Or ending. What do you think this means for time travel, as he speculates that time goes forwards, stalls, goes back, then forward???
Turok's speculation is to explain this thermodynamic theory in terms of m-theory. The thermodynamic cosmology that he suggests goes back to the late 1940's. I might be wrong but I think that Richard Feynman first suggested that the thermodynamic arrow of time can switch - and that it just happens to be running in the direction that it is right now. He suggested it because on the microscopic scale of subatomic particles entropy can reverse itself locally - things can randomly get more organized locally for very brief periods of time if the scale is small enough.
For example take a closed box and fill one half with nitrogen gas and the other half with oxygen gas. Put a divider in the box to keep the gases seperate. Then pull the divider out. If you look into the box an instant later and see the two gasses completely seperated you'd probably correctly guess that someone just pulled the divider out because that arrangement of gasses is extremely unlikely to have been a random event.
Next, let the gasses thoroughly mix for several days. If you look into the box very closely, at the subatomic scale, you could easily find a couple hundred nitrogen atoms bunched up in one corner of your closed box. Overall the gas is thoroughly mixed but locally there might be lumps of nitrogen or oxygen - and you probably wouldn't be surprised to find that.
After the gas is thoroughly mixed it might take a trillion years but if you waited long enough you would eventually see all of the nitrogen in the box on one side and all of the oxygen on the other. The gas has returned to its original highly organized state...and that state indicates that the entropic and thermodynamic arrows of time had reversed.
The gas, of course, is only going to remain in that highly organized state for a brief period of time and probably won't return to that state for another trillion years. But what I just described is an oscillating system that has periods where the entropic arrow of time appears to run forward for a several days (the gas is mixing), is immobile for a trillion years (the gas is thoroughly mixed - thermal equilibrium) and then reverses (the gas seperates) for a breif period of time.
Strong entropic theory: We see the arrow going that way because we're here to witness it.
Weak entropic theory: We're here to see it because only when its running in the direction that it is is life possible.
What's sometimes overlooked is that when the universe on a whole gets to the point that our gas did - thoroughly mixed for a trillion years - life isn't possible. The state of the universe is so bland that there are no energy wells. There's no place where there's more energy "here" than "next door" so that you can move the energy from one place to another and do work. It's total thermal equilibrium for a trillion years followed by a brief period of time when life (nuclear, chemical, photonic or any other energetic reaction) is possible. Every place in the universe is exactly the same.
Pray for lumps in the gravy.