Picture up from 2037 guy (?)


Quantum Scribe
Now, there is a picture up from this guy claiming to be from 2037 or is that Ciara like in the blog?


I think it is a fake mustache.

I don't know about Ciara, one of his friends either.

Probably just someone claiming to be from 2037, perhaps.

MySpace - Me
I think I'm a Clone - Berzerkzoid

I still considering the picture to be my hand raised towards the sky.
Explain it later if I take it - afterall it won't be that good anyway.
The Three Minute Debunk

You need to register to that site to see all his pics. One of them is a dollar bill from 2032. Here's that image:

Now go to http://www.wheresgeorge.com
This is the site that tracks dollar bills across America.
Put the serial number in: G54587253C. It then tells you it's a 2003 note, not a 2038 note.

My putting the number into wheresgeorge.com told them I had it- I am the "Forest City PA" entry. The first entry is Newbury Park, CA- where this Titor wannabe is located.

He also has a map of the "future United States". On the bottom of the map, it says "The Future Map of North America" Who would make a map and call it "the future map"? LOL This is like making a fake newspaper dated 2050 and calling it "the news of the future" LOL

You've been debunked.