked a cigarette in her entire life!

I don't see the justice in any of this, but who am I to say what lurks in the future?

But as for your little minute problem, don't worry about it, you will eventually work through it and get over it in time! AND NEXT TIME MAYBE YOU WILL BE WISER FOR THE WARE!

Hang in there time heals all wounds!

And as for you Creedo, Your remote viewing goes as far as the depth in a parking lot puddle! But its good to see you again back in men's clothing! That white towel just wouldn't hold up forever! But go ahead send some more trajectory images my way! as far as I can see you are an inch short and a stroke early and as worn out as a cucumber in a convent!

RE: Please help me, on dope:

I agree with the Dr. Bob Arnott view, that sometimes chemical abuse, and your child is an unavoidable consiquence to parenthood.

Marijuanna is the lesser of most evils, if it is pure and does not have any items such as PCP added in, because this is somebodie's idea of getting a kick out of other's misery?

My cure-all was the knowlege of a young and very beautiful girl, some sixteen years of age within a hospital ward.

The needle someone gave her had staph on it and it went system wide.

She was a mess and this infection went system wide.

There was nothing they could do for her and she sat in bed all day and cried.

I think if anyone ever tried to sell me any kind of injectable substance, I'd end up shoving it up their ass?

On marijuanna for c.a. patients, yes' without a doubt, as chemo is the most toxic thing you could want to possably place in your body.

The Mary increrases the appatitie and at least gives some of these patients the ability to eat, as well as feel a little better.However held within a strictly controlled situation, so that fellonies do not arise against cancer patients.

The thing with fear preaching and drug abuse among the young, is that this sometimes only drives their convition to use, deeper.

However knowing how a young girl can virtually have her life stollen from her, via one dirty needle? there does not seem to be any justification to life sometimes...

Your not a very artsey person CAT.

Maybe you need armpit art, as this seems to be your stile?

Later, much later.
RE: Please help me, re we will, Cat and Daniel:FOR JEFFREY:

Creedo, you said:
<<You have the spirituality of a toliet bowl and probably over a thousand black curses placed upon you?

I have no concept as to how your thinking works, nor do I want to.>>

Do you say that because you are unable to read my thoughts; or because I am the only one here who sees you for who you truly are

<<I do not have the right to edit, whereas you do and for this reason, I will not post here, to re'edit my post here, till I am giving this right.>>

You can’t register? I had no idea you couldn’t. Well don’t go around blaming anyone else if you regret what you said and can’t erase them. That’s your problem
deal with it.

<<My later postings and being asked to leave the, was because I was giving out too advanced of a level of information, so I had chosen to re;edit all that was said.>>

It’s a shame you can’t do that here. Since you did give out “too advanced of a level of information” that a beginner can apply to find out where you live

<<This is not the case here, I am satisfied at what I'm saying and promice only to clean the diction up on anything I've said here.>>

That’s great. I for one, am looking forward to reading your crappy posts making sense and reduced spelling errors
thanks Dan-O.

<< It must be that you are so dark inside of the personna that you call yourself, that you can't possably understand what at least some level of beauty is, or that the quality of beauty is about?>>

The beauty of your thoughts was not the issue here. But using some bodies name in it without their consent was. There is a big difference. And apparently you haven’t figured it out yet.

<<This is why you and Darby are it seems made of an identical cloth and why it makes little difference as to whether you two hate each other or not.>>

Are you saying that I’m the same like that guy…? For one thing, I can careless about John Titor and his claims of being from the future. And second, I don’t betray those who I call friends or cousin.

<<I personally never want to reinterface with you again TTA, as to my means of conception, you are the most horrible frightening creature, by conception, that one could possably think up.>>

Likewise Daniel. But I was only telling it how it is. You prove that I am horrible and frightening. And I will prove that in turn, that it’s you.

<<Goobye to you, my wish is that you should go back to the dark corners from which you have come.You are an ediface most foul and anything that I possably have to express, should be of no concern to you, or any other creature such as you. >>

*Yawn* Look, stop spreading bull $hit around. We both know you don’t like being told you were wrong for using someone’s name (again) without their permission and I pointed that out to you. It’s obvious that has bothered you immensely. More because it’s the truth, and because there is no escape from it, especially from me

<<The moderating nature of this board, is opinionaited and needs restructured.>>

And the reason you believe that is why? Because you have been found out to be full of crap? That you have been exposed for threatening people, manipulating them, and you want to have this board think of you in a positive way? Of course we are opinionated of people who do that, if we weren’t something would be wrong with us

<<Be like TTA, a pillar of virtue and charicter, that all horeny wimen crave for?

I hear the Vatican wants to nominate TTA for sainthood???>>

Thanks for the compliments Creedo. But I am far from being a saint. I just try to live up to the principles I was raised to have, and be strong minded to the end in fighting what I know is wrong.

Bytheway, I thought you were leaving. Isn’t it past 4:00 p.m. why don’t you go pick up your girl


Creedo I am addressing you now!

I have carefully considered your claim to be of pleadean ancestry and have examined all aspects of your personality. This is not foreign to me, but goes completely against my true nature of understanding, and these villain aliens and there diabolical plot to tune our frequencies to meet there needs!

Yes I can see that you were born the odd ball and you continually stress this other possesive genetic splitting in your life. You strongly have reason to believe that you were a genetic experiment that was ALLOWED by our government in exchange for traded information.

But I must reiterate and strongly stress that these entities as they can be both in the physical and in the spirit are purely DEMONIC in nature! As they bare all the genetic structure and power of hierarchy beings!

Daniel, this is all foretold in the bible. The bible may have a different way of explaining it into terms that can relate to today's views. But as I pointed out to you Enoch 6 which testifies and foretells of hierarchy beings interbreeding with earth humans. And this was an abomination to G-D! These hierarchy beings could very well have been your pleadians! or beings from other star systems.

Now onto your remote viewing skills. So you claim to have the ability to tune and adjust into mental frequencies during meditation, where you have been able to contact these Aliens and also remote view into peoples lives? And by way of the internet you can do this? and you also mentioned that at times they have intercepted both your e-mails, intruded on your I.P. line and gotten into lots of areas that you had thought was imposable
for them to do. You also mention the fact that when we post here we are posting to the attention of lots and
lots of differing beings as well as dimensions. Well that may be so as I've stated before that demonic forces are capable of traveling the astral plane between the realms. And every single thought we have can be seen in their realm. This is how and why they know us so well. But they hide the timing of things so as to prevent anyone from escaping the consequences of predictions. You are continually openly elevatating yourself to these demons that enable you to retrieve any remote viewing information. That is why I mentioned in a previous posting that even though I have been tempted by psychic abilities. I refrain from it. I mainly block the voices out most of the time like people chattering in the distance. And I most certainly don't go looking for it! or practice the art of channeling or remote viewing! It usually catches up with me in my dreams or when I tend to daydream. You came in loud and clear, there was no way I could block you out with all those trajectory images and direct attention!!! Although I have to admit that I have had some insight on you which promted me to write this post. I have seen your impure thoughts and what you have done behind closed doors which I will not dredge into this post!!! However I will divulge that I have viewed the inside of your house and have walked down the hallway that leads to your computer room. I turned to my left and peered in where I was able to see your wooden computer desk directly in the path of the doorway and you sitting at it having trouble and putting great energy into typing on the keyboard! I also have envisioned you and your facial features and body structure. I may be completely wrong on this but I see you as having long blondish brown hair tied back in a picktail, you like to wear jeans with no socks. Let me know how accurate I am???

But I must state again that I don't try and engage in this sort of activity because it spooks me and scared the living daylights out of me! I try and maintain a normal regular life where I direct my thoughts toward my family and onto G-D! And this is the state I would like to remain in, free of outside influences and unknown forces!

I seriously question your remote viewing skills? the paragraph below which I cut and pasted out of your past posting definitely refers to me and it was aimed directly at me! I am now going to analyze the flaws of your accuracy. This was the paragraph:

<Before I let go and fall onto your milineal Chevy Impalla, "like through the roof", I yell what does this make me? and Darth Alan says, some kind of neighbor, but don't kiss my daughter.>

Yes my grandfather owned a Classic Chevy Impala and he used to drive me and my sister and neighbor boy to school in it and coincidently the neighbor boy had a terrible crush on me. My grandfather was very proud of his Classic and was furious when the neighbor boy would slam the door to hard!

Of course this is just one paragraph out of the many that you hit on with me. What your obviously seeing is bits and pieces to things that you truly don't understand! Just pieces of light flashing before your eyes!

But there is no doubt in my mind that this is an invasion into my privacy that you have homed into and violated. You had exposed your indecency to me!

I would like to be your friend Daniel and except you for what you are. Do you think that could be possible without more invasion???

RE: Re Creedo

I think NOT ambassador Dildo!

Your awfully short on commenting? What's a matter Cat got your tounge? You don't like it when the tables are turned and your the one being displayed and INVADED!


RE: Re Creedo

Yeah Creedo, what’s a matter? Why the short responds to Cat’s post? If you feel that what she said isn’t true, why not question her

Stand up for your self if you feel it is inaccurate accusation of what your true intentions are and exposed for all to see

Unless they are true and your afraid to answer her only to incriminate your self even more?

Then we will all understand, why you choose not to answer
and run away and hide.

You have a history of lashing back at people with threats and immature name calling when you feel that they have something you don’t :P information about you.

After all, that was what started all of this between us, remember

You don’t like having the tables turned on you do you? Well there is a valuable lesson to be learned all of this Don’t try and take advantage of anyone through the means of your psychic abilities, for the TTA won’t let you get away with it (for you already know you can’t harm me
). There is hell to pay for exploitive actions, and very soon your actions will come back to get you 100 times fold.


You can appologise for the comment, you closed with.

No I know what I said and your way off the mark.

Your picking up someone else and not me.

The Pleiadeans have a racket and this process is farming humans and takeing what they want.

Every-body knows this and it's no big secret.

And do you think this is right? that they should have that privilege with or without our personal or governments consent?

Are you proud of what you are and represent?

This is bastardcy in its multiversal infancy!

My reaches go well beyond there idiotic intolerances of medalling with DNA! Its waistless and irrelevant in my minds eye in comparison to the great life force that instructs all renewing energy! These beings are emotionless and stagnant in the waking hours of time! Its a shame their souls need union as a last resort for survival!

Daniel, do yourself a favor, separarate yourself and pull away!!! Do not associate yourself with these leaches and tics of every demonic nature! even though you long for acceptance and belonging of your biological origin (so you claim?) and connectivness with them like Siamese twins joined at birth sharing bodies to circus road side shows. You must be separated in order to live! This is your freedom take it and run!


Creedo, you said:
<<Your picking up someone else and not me.

The Pleiadeans have a racket and this process is farming humans and takeing what they want.

Every-body knows this and it's no big secret.>>

So in other words Creedo, your saying that it’s not you, but it’s them (taking acting lessons from Clara I see
). And they are using you, which in turn we were interpreting as you being the one responsible for doing the intrusion.

So Cat and I stand corrected, it is and has always been your affiliation with the demons that allowed you to see things without people’s permission all along. And for that, I will never apologize for :P. You midas well start your threats and tantrums again, cause you will never take good people down to your perverted evil ways. Not while the TTA is around that is
