"Pets" are more than just pets, they're family


Staff member
I once heard talk about making the word "pet" to be considered a derogatory term for domesticated animals, and I agree with that. They should be considered a lot more than just "pets", or property for that matter; they should be considered part of the family. I even go as far as to refer to the dogs in our family as my brothers, sisters, etc. We gotta understand that domesticated animals are living, breathing creatures just like humans, they have feelings and emotions, and they've gotta be given the respect they deserve. It's only fair.

I'm considering renaming this forum for these reasons, but I feel compelled not to do so unless I get a stamp of approval from the forum owner and a few suggestions on how to rename it. What do you guys think about this idea, @PaulaJedi, @Cosmo1598825723, @KerrTexas, or anyone else?

I think Pets is ok. I can relate to it, even though I normally think of my dog as a kid ? Paula picked a good name. Something other than that wouldn't have the same heart, even if the words are more precise.

I think we need a distinction.  Telling people my newly adopted son Jaime is white and was previously abused sounds REALLY BAD.  Nobody knows he is a rabbit. 

I do think that they deserve names with dignity.  Mine are Sadie, Penny, Jaime, Stormy, and Cersei.  I cringe when I see people name their dogs "asshole".  I mean, come on. Do you love him or not?  

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They say you can't bond with an alligator, but I think in some form you can.  He comes every time he sees me, like a dog.  We go fishing together.  I feed the fish and he tries to catch them.  And he'll follow me around the pond, come when I call him, etc.  I taught him some hand gestures and he knows commands like come, no, down.  Problem is, he is stubborn.  LOL.  So, he is like a pet in a sense.  He'll probably leave to mate one day, though.  
