I knew a person who actually built a time machine. He needed to give it a quick test, but his dog was at the groomers that day. So, he hopped in and set it for 1 second in the past. As it turned out, there weren't any dimensions, parallel or otherwise for him to safely land. Since science wasn't too happy with him trying to occupy the same space and time as his future self. A cruel punishment ensued.
He was stuck for quite some "time." It seems that he couldn't quite hit the stop button before he would have to reach for it again. As fast as he was, 1 second was just not enough to get his hand up there.
He was miserable, that pesky "Groundhog Day" effect that gets all of us at one time or another. Well, after living the worst case of dejavu for a couple of hours, he was finally unimprisoned by the most unlikely of fellows.
He was stuck for quite some "time." It seems that he couldn't quite hit the stop button before he would have to reach for it again. As fast as he was, 1 second was just not enough to get his hand up there.
He was miserable, that pesky "Groundhog Day" effect that gets all of us at one time or another. Well, after living the worst case of dejavu for a couple of hours, he was finally unimprisoned by the most unlikely of fellows.