Physical Time Travel Vehicle


Chrono Cadet
Yes physical time travel can be achieve by manipulating the vibratory field around any vehicule you plan to use ( as long as it has a resonant cavity ) the correct plan for achieve is still a mystery but i know i got the basic jist of it hence why im building my new project

i really plan to go thru with this project once more , lets hope i wont kill myself in the process
Re: An idea for a potential experiment

<font color="blue"> And as such, the post has been moved into the time travel arena.

What happened to the merkaba structure construct you were working on ? Was waiting for up-dates on that project.

How far along are you with this particular work-up, and does the design have any particular attributes that you feel would make this project more likely to function, than an alternative design ?

Noticed the 2nd seat...I volunteer my wife to sit in the extra seat when you are ready to fire-up your vehicle there, Dr. Z.

( if for some reason my wife reads this post...just kidding, honey, the house "will" be clean when you get home /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )
how do you expect to time travel by sticking some seats into a shopping cart?

oh well, dont forget your tinfoil safety helmet...
Alright, I gotta say...I laughed out loud when I saw that pic. But for real, I would like to see the full blue prints as well, cause im guessing it's not powered by those little wheels while somebody pushes you down a hill.
But for real, I would like to see the full blue prints as well, cause im guessing it's not powered by those little wheels while somebody pushes you down a hill.

I was wondering why it needed wheels at all. I mean, it is intended to travel through time, not space, right? (As if that was possible)

Re: An idea for a potential experiment

well with the welcome i got im not interessted to post more , sorry but RMT got me piss off again sorry but i dont feel like posting again see you some other time
Re: An idea for a potential experiment

Dr. Z, you are an adult man. You have the power to forge ahead with what it is "you" want to accomplish with sharing what you are doing with this project. The only power anyone has over you, is the power you give to them.

RMT didn't piss you off, you decided to do that all by yourself. Did Ruthless or RMT hold a gun to your head and force you to get angry ?


IF every inventor listened to every pun directed towards them, and then quit, nothing would ever get done. I say, lighten up a bit, and do what it is you want to do, despite what some others say and/or do.

It's obvious that the wheels are there making it easy to move the structure around while it is under construction.

Don't be so sensitive, there are still many people that want to read about your project.
Re: An idea for a potential experiment

Yeah dude chill out. Like Kerr said, I'm sure the very first man who said he could fly was made fun of till no end, but the idea stuck and now we just take planes as a part of every day life a lot of times.

The pic just made me laugh because I opened up the thread and I saw a shopping cart attached to a hospital bed with car seats in it. I was looking for the cup holder. I know you gotta start somewhere, it just struck me as funny at first.
Re: An idea for a potential experiment

If it makes you feel any better, how about this :

My washing machine is at the point that I need to buy a new one. I will start a thread with photos of the progression and launch of the KerrTexas Orbital Washing Machine Vehicle .

I'll post step-by-step photos on the re-design of the washing rocket machine, then maybe make a YouTube video of the launch.

This way, people can post their jokes and snide remarks relative to me and my project, and maybe together, we will reduce the focus and impact of the hecklers.

The KerrTexas Orbital Washing Machine Vehicle will also serve to accomplish multiple goals.

One, the lessons learned building and launching the old washing machine.

Two : Next time the crew of the space shuttle is ever in need, they would have a back-up washing machine in orbit for use. Just hope they carry enough quarters to finish their laundry. Sorry, space guys and gals, would have to vacuum dry the stuff.

No plans for a KerrTexas Orbital Dryer Vehicle at this time.
the correct plan for achieve is still a mystery but i know i got the basic jist of it hence why im building my new project

I sincerely hope your power source for that device isn't going to be a mains socket.

As you like making interesting devices........have a look at the subject of cavitation. Whilst it may be a complete annoyance to some engineers ( e.g with propeller blades, etc ) is also an ingeniously simple method of focusing a lot of energy on a small area. Temperatures over 6000K, and at several hundred atmospheres, can be generated. Indeed...the entire basis of 'cold fusion' was cavitation. In fact cavitation is a remarkable phenomenon which, if engineers stopped treating it as a nuisance and thought about a USE for it......I am quite sure would lead to some amazing developments.

It is one area still remaining....where the proverbial guy tinkering away in the garage could invent something remarkable.
Re: An idea for a potential experiment

Kidding , you think im this lame , nope i got over harte zeo and starlord they wont bring me down , lol if you think i take myself this seriously , you dont know me very well, lol
cheer up no matter what RMT say i wont be affected, as for showing any plan , wow thats a big one there , most of my plan are for sale on timenomore , so you can buy them via a donations , your welcome to pay a visit , i had help from professor opmmur so far im just down with building the bare structure at this moment im stuck with low funds so i cannot go any further , but when things will go back to normal i will resume my work , for now i have my summer work keeping me very busy , the electronic is already done in one part , the timepod can be completed when the steel structure is finish , and no i wont plug my machine in a electrical socket i use battery to make it self substain and we are working on a self energize generator to recharge them along the way, so yes we pretty far off and yes we are actually doing something about it , weve been working on this project since december 2009 but my team arent rich people so all the help we can get are welcome, cheers
Dr Z
check my vids on youtube web page
yes time travel is possible and we need someone with a powerfull mind to make it work cuz time travel can only be achieve by using the human mind interface , the human mind is the key to time travel its the key to the fourth dimension , the mind frequency can access the 4th realm and help the vibratory field get in sync with it , i still wonder why someone like you still argue that its not possible , why dont you let down the gate of skepticism and try to figure out by yourself , no need for physic or science only the mind can conceive the impossible , god gave us the gift , just use it.
Is your project required to have a full-sized machine ?

Seems that IF the basic prinicples you have in mind are valid, a scaled down, less expensive version should work just as well.

If the scaled-down version works, I am sure that funding for a full-sized vehicle would become less of a problem.
the last time i try something like this i was in a car and the outer structure of the car caught on fire for unknown reason , so i feel confortable using my home made steel structure and it doesnt need to move this time around just brought close to a grid point or intense magnetic field , the wheel on the machine are there to move it around because it does weight in at 275lbs now , so imagine once its done how much it should weight.
I remember you saying that about the car. My point is that whenever any vehicle is designed, a smaller model is usually built first. Then tests are run on the smaller version before sinking alot of time and money into a full-sized vehicle.

Can't you do the same ?

Instead of spending alot of time and money, which you say you are short of...wouldn't it make sense to build a smaller, thus less expensive test model first ?
I don't understand how you put the energy around the vehicle by using an hdr. If its mind travel why do you need a vehicle? Can you perhaps explain further?
The first time around i only had a car at my disposal , hence why i use the car but this time around i have more at my disposal so i build this so it wont caught fire its all steel and no plastic , as for the mind part thing of majig , its no an hdr dont worry steven gibbs influence stop at this guys door it wont going in my machine again, only a brain wave receiver made by my friend , maybe i ll show some picture one day.
on this thanks for your nice reply , i hope RMt will reply positively as well
your friend
i agree with kerr. i think you should make a small scale model and try it on something that is not human before you put someones life at risk, especially if something caught fire on the last run.

a shopping cart, with seats, that is a mental amplifier... heh. good luck with that.

btw, ive got this single blade helicopter design for sale. you seem like the type that would buy these plans! i'll give ya a real good price!

Dont become part of your own circuit.
im sorry but thats exactly the reason why the PX fail there was no one at the healm to control its destination it needed a human mind to tell it were to head to , dont worry im not gonna kill myself and i dont let anyone get to me god is on my side and he tell me to be positive about this and try as hard a si can and not to give up