Please Heed this Warning


Temporal Novice
Hello all

I have come to this timeline from my own to warn you all about what is to happen on March 18th 2016. You must listen very carefully to what I am about to say. The UFO phenomenom, which the media of your time like to ridicule is very real. The population will be made gradually aware of this fact over the next 4 years, although a program of desensitization has been in place since the early 1970's. Governments throughout the world will release previously classified files relating to the UFO subject. The media will largely ignore this to begin with until the powers that be allow them to disseminate more & more information through newspapers, magazines, journals & television. By 2012 the whole world will be aware of the fact that "aliens" have been visiting earth for thousands of years and have well established colonies around the globe.

These UFO's as you call them are not just from other planets but as we now know, other dimensions.
Countless numbers of "aliens" have been traversing the space around earth for many millenia. Some very highly evolved species have had a great interest in this planet for the past 12000 years or more. They have shaped our development physically and spiritually into what we have now become. In my timeline which is 70 years distant form yours humans have lost control over huge areas of the world. We remember the date I have mentioned as the last day of life as you now know it.

On that day a virus will be released which will originate in central Australia. From here it will spread throughout the world in a matter of days infecting 98% of the worlds population. Of that 98% a quarter will die within two weeks of infection. The remaining infected will be brought to purpose built containment centres to recieve "treatment". Be warned that if you do contract this virus do not voluntarily go to one of these centres. The governments of the world will want you to believe that the Aliens are going to help you, cure you of this disease, when in fact you will be transported off world to their home planet. Here you will be integrated into their society. The virus will act to change your DNA so as you will survive in this environment, but you will never return to earth. Everyone taken was told that because of how the virus effects humans they would die if they remained on earth, which is a lie. Here you will be encouraged to see them as you would see another human. This is not difficult as they look almost like us anyway. Their species was suffering from some form of radiation poisining form their sun. They discovered by evolving a species on earth using their own DNA combined with earth primates (humans) that this species could withstand the levels of radiation experienced on their home world. Then by us fully integrating into their society and repopulating it with a combination of our & their DNA that eventually their species would be free of the effects of the radiation.

The remaining uninfected population of earth will remain on to aid these beings in their work here. They do not want to harm us as such (those that died of the virus are simply collateral damage) but rather help us evolve into a more intelligent species. Their technology is so far ahead of what you could imagine there is little point in even trying to explain it at present. I am part of a faction of people who contracted but survived the effects of the virus and is now in hiding. We do not wish to leave earth to go to their homeworld.

Our faction managed to steal a device from these beings that allows us to travel through time. I am not a scientist and do not know how this device works but only what it allows us to do. Thus I have come to warn you in case you will be one of the survivors of this virus. We are only a small faction and need many more in our population to help us regain some control over the planet once more. I will be here for a few more days in this timeline, please help me communicate this story to as many people as possible. This I fear will be my only opportunity, as when they discover we have this device we will never get this chance again.
If you just go here and are about
to leave how did you get your
hand on a computer in short period
of time to post? It look like it
is more effort than its worth don't
you think. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
I have been here for 3 days already. Where I am staying has access to your internet. I was advised that this was the best way to let people know what is in store for them. I would never be taken seriously if I was to approach the news media or television networks of this time. I cannot show you a picture of this device as it remains in my time. It somehow creates a link between my time and yours which allowed me to pass through. In a few days I will show up at the same location and hopefully will return to my time again. I am sorry you doubt my sincerity but you will believe in time.
No I didn't doubt you truth.
These are just standard question
that this site allway ask. So
I just asked them.

So what will happen in the next
couple of year here or is the
divergence between your time line
and ours to great to allow the
future to repeat itself. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
hus I have come to warn you in case you will be one of the survivors of this virus. We are only a small faction and need many more in our population to help us regain some control over the planet once more. I will be here for a few more days in this timeline

Just a sample of your blood will save the planet, LOL

The virus will act to change your DNA so as you will survive in this environment, but you will never return to earth. Everyone taken was told that because of how the virus effects humans they would die if they remained on earth, which is a lie. Here you will be encouraged to see them as you would see another human. This is not difficult as they look almost like us anyway. Their species was suffering from some form of radiation poisining form their sun. They discovered by evolving a species on earth using their own DNA combined with earth primates (humans) that this species could withstand the levels of radiation experienced on their home world. Then by us fully integrating into their society and repopulating it with a combination of our & their DNA that eventually their species would be free of the effects of the radiation.

this part of the alien agenda was discussed there:
Aliens and Ufos...

the number of the timeline the control of the alien device shows, shall you tell it?

btw: all of this remember me a episode of 7 days "The Cure"


Are you shure this is the right Timeline......
I have a hard time believing this story, but I do have a question.

Have you been to another planet, if so what kind of drugs do they there?
Hello again I have been delayed in my mission in this timeline. My friends were not able to find a large enough power source for the device to allow me to travel back yet. I see some of you have questions reagrding my story. I will try to answer them as best I can...

First of all I cannot photograph this device as it does not exist in this timeline so this is impossible.

One of you asks what will happen in the next couple of years here. I can tell you that politically the next president of the USA will be John McCain. There will be alot of fignting in the middle east between Israel and Iran. This will force the UN to intervene, there will be no World War 3 as many seem to claim. The western world will go into a kind of recession as prices for food, oil and grain become very expensive. A vaccine for HIV will be discovered in 2011 but sadly too late for many of the third world population. My history this far back is very poor (I come from the year 2078). More importantly later in the future the world will be transformed technologically. All the transportation systems will be revolutionised. Forms of motorised transport will cease to exist. Everything will be controlled by what you understand as magnetics. The energy is also free. Money will become obsolete people will have the freedom to choose if they wish to work without it affecting their lifestyle. Hunger and starvation in the third world and developing nations will be eradicated.

As for the aliens yes they do look like us but I am definitely not one of them. They are a very tall people average height of around 6'3", their skin is very pale also but they have variations in eye and hair colour as we do. They can speak like us if need be but also communicate what you would call in telepathy. I must go now once more as I need to sleep. Maybe I will get the chance to talk to you all again.
One of you asks what will happen in the next couple of years here. I can tell you that politically the next president of the USA will be John McCain.

haaaa, The Timeline 3

There will be alot of fignting in the middle east between Israel and Iran. This will force the UN to intervene,

this event is remember as "The black wars"

there will be no World War 3 as many seem to claim. The western world will go into a kind of recession as prices for food, oil and grain become very expensive. A vaccine for HIV will be discovered in 2011 but sadly too late for many of the third world population.

This depends of how this timeline changed...

Hunger and starvation in the third world and developing nations will be eradicated.

This is the real agenda of the said virus, "erradicated third world"
Instead why you give us a sample of your blood...

if you really want to help us?

As for the aliens yes they do look like us but I am definitely not one of them. They are a very tall people average height of around 6'3", their skin is very pale also but they have variations in eye and hair colour as we do. They can speak like us if need be but also communicate what you would call in telepathy. I must go now once more as I need to sleep. Maybe I will get the chance to talk to you all again.

The Blue Brothers....yeah right,

The explorer ships come on orbit and one of them post some messages in this board... earlier in this timeline...

But we will wait for the colapsing of the timelines, the merge event and the new version of the new future... Thanks...

First of all I cannot photograph this device as it does not exist in this timeline so this is impossible.

Oh how convenient! Why not draw a simple schematic and describe its operation then?

I can tell you that politically the next president of the USA will be John McCain.

Well that is nice, and I hope you are right. But what I am more interested in is what your "excuse" will be if he does NOT win. That assumes that you will simply not just disappear with your tail between your legs! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The western world will go into a kind of recession as prices for food, oil and grain become very expensive.

Sounds like you are doing nothing but reporting on the present, rather than the future. And that is what most wanna-be TTers do.

Forms of motorised transport will cease to exist. Everything will be controlled by what you understand as magnetics.

In the FAR future, maybe. But are you aware that a brushless electric motor is already controlled by magnetics? What I am getting at is "motorized", which implies a motor, does not presume internal combustion.

The energy is also free.

Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Money will become obsolete people will have the freedom to choose if they wish to work without it affecting their lifestyle. Hunger and starvation in the third world and developing nations will be eradicated.

Ahhhhh, Utopia! It sounds just as grand today as when Thomas More described it way back in the day. You get points for idealism, as it is a bit more fresh than the constant gloom and doom most wanna-be TTers spew.


The energy is also free. Money will become obsolete people will have the freedom to choose if they wish to work without it affecting their lifestyle. Hunger and starvation in the third world and developing nations will be eradicated.

I think that I've heard this before, circa 1848...

"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society.

In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend."

~Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, "Communist Manifesto", 1848

"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs."

~Karl Marx, "Critique of the Gotha Program"

Left unstated is the question of who determines a person's needs - and then distributes the necessities to fill that need. In Engel and Marx's dialectic...The State.

Be careful what you wish for my nieve friend.
"All the transportation systems will be revolutionised. Forms of motorised transport will cease to exist. Everything will be controlled by what you understand as magnetics."

Tell me what that is like. Does that mean people are not able to speed anymore?
How big are cars they ride in? How many people does one car hold?

"The energy is also free. Money will become obsolete people will have the freedom to choose if they wish to work without it affecting their lifestyle. Hunger and starvation in the third world and developing nations will be eradicated."

How is this possible? If they choose not to work won't other people think they are lazy?

"As for the aliens yes they do look like us but I am definitely not one of them. They are a very tall people average height of around 6'3", their skin is very pale also but they have variations in eye and hair colour as we do. They can speak like us if need be but also communicate what you would call in telepathy."

Where do these aliens come from? Are they friendly? Do we get are technology from them?

What is it like to talk in Telepathy? Are you really just talking spirit to spirit or is it a real brain wave signal that is transmitted? Do you feel feelings from them as well or strickly hear words only? What does it sound like to the one recieving messages from them? How does one talk back to them in telepathy?
another hoax????,come on people wake up and stop making questio to this irrational guy,i mean if he wahted to be believed he would have post at least a picture or a video of his gadget,in other words i reccommend all of you to stop wasting your time with this "moron",excuse me but that is how i feel about fakers,Pamela i advice you to comment on an interesting story not a boring one like this,i believe Mr. Darby will agree with me because he is so good in the handling of this fakers!!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hello once again

I have come back to tell you all of some very dire consequences due to events that have taken place in my time that have now changed your timeline.

Im afraid that my previous warnings are now moot. The virus your Government is calling "Swine Flu" is going to be a catalyst for mandatory mass vaccinatons around the world. The Swine Flu Vaccine will contain another Virus which will be identical to the one I previously described. The only difference is that it will be a more slow acting virus, but will ultimately have the same consequences. I urge all of you to avoid this Vaccine at all costs. Those brave pepole that refuse this Vaccine will be taken by their governments to "Quarantine camps" and labelled as terrorists. The best chance you have is to go underground before these laws come to pass. We need you now more than ever to help us fight our cause. According to my current timeline most of the worlds population will now be eradicated by 2012. The President is now Obama which is another departure from the previous timeline. Everything else I predicted is much the same. Im sure all of you are feeling the effects of the economic crisis even more now, there is worse to come on that front too.
The Tensions in the middle east will get much worse also. An invasion of Iran is imminent.

I will be here for another few days as I am still studying the historical differences between this and the previous timelines. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them for you.

Thank You
Hello once again

I have come back to tell you all of some very dire consequences due to events that have taken place in my time that have now changed your timeline.

Im afraid that my previous warnings are now moot. The virus your Government is calling "Swine Flu" is going to be a catalyst for mandatory mass vaccinatons around the world. The Swine Flu Vaccine will contain another Virus which will be identical to the one I previously described. The only difference is that it will be a more slow acting virus, but will ultimately have the same consequences. I urge all of you to avoid this Vaccine at all costs. Those brave pepole that refuse this Vaccine will be taken by their governments to "Quarantine camps" and labelled as terrorists. The best chance you have is to go underground before these laws come to pass. We need you now more than ever to help us fight our cause. According to my current timeline most of the worlds population will now be eradicated by 2012. The President is now Obama which is another departure from the previous timeline. Everything else I predicted is much the same. Im sure all of you are feeling the effects of the economic crisis even more now, there is worse to come on that front too.
The Tensions in the middle east will get much worse also. An invasion of Iran is imminent.

I will be here for another few days as I am still studying the historical differences between this and the previous timelines. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them for you.

Thank You
Welcome back to the Past...Friend,
Greetings to the Council!!!

We are aware of the Pending Geographical Poleshift..., and thanks for all the changes in this Timeline...
Thanks for the Info... we got some info regarding this vaccine (Thanks SHADDY)!
<pre><font class="small">code:</font><hr> Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent A Year Ahead Of Outbreak
From Lara, Health Advocate
10 July 2009
US20090060950A1 to Baxter International filed 28th August 2008

See Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1

Baxter are nothing if not prepared for this 'swine flu' outbreak if the wording in this 2008 US patent application is anything to go by:

"In particular preferred embodiments the composition or
vaccine comprises more than one antigen.....such as
influenza A and influenza B in particular selected from of one
or more of the human H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2,
H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 subtypes, of the pig flu H1N1,
H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2 subtypes, of the dog or horse flu H7N7,
H3N8 subtypes or of the avian H5N1, H7N2, H1N7, H7N3,
H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2,
H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 subtypes."

"Suitable adjuvants can be selected from mineral gels,
aluminium hydroxide, surface active substances, lysolecithin,
pluronic polyols, polyanions or oil emulsions such as water in
oil or oil in water, or a combination thereof. Of course the
selection of the adjuvant depends on the intended use.
E.g. toxicity may depend on the destined subject organism
and can vary from no toxicity to high toxicity."

"Three different influenza strains, two A-strains Hiroshima
(HR, H3N2), a New Calcdonia (NC, H1N1) and a B-strain,
Malaysia (MA), were produced in Vero cell cultures. After
virus propagation the infectious virus harvest is inactivated
prior to purification...."

I'm feeling so much better now that I know we have such competent pharmaceutical companies, well prepared for viral outbreaks at least a year ahead of time...



Related Links:
* Swine Flu Vaccine Patent Application - US 2009/0060950 A1
Baxter International, Aug. 28, 2008
* Swine Flu - Lab Accident Caused 'Pandemic' Claims NEJM
John Bingham, Daily Telegraph
* Baxter - Live Bird Flu Virus Shipped To 18 Countries As Vaccine
The Right Perspective - New York City

UK Web Hosting by Fri, July 10th, 2009. 07:48 am </pre><hr>
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