Players at the midpoint JT game:


Epochal Historian
On T-12s early post at TTI

Please note in the bio of T-12 when he had first posted at TTI, there was a say by him in his bio, those treating me harshly, will get the same back?

At that time there was another poster here, we will refer to him as a stage name, The Indomitable, to keep his privacy.

However this other poster, not me, would routinely attack anyone and everyone to the point of calling them at their residence.Or to the point, "I'm told", of having the police involved and had to be warned by the MOP.

When T-12 printed the don't tread on meaning in his bio, is key information.This is as this post shows a demarcation in time, to where the Titor element was starting to break into more of an open field, of running, so to speak.

One has to look at T-12 as an engineer?Know engineers, being careful and sensitive people ask the question, did the Indomitable and T-12 turn on each other, not to, or to cue?

In otherwords, was the warning that T-12 was giving, had to do with developmental time, or event affairs, or was this part of a for-planned script?

Did T-12 know about time travel in the early time of TTI and was filling in his motions, as he had access to time travel?

Or were the train of event affair, such that things were starting to heat up for T-12?So he started to adopt a recessive stance, to where he would not have to take so much flack?

Not long ago from this timemark, Pamela Moore had shown up on the Time Travel Hotel.She warned people there, when repling to questions on the forum, that she would post there, just as long as she was not attacked.

So it seems both T-12 as well as Pamela Moore were both being attacked, not on this board, but many other postings boards, as well?

The question is for Moore, why was she being so hostilely attacked?

The second question was, what was the logic of these attacks?

It is now being said, by poster Razimus, that she was here in the beginning.

It seems that right after Razimus leaves, Pamela Moore shows up on the web, in, with host of information about John Titor.

An engineer is a highly qualified person.

Why did T-12 use both said John Titor's said uniform logo and why was this kept at his yahoo profiles?

The one incident that bothers me and borders on the incredible, is the said jump film.This is where said A Person looking like T-12, is showing how gravity from a said Kerr's doublarity, bends a laser beam, which positions in the middle of a said vehicles, could have been the said Chevrolet Corvette.

The thing is on this one particular picture, is the beam of supposed laser light, does not show infractation, of being a said glass filament, which is being passed off as a bent laser beam.

Secondly as once said before, the chrome knob on the Corvette's dashboard, is not and I repeat this, is not supporting the said laser beam?

The gravity well, according to this one particular photo, should be by the transmission hump and the cigar that said look alike T-12 is smoking, should give segmentation to the nature of the said bent beam of laser light?

These two counts of Pamela having or showing beat woman syndrome.Additionally to this first fact,.too much information given about a T-12 look alike in the instructor's jump video, concerning said John Titor, does make the spectator wonder.

It was said by T-12 himself that he remembers performing said magic, infront of the said Atlantian Royal family.

For a while, for some unknown reason, I was enraged with T-12, till other precedents took over.

The my anger at him, abated.

However like our battler, the alias The Indomitable One, the person who attacked everyone and anyone, as if this were his assigned duty here at TTI.

What are the whys to these statements and questions?

Did T-12 either time travel himself, or have a double?

And afterwhile, was the toll of telling about John Titor, such a burden on Pamela Moore, that she in some ways had regretted in coming forward with this information at all?

When you look at this information some mighty odd questions start to rise.

However as Darby of Anomlies had said, "Well' the story of John Titor did start right here at TTI"!?

Well' right Darby, so how did they bend this laser beam, without shadow out cropping ever showing around the said laser beam, in the jump video?

The laser wasn't bent. Pull down a good copy of the photo and blow it up with Photoshop on a good monitor. You can see that the "laser" does not line up with the laser pointing device. The beam was (poorly) superimposed on the photo. It's a Photoshop created special effect. We had some members on Anomalies recreate the entire effect at home and post their photos on the board.

A gravitational field that could bend a light beam so that it subtends about one radian given a radius of less than a meter (which is approximately the effect in the photo) would have atomized the Cigar Man...the tidal effects would have literally ripped his atoms apart (as well as the Corvette itself). But this "gravitational field" only bent the laser. It didn't affect a single photon of the cigar smoke or the view of the background of the Corvette...and those photons had to pass through the same field that bent the laser as they traveled to the camera lens.

That's not physics. That's friggin' magic...or a "boof" by Group Titor when they made the photo because they forgot to be consistent with their physical effects. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

BTW: I know what you're talking about when you refer to the "jump video" in this post. But some other folks might get confused. The "Jump Video" was the video that Steven Antle sent to Anomalies. It was not related to Titor. Titor didn't send us a video; he only sent the photos and faxes of his manual pages.
Can you post a good photo Darby because I can't find one, neither can Creedo. I have seen the blow up analysis and I thought it was wasted effort. The picture doesn't have enough resolution for me to come to any conclusion.

Didn't John Titor say the gravity was only happening outside the car, which is why the pointer only appeared to bend once it got outside the window, so what you said about the gravity crushing them was based on today's knowledge of physics. Why do you ignore the explanations he gave?

Could you post a link to where people made their own photo's and reproduced the effect?