Physics of Controlled Gravity Distortion


Quantum Scribe
An Interpretation of Titor’s Predictions of the Physics of Controlled Gravity Distortion

The breakthrough in creating enough energy to artificially create a micro-singularity will be made (may have already been made by now) at the RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab.

Once CERN brings their large electron positron (LEP) collider on line researchers will create and control micro-singularities a fraction of the size of an electron.

Alternatively, micro- singularities might be created at RHIS at Brookhaven but creating and controlling them is perfected at CERN.

I base this interpretation of the following excerpts from Titor’s Postings:

Titor: By the way, #2 is the correct answer and the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034…..

Other: You mentioned that the physics behind time travel will be realized within the next year at CERN. Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. It was scheduled to be shut down this past November but was not due to some potential evidence of a missing component of the Standard Model, the Higgs Boson.

Titor: I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try.

Other: It is true that CERN has 4 detectors/experiments but they are all centered around the LEP experiment. There are no experiments at CERN which deal with accelerating protons at this time. There is a planned experiment in 2005, when the Large Hadron collider takes over the tunnel at which the LEP is located. The experiment you refer to is not at CERN it is at RHIC in Brookhaven National Lab on Long Island, it is an attempt to create a quark gluon plasma, a form of matter which would have been present shortly after the big bang but before condensation of quarks into particles like protons and neutrons.

Titor: I have never claimed to be a physicist or an expert on what the CERN laboratory is doing at any given moment …….. My comments about the CERN lab are in reference to particle accelerators in general ……

Other: …but how did you manage to overcome the problem of gathering sufficient power to artificially create a micro-singularity in such a short time (sometime prior to 2036)?

Titor: The “machine” with the energy to do it will come on-line very soon. The “method” for doing it has already been “mostly” perfected in the Z machine at the National lab in New Mexico.

Titor: Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially dangerous items produced from this increase in energy will be micro-singularities a fraction of the size of an electron.

End of Titor’s Postings

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is a world-class scientific research facility that began operation in 2000, following 10 years of development and construction.

Titor: Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially dangerous items produced from this increase in energy will be micro-singularities a fraction of the size of an electron

Here's Titor's problem: electrons don't have a classical "size". They have mass, momentum and charge for example, but they really can't be described as having some sort of fixed size because they exist completely within the realm of quantum mechanics.

Singularities have no size. A singularity by definition occupies a mathematical point of zero size.

We have to assume that when Titor said "size" he had to be refering to mass-energy.

That's still a problem. He has to accelerate the particles to near the speed of light and smash them together to make his micro-mass black holes. However, momentum is conserved in both classical and quantum mechanics.

For the sake of argument let's assume that he wants to make a black hole with the least mass possible by colliding two electrons (electrons have the least mass of the elementary particles).

They are accelerated to near the speed of light and smashed together and a micro-black hole is formed. Momentum is conserved and momentum is energy. Energy, of course is mass. What is the minumum mass for his newly created micro-black hole? Approximately 4,200 electron masses.

How do we conclude this? We apply the Lorentz transformation for mass, m' = m_0/(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2. At v = .9999999c each electron will have a relativistic mass of about 2236 times their rest mass (m_0) when they collide.

Why such a high portion of the speed of light? Because the electrons are repelling each other with a force 10^39 times greater than gravitational attraction. The electrons do not want to get close together and they definitely do not want to occupy the same space.

His electron sized micro-singularity mass is off by a factor of about 4,000. If he is using nucleons rather than electrons his mass is off by a factor of over 8,000,000 (protons and neutrons have masses on the order of 1839-1842 electron masses).

I enjoyed your response. I don't know enough about the physics involved to know if:

1) What you say is correct
2) If correct, if it applies that what Titor posted

It is impossible to prove that things Titor wrote about the physics of time travel are untrue, for the most part. They can only be proved to be true, i.e. we discover the principles behind time travel and it works just like he said.

I was focused on finding holes in Titor’s story related to the discovery of the principles behind time travel. I have seen other interpretations of Titor's posts about the discovery of time travel whereby the writer claimed to find discrepancies in Titor’s story as it relates to the discovery of time travel, i.e. CERN’s LEP not coming on-line until 2007 proves what he said is untrue. I could find not such evidence in his writings that his story is false. And I should also state that does not prove it to be true. Simply I can find no evidence to disprove what he said.
It is impossible to prove that things Titor wrote about the physics of time travel are untrue, for the most part. They can only be proved to be true
Actually, MEM, this is directly opposite to the accepted form of proof invoked by Carl Popper, which is now known as "Popper Falsifiability". This theory states that it is generally not possible to prove something "true" because you would never complete the proof (always other circumstances that you did not test). Instead, we must continually test theories in order to prove them false. As long as a theory cannot be "falsified" it is said to be true.


Yes. That is correct.

But what I meant is that since Titor is talking about something we have not yet discovered then by definition it would include some explanation that would be deemed "not possible" Since we have not discovered how to travel back in time then his explanation for how it is done would not make complete sense to us.

Does that make sense?
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