Hello all
I have come to this timeline from my own to warn you all about what is to happen on March 18th 2016. You must listen very carefully to what I am about to say. The UFO phenomenom, which the media of your time like to ridicule is very real. The population will be made gradually aware of this fact over the next 4 years, although a program of desensitization has been in place since the early 1970's. Governments throughout the world will release previously classified files relating to the UFO subject. The media will largely ignore this to begin with until the powers that be allow them to disseminate more & more information through newspapers, magazines, journals & television. By 2012 the whole world will be aware of the fact that "aliens" have been visiting earth for thousands of years and have well established colonies around the globe.
These UFO's as you call them are not just from other planets but as we now know, other dimensions.
Countless numbers of "aliens" have been traversing the space around earth for many millenia. Some very highly evolved species have had a great interest in this planet for the past 12000 years or more. They have shaped our development physically and spiritually into what we have now become. In my timeline which is 70 years distant form yours humans have lost control over huge areas of the world. We remember the date I have mentioned as the last day of life as you now know it.
On that day a virus will be released which will originate in central Australia. From here it will spread throughout the world in a matter of days infecting 98% of the worlds population. Of that 98% a quarter will die within two weeks of infection. The remaining infected will be brought to purpose built containment centres to recieve "treatment". Be warned that if you do contract this virus do not voluntarily go to one of these centres. The governments of the world will want you to believe that the Aliens are going to help you, cure you of this disease, when in fact you will be transported off world to their home planet. Here you will be integrated into their society. The virus will act to change your DNA so as you will survive in this environment, but you will never return to earth. Everyone taken was told that because of how the virus effects humans they would die if they remained on earth, which is a lie. Here you will be encouraged to see them as you would see another human. This is not difficult as they look almost like us anyway. Their species was suffering from some form of radiation poisining form their sun. They discovered by evolving a species on earth using their own DNA combined with earth primates (humans) that this species could withstand the levels of radiation experienced on their home world. Then by us fully integrating into their society and repopulating it with a combination of our & their DNA that eventually their species would be free of the effects of the radiation.
The remaining uninfected population of earth will remain on to aid these beings in their work here. They do not want to harm us as such (those that died of the virus are simply collateral damage) but rather help us evolve into a more intelligent species. Their technology is so far ahead of what you could imagine there is little point in even trying to explain it at present. I am part of a faction of people who contracted but survived the effects of the virus and is now in hiding. We do not wish to leave earth to go to their homeworld.
Our faction managed to steal a device from these beings that allows us to travel through time. I am not a scientist and do not know how this device works but only what it allows us to do. Thus I have come to warn you in case you will be one of the survivors of this virus. We are only a small faction and need many more in our population to help us regain some control over the planet once more. I will be here for a few more days in this timeline, please help me communicate this story to as many people as possible. This I fear will be my only opportunity, as when they discover we have this device we will never get this chance again.
I have come to this timeline from my own to warn you all about what is to happen on March 18th 2016. You must listen very carefully to what I am about to say. The UFO phenomenom, which the media of your time like to ridicule is very real. The population will be made gradually aware of this fact over the next 4 years, although a program of desensitization has been in place since the early 1970's. Governments throughout the world will release previously classified files relating to the UFO subject. The media will largely ignore this to begin with until the powers that be allow them to disseminate more & more information through newspapers, magazines, journals & television. By 2012 the whole world will be aware of the fact that "aliens" have been visiting earth for thousands of years and have well established colonies around the globe.
These UFO's as you call them are not just from other planets but as we now know, other dimensions.
Countless numbers of "aliens" have been traversing the space around earth for many millenia. Some very highly evolved species have had a great interest in this planet for the past 12000 years or more. They have shaped our development physically and spiritually into what we have now become. In my timeline which is 70 years distant form yours humans have lost control over huge areas of the world. We remember the date I have mentioned as the last day of life as you now know it.
On that day a virus will be released which will originate in central Australia. From here it will spread throughout the world in a matter of days infecting 98% of the worlds population. Of that 98% a quarter will die within two weeks of infection. The remaining infected will be brought to purpose built containment centres to recieve "treatment". Be warned that if you do contract this virus do not voluntarily go to one of these centres. The governments of the world will want you to believe that the Aliens are going to help you, cure you of this disease, when in fact you will be transported off world to their home planet. Here you will be integrated into their society. The virus will act to change your DNA so as you will survive in this environment, but you will never return to earth. Everyone taken was told that because of how the virus effects humans they would die if they remained on earth, which is a lie. Here you will be encouraged to see them as you would see another human. This is not difficult as they look almost like us anyway. Their species was suffering from some form of radiation poisining form their sun. They discovered by evolving a species on earth using their own DNA combined with earth primates (humans) that this species could withstand the levels of radiation experienced on their home world. Then by us fully integrating into their society and repopulating it with a combination of our & their DNA that eventually their species would be free of the effects of the radiation.
The remaining uninfected population of earth will remain on to aid these beings in their work here. They do not want to harm us as such (those that died of the virus are simply collateral damage) but rather help us evolve into a more intelligent species. Their technology is so far ahead of what you could imagine there is little point in even trying to explain it at present. I am part of a faction of people who contracted but survived the effects of the virus and is now in hiding. We do not wish to leave earth to go to their homeworld.
Our faction managed to steal a device from these beings that allows us to travel through time. I am not a scientist and do not know how this device works but only what it allows us to do. Thus I have come to warn you in case you will be one of the survivors of this virus. We are only a small faction and need many more in our population to help us regain some control over the planet once more. I will be here for a few more days in this timeline, please help me communicate this story to as many people as possible. This I fear will be my only opportunity, as when they discover we have this device we will never get this chance again.